Sand Art Bottle Craft No Sand Colored Rice

How to Make Sand Art in a Bottle without Sand

We wanted to make sand art in a bottle, but we didn't have any colored sand. Also, we like to make our crafts edible whenever possible so that toddlers and preschoolers can participate without getting sick. Isn't this lovely? Just what does one do with such a beautiful piece of art? We put it in our kitchen window.

Make Sand art with edible colored rice in a bottle.
Colored rice in a bottle in place of sand.

How to make sand art in a bottle with colored rice

To get started you will need:

White Rice, Salt, Baggies, and Food Coloring

How to color rice.
Coloring Rice.
To make sand art with rice:

Place dry rice in a Ziploc bag.
Squeeze in 3-4 drops of food coloring. 
We used NEON colors.
Add some rice and a little salt to brighten the color.
Shake, then use hands to mix any rice that doesn't take color right away.

Purple colored rice.
Knead the rice to mix in the color.
Now you are ready to create beautiful sand-art designs with rice. Grab a funnel and have fun. Want to make an intricate pattern? Use the end of a paint brush to tap rice down. You can make flowers easily. Give it a try and show us your skill in the comment section, "Tell us your two cents" below.

Making rice art with a funnel.

We used Play-doh as a cork. Make a little ball and tap it in with a finger.
Leftover, colored salt crystals.
"Hey, Mommy is food coloring edible?  Wait, I know it is because it says food.  Can I have some?"

"I love salt!  Rice, not so much."

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