Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts

What She's Wearing Wednesday: Pirate Princess Costume: Searching for Toy Treasure

Mayhem Loves to Engage in Pirate Pretend Play

Homemade DIY Princess Pirate Costume? She's a whiz when you need to know how to make a costume from nothing. She threw on her beloved Pink Cowboy Boots , made a pink eye patch (think pipe-cleaner and foamies), and pulled a pink peasant shirt from the costume trunk. 
DIY Homemade: What She's Wearing Wednesday Pirate Princess Costume
Easy DIY Pirate Princess Costume.
Mommy added a vest and skirt from past years Halloween costumes and hoped to add a Princess crown. The girly crown was quickly vetoed, and we settled for a red bandanna headdress, homemade cardboard sword, pirate flag, and a shovel for treasure digging.

Pirate Princess for Outdoor Play
Pirate Princess for outdoor play.

She searched high and low for the perfect digging spot, collected "golden" leaves for treasure, and then staked her claim by positioning her pirate flag on the big red "X" on her trusty treasure map. 

It was hard work, but she knew it was worth it. You see, her treasure map described the treasure as this Princess Chest for Girls.

The Treasure chest closes up and makes a great carry along for car trips or quick visits to Grandma's house. Mayhem especially likes the animal figures included in the set. Tesco direct offers all kinds of great gift ideas for toys for girls and boys as wells as gifts for the entire family. 

Mayhem is busy digging up many more toys for her wishlist and letter to Santa on the Tesco toy page. We hope you enjoy all of her coming adventures in fun and fashion. In the meantime, dig into your own life, and go create some fun, family memories with an impromptu session of dress up and creative play.

Recommended Reading:

Things to Make at Home

Play Out: How to develop your outside space for learning and play

Simplicity Pattern Pirate Costume

What She's Wearing Mayhem Fashion: Things to do with a Paper Bag: Native American Indian Dress Tutorial

How to Make an Indian Costume from a Paper Bag

Things to do with a paper bag Native American Indian Dress Costume Easy
Paper Bag Indian Costume.

She's wearing a paper grocery bag. We turned it into a Native American Indian Dress, an easy costume for kids.

Hiding somewhere in my garage is a bag with a Pocahontas dress (I hope) or maybe some kid walked away wearing it one day. At any rate, I was short one little Indian costume for our "movie." What's a crazed mom to do? I've made a ton of those Indian Vests and Hula Skirts in after-school programs, so I decided a dress couldn't be too difficult. Right? I guess it depends on  your standards and mine are low.

How to make a Native American Indian Dress Tutorial for Kids Costume
Native American Shirt from Paper bag.

First, take a paper bag- and good luck finding one. Talk about a tangent. Why, in this day of recycling are plastic bags everywhere, but no one has paper any more? Remember when the sacker used to ask paper or plastic? Now it's plastic or bring your own.

Once you've found the bag, turn it inside out and crumple it into a big paper wad. The more crumples the more it looks like leather. Next, unfold it and pop it open on the table, laying it on the side. Now, cut the sides all the way to the bottom of the bag. The center fold of each "arm" makes a perfect sleeve. Cut fringe about 3" at the end of each sleeve.

Native American Costume from Paper Bag.
Native American Indian Dress.

At the bag's opening or the bottom of the shirt, cut out triangles/zigzags for a decorative edge. At the bag's base or the shirt's top, cut out a "u" or "v" for the neck. Decorate the shirt with Native American symbols. When done, insert kid and tape sleeves at wrists.

Paper bag fringe Indian Skirt.
Paper bag fringe Indian Skirt.

For the dress skirt, turn bag inside out, wad and crumple, cut the bottom rectangle out, and cut down one seam. Now, cut fringe like a Hula Skirt. Wrap to fit and tape or staple.

We've also made these by punching holes in the waist and weaving yarn through to form a belt which can be tied for a perfect fit. If you want to get fancy, take another bag and cut the panels and then attach inside the sides of the shirt for full coverage.

  Native American Indian Dress from Paper Bag.
Native American Indian Dress from Paper Bag.

This was good enough for our day of pretend play. Afterward, Mayhem gathered rocks and twigs to make a fire.

Recommended Reading:

Things to do with a Paper Bag

Sacajawea History Lesson

Native American History for Kids: With 21 Activities *

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

What She's Wearing Wednesday: Creative Play Leads to Self-Esteem: Mandy Mayhem 10/03/2012

Creative Imaginative Play and Dress up Leads to Self-Esteem

We attended a practice party for the race pit crew of Rex Norris. It was a special event, so it called for a special attire. Mandy Mayhem styled herself in sparkly, pink slip-ons, black leggings with silver glittery sparkle, a turquoise tee with silver and rhinestone buttons, and her Snow White costume from last year. Enjoy!

Upon, slipping the costume over her clothes she noted it had shrunk. This ability will become very useful later if she goes through a chubby stage. Remember, it is the dryer ~ not you. It always helps with self-esteem if you can blame someone else.

Creative Imaginative Play and Dress up Leads to Self-Esteem
Creative Imaginative Play and Dress up Leads to Self-Esteem.

Her special accessory is a giraffe, perhaps Geoffrey from Toys R Us. She entertained anyone who cared to watch with a puppet show on the deck.

Mayhem is always allowed to dress herself no matter where we go. If the occasion requires specific attire; I give her choices. She is excellent at matching and pretty good at choosing the right outfit.

I never find her clothes embarrassing. I would be embarrassed if they were dirty or too mature for her age because that reflects on me, but fun, self-expression is healthy and makes for great self-esteem. "I can do it!" Allow your child to be themselves- your relationship will appreciate it.

Recommended Reading:

Great Big Book of Children's Games: Over 450 Indoor and Outdoor Games for Kids, Ages 3-14*

Fingerling Potatoes, The Perfect Baked Steak Fries

What are Fingerling Potatoes?

Have you seen Fingerling Potatoes? Wonder what are Fingerling Potatoes? They are so cute! They are little potatoes that look like fingers, of course. What can you do with Fingerling Potatoes? Make the perfect baked Steak Fries. Enjoy!

I bought a bag of little "fingerling" potatoes for $1.00, just because they were cute.
Then I surfed and found a recipe for roasted steakhouse fries.
I found these frozen, steakhouse roasters ~ more than $1.00

Fingerling potatoes are the perfect size for little fingers. The kids helped wash, coat with oil, brush with french-fry seasonings, and bake at 400 degrees for approximately twenty minutes. See, even potatoes can be new and exciting!


Homemade Potato Chips

Panfried Fish and Chips

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

This Earth Day, Grow a Memory: Activity for Preschoolers

Easy Activity to Celebrate Earth Day with Preschoolers

As a little girl, trips to McDonald's were rare. Today, it seems to be a staple in the little's diet. I wonder if they will remember their favorite Happy Meal prizes as I do.

Once upon a time, Mickey D's gave out tiny little peat pots and sunflower seeds; the gift that kept on giving. My Dad and I went home, planted those seeds, and later transplanted them into our backyard gardenFor years, we had a row of giant sunflowers. I even entered them in a 4-H contest. Sweet memories... you can make yourself. Enjoy!

Earth Day Preschool Activity Grow a Daisy
Just add soil, water, sunlight, and love.
This is a great project to pair with our Daisy-Head Mayzie Activities.


Daisy the Donut Fairy*

Rodale's Basic Organic Gardening: A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Healthy Garden*

Earth Day Recipes

Daisy Hat Craft

Join the Kid's Co-op Linky Party

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Make a Fun Paper Hat for Hat Day, a Parade, or Caps for Sale

Paper Birthday Party Hat Ideas for School Hat Day: Caps for Sale

Make your own fun caps for your elementary school hat day, a birthday party activity, or to celebrate with a Saint Patrick's Day Parade. You could even use them as a companion project for the book Caps for Sale. Enjoy!

Make a silly hat for a birthday party or 
a leprechaun wig for a parade from construction paper.

Make a construction paper hat base by following the Daisy Head Mayzie Hat instructions. Then, cut strips of paper, curl the ends around a pencil, and glue or tape to cover the paper hat band with silly hair. Ta da! Now, you've got a fun hat for a parade or school hat day.

Caps for Sale Book
Caps for Sale book.

We adapted this book for a mini-drama camp and had so much fun pretending to be sneaky monkeys! 

Companion printables for Caps for Sale:

 Classroom Printables for Caps for Sale 

Caps for Sale Printables for Pre K from Royal Baloo

Recommended Reading:

Caps for Sale*

How to Make a Chef's Hat

Crazy Saint Patrick's Day Parade Hat 

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Lego Thomas Memories From: A Day Out with Thomas the Tank Engine Train

Thomas the Tank Engine Built from Legos

Thomas the Train in real life! Nothing is more exciting for a Preschool Boy (or girl). The Giant LEGO Thomas the Tank Engine was too cool at the Day Out with Thomas in Connersville.

Wordless Wednesday ~ Blast from the Past ~ 2007

Lego Thomas Memories From: A Day Out with Thomas the Tank Engine Train
Lego Thomas Memories From: A Day Out with Thomas the Tank Engine Train.

Giant Lego Thomas the Train.
Giant Lego Thomas the Train.
The real life Thomas the Train, Tank Engine.
The real life Thomas the Train, Tank Engine.

So happy to meet Thomas and take a ride.
So tired after a fun filled, long, hot day.

Recommended Reading:

Jake's Journey in Art Folk Art Paper Craft

Ideas for a Race Car Theme Birthday Party

LEGO Play Book: Ideas to Bring Your Bricks to Life

Wordless Wednesday ~ No words needed today.

  Diva in Training


Wordless Weds.

Wordless Wednesday: Things to do with Peanuts: Sensory Play

Packing Peanuts are Fun for Sensory Play

Baby Shipment via U.P.S. Baby had so much fun, even though he looks serious. Careful though, playing with packing peanuts makes a fun, sensory experience for babies and toddlers. Make sure you stay close, peanuts are a choking hazard and with this many peanuts baby could sink and get frightened in the pile of peanuts.

 Things to do with Peanuts: Sensory Play
Baby playing in Packing Peanuts.
We never left his side, packing peanuts are a serious choking hazard.
Serious thinking while playing in packing peanuts.
"I feel like I'm inside a peanut avalanche."
Chillin' in Peanuts; now that's a fun thing to do with packing peanuts.
Chillin' in Peanuts; now that's a fun thing to do with packing peanuts.