Showing posts with label Lora Langston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lora Langston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lora Langston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lora Langston. Show all posts

Free Online Young Adult Books: Moon Magic Starts Here

Free Online Books for Teens and Tweens: Moon Magic It Begins Here

Teens and Tweens? I'm sharing my young adult novel online for free. If you like magic and suspense this YA Fiction Novel is for you. Each week, chapter by chapter, you'll live Aurora's story as she uncovers the secrets of her birth father, becomes comfortable in her own skin, and gets into a little mayhem along the way.

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.
Scroll down for the intro and prologue or click here for Chapter One.

Get  the final published paperback edition here, Allegedly Mystic, YA Metaphysical Fiction.

Free Online Young Adult Books: Moon Magic Starts Here


Lora's Law #1: Facebook Quotes about Life

Facebook Quote to Share: Lora's Law on Weight

Weight loss. Weight gain. It is a roller coaster. If you are looking for a Facebook quote about life, you've come to the right place! Feel free to share our quotes on your social media pages, but please give us a nod. Here is the first in the series, Lora's Laws. Enjoy!

This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links for your convenience.

Lora's Law #1: Facebook Quotes about Life
Lora's Law #1: You set a goal to lose ten pounds...

Lora's Law Number One:

"You set goal to lose 10 lbs. You confirm weight on scale. You must first lose additional 5 lbs. to reach original goal weight."

Time to get on it! Do you have a goal weight in mind? Isn't it frustrating to see that you gained weight when you prep to lose some? Oh life...


Cranberry Christmas Waffles Recipe: Kitchen Kids

Christmas Waffles Recipe for Kids to Make

If you or your kids want to make an easy Christmas Breakfast for the family or Santa, make some Cranberry Christmas Waffles. These are super easy to make, and you only need a few ingredients. Enjoy!

Cranberry Christmas Waffles Recipe: Kitchen Kids
Cranberry Christmas Waffles Recipe: Kitchen Kids.

You need:

1/2 C. canned jellied Cranberry sauce

1/2 C. Apple sauce
1/4 Walnuts
Frozen Waffles or make your own 

To make:

Mix cranberry sauce, apple sauce, and walnuts.

Toast frozen waffles or cook your own according to recipe.
Spread sauce onto waffles.
Say Yum and Merry Christmas!


More Kid's Recipes

Kid's Cookbook*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Brand Me: Lora Langston aka Adubahwha?

Sunday Food for Thought: BRANDING YOU and me

Hey, if you came here from a search, can you tell me what got you here? This is an old post. I'm not sure what is driving traffic. Brand me. Brand youBranding for BloggersSunday Food for Thought? I used to write those every Sunday and then I decided they were too personal for what the blog has become. So, leave a comment and let me know. Enjoy!

Sunday Food for Thought: BRANDING YOU and me
Sunday Food for Thought: 

I've been reading up on professional blogging through posts sent to my inbox by Problogger. For the most part, I am doing everything wrong. I'm a disaster. For example, did you miss me? I was MIA for about two months. Apparently, I'm not supposed to ask, as it is a sure sign of an unprofessional.

And then, there are the theories on 'to post or not to post', to whichever theory you subscribe (posting every day or every other day or once a week) you should maintain a schedule. 

That is, you shouldn't post sporadically- every day one week, once the next week, none the next, and then a few times a day the next, just because you have something to say, like I do.

I can say, based on my absence and the noticeable drop in stats, okay the DRAMATIC drop in stats, posting at least once a week is important. 

Someone pointed out that posting everyday might annoy my subscribers. Ahem... I would have to have subscribers to annoy them.

Another common mistake the naive, unprofessional blogger makes is not focusing on a particular subject matter. Specialization is best, know your readership, find your niche. 

My niche? 

Mommy Bloggers? Nope. Aspiring authors? Nope. Nutty people? Noooo. People interested in Dramatic Arts? No. Crafters? No. Freelance writers? Humor? Overweight Moms? Nope, nope, and more nope. Maybe a Blogger's Club for Midwestern Mommy Creative Types? Uh that's a big, fat, no. (10 followers) My very own .com just for my rambling mind? Apparently not. (20 followers)

Update: I have found my niche. Education Bloggers. Afterschool, Summer Camp, Teachers, Homeschoolers, and Daycare Workers. Things are going quite nicely now.

Don't use slang, vernacular, incorrect grammar. Don't get excited and post with spelling errors, your reader's will lose respekt for you. (See what I did there?) 

Puffalump! Cheese and rice! Bleep, I ain't got no chance of becoming a professional, branded blogger. Or do I?

UpdateI didn't even realize I was making mistakes back then. I still make mistakes today. Probably for the same reasons.

Content is Key and the Perfect Title is Golden.

Update: Okay, I used to write cute titles all the time. Now, before I even think of content to write I do an SEO search for the BEST keywords to put in my title. Downside, it won't attract my Facebook family and friends to read my blog. Upside, it is evergreen. The gift that keeps on giving. Titles and keywords used this way can take awhile to stick. Sometimes, posts don't get SEO juice for up to two years!! Then, they just take off. That is why, I want to know... what brought you here?

You see, I have found my niche. It's Kid Bloggers, who are mostly moms like me or Early Childhood Teachers looking for new twists on old ideas. I work for them, but I like to mingle with aspiring or published authors too. I love reading posts that flow, engage, and make me laugh or cry. 

I don't want to scare off my niche group with posts about my fatness, laziness, or craziness. Or my my core Christian readers with my liberal take on Christianity. Or my Non-Christian readers with my Jesus talk. Or worse yet, bore everyone with my obsession with ancestry and historical fiction.

So... I tried to split my personality with my various blogs and Facebook pages. Know what I found out? People seem to like me despite my ramblings, outspoken political views, or overall reckless blog behavior. 

Hey, fellow writers: I just learned how to spell reckless. Are you kidding me? All of these years, I thought it was Wreckless. I guess that is my Indiana upbringing... he is such a wreckless driver. Then again, that was dumb. If he was a wreckless driver rather than a reckless driver, he'd probably be a good driver minus the wrecks.


That's what I, Lora Langston, do best and you don't have to hop over to STOP THE PRESSES THIS LEADS ME TO A THOUGHT WITHIN A THOUGHT ( was a nice thing to own until I didn't and then they raised the little renewal price of ten dollars to sixty, meanies) or or or on  Facebook or Lora Langston on even Kids Creative Chaos on Facebook

Nope, because when I wasn't paying attention or even trying I discovered Lora Langston is my brand even if you have to work through my split-personality to find me on Facebook (Lora Langston) or Twitter (@playconnection) or Pinterest/kidschaos:   (we do the scavenger hunt).

I'm gonna continue to ramble, write in my Indiana vernacular, post when I feel like it, and go off topic sometimes 'cuz that is what my subscribers seem to enjoy about me, my unpredictability. I'm a train wreck or is it reck?

My dry sense of humor lends to a few things: Some find me stupid and annoying but can't resist reading... and others aren't quite sure if they should laugh or run. The rest, well, they get me.

Whichever category you fall into, I hope you'll stick around! There are many more ramblings to come and lots of creative, crafty fun for kids.

Subscribe to Lora Langston on Facebook, and Check me out on Twitter and PinterestThis is where my branding is best with over 180,000 followers.

Okay, I won't be mad if you like me here too because this is the brand that didn't go but inspired this post. Kids Creative Chaos on FB (hoping for 500 Likes, for now).

Update: I have over 11,000 Facebook likes as of 12/2015.

Cheers to a happy 'You' Brand too.

Update: I'll pop back in and update this post as things continue to improve. 

Adubahwha? That's what people used to say to me in college, when they had no idea what I just said...


Welcome and About Me

Branding for Bloggers*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

It's Just Me Practicing the Secret - More Musings

More Musings on Life and the Secret

More Musings on Life and the Secret
New year, new me.

My entire life I wanted to be a creative writer.

I wrote many stories for school publications.  I wrote my own extended family newsletter. I wrote skits for my cousins to perform at holidays. I wrote speeches...

As an adult I submitted a few manuscripts for children's books through the snail mail.
The waiting is not my cup of tea.  Did they even get my query?

In 2008, I became a serious aspiring author.

I submitted ideas for non-fiction articles to magazines, ideas for craft books, children's picture books, and even greeting cards.  At least I meant to...  it got dicey trying to remember who I sent what and how long I needed to wait before sending the same idea elsewhere.

Then I wrote a novel.  Is it complete?  Well, it has an ending.  It also has an alternate ending.  I edited it and edited it.  It is such an accurate depiction of historical fiction that it could pass for non-fiction.  So much attention to detail, so many important facts- it's beautiful!

So I emailed it to anyone and everyone in the publishing world.  I actually received several personalized messages in return. (At least  I like to think I did.)


"I love your writing style."
"You have great potential.  Can you write something else?  Here's what I'm looking for..."

Many generic, very nice responses (I won't bore you with the details) were sent to my inbox.

Here are my two favorite responses:

"Sorry, not for us."


Well, I can't go into it here but it is a detailed review with 'In Track Changes' written by an editor/publisher of romance novels.  It is a sweet romance so I sent it off  as a young adult novel.

That was April 2010.

I got busy trying to keep my head above water, keep the lights on, start a new business that didn't work out, and ultimately became a glorified babysitter.  Of course, I thought about my novel all the time.

What I really needed was cash- fast.

While I was waiting to hear back from the editor I contacted an acquaintance in the publishing business.  He is a local historian and the head honcho at a publisher of historical fiction and non-fiction. He was excited to read my book.  He had encouraged me during my life tangent when I decided get my Masters/PHD.

I had not informed the editor that it would be a multiple submission so I had to wait.  As I waited doubt grew inside me. If I intended to market the book as young adult fiction it would need some more editing.

I was sick of it.  I didn't want to edit it one more time!  Besides, it was perfect anyway.

Well, of course, it wasn't perfect.  The editor suggested many cuts.  Basically she wanted to cut out my heart and soul.  Most of the beautiful back-story and every last one of those run-on sentences.  What?

I responded back to her briefly.  I asked if I should just scrap it and start from scratch with another story like a few literary agents suggested.  Feeding on my doubts she said, "Well, parts of it may be difficult to reconcile with the readers. Of course it's up to you but I will be waiting to see your changes."

If you are an aspiring novelist or a published author you know this is huge.

I did not know this was huge.  In my spare time I started writing a young adult novel with a fantasy twist.  I'm still writing it.  It's good.  Tweens and teens will like it if I ever finish it.  It's what the literary agents asked of me.

Recently, I went back and re-read those in track changes - eight months later.  I didn't agree with everything but I started editing anyway.

From an actor's point of view I needed that back-story to tell me how to feel.  I told the reader how to feel. Suddenly I had an amazing a-ha moment.  I had been writing for me.  I was telling - not showing.  Many sentences, though beautifully crafted, were written in an effort to increase word count so I could submit as a novel vs. novella.  Nobody cares about the detailed politics of Andrew Jackson (except maybe me) not even Mr. Historian (he already knows).

I agreed with all of  the 'in track changes'.  I have edited three chapters and discovered that I shamed myself.  It's not terrible but it's clearly not good either.  To think that I had actual interest is AMAZING.

It may be too late for the editor-lady but I am going to resubmit with the requested changes.  It will be sent as a multiple submission to Mr. Historian too.  Is it a sweet romance or educational historical fiction? I can't wait to find out.

In 2011 I am a novelist.

Writing Tips:
1. Write everyday.
2. Edit a zillion times.
3. Patience is a virtue.  Hide it under the bed for six months and then take another look before you submit.

Join my journey