Holiday Treat Jar Candy Trifle Gifts to Make

5 Gifts in a Jar: Easy Holiday Gifts that Kids can Make.

Make these 5 assorted treats in a jar. The kids can have fun filling jars with yummy holiday treats and passing them out to grandparents as Christmas gifts. No recipes necessary, just layer the different edibles from bottom to top in your jar- just like you would with sand art (our sand art project is edible). Enjoy!

Gifts in a jar how to make a holiday trifle
Popcorn, Whoppers, Pretzels, and Chocolate Chips.
Just add a piece of holiday fabric and raffia ribbon.
This jar is from recycled alfredo sauce.

Gift in a jar ideas to make at home.
Gift in a jar ideas to make at home.

Cupcakes baked in a jar
From Run With Glitter

Gifts in a jar for kids snowglobe
From Rockabye Butterfly.

how to make a snowman in a jar
Snowman in a jar = Grandma gift.


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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.