Australia Water Park Trip Tips
Summertime is the perfect time to head to the waterpark and enjoy some fun in the sun. With so many different waterparks located all around Australia, there's sure to be one near you that will provide a great day out for the whole family. So, if you're looking for some excitement this summer, be sure to check out one of these amazing Australian waterparks and follow these tips.
Top Water Parks in Australia
There are many different waterparks located all around Australia, and each one offers a unique experience for visitors. Here are some of the best waterparks in the country:
Gumbuya World - Gumbuya world is located in Victoria, just 45 minutes from Melbourne. The park offers an amazing range of attractions including whirlpools, wave pools, lazy rivers and the G-Force Waterslides.
Adventure World - This park is located in Perth and is geared towards families with kids. It features a number of slides, pools, games, and rides.
Wibit Sports Park - This park is located near Sydney and offers a unique experience for visitors. Instead of traditional waterpark features like slides, you get to enjoy inflatable obstacle courses in the open ocean instead. It's perfect for family fun!
Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast - This park is located in Queensland near Brisbane and offers a variety of slides and rides
Tips for visiting a waterpark with kids
Most waterparks are perfect for a fun day out for the whole family, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind when visiting with kids. Here are some tips to help make your day at the park enjoyable for everyone:
Make sure your kids are familiar with the safety rules of the park before you go.
Help them stay safe by ensuring they always listen to the lifeguards and follow their instructions.
Teach your kids how to swim and be aware of their surroundings in the pool.
Bring sunscreen and hats for protection against the sun, and don't forget to apply it regularly.
Pack plenty of water and snacks to keep them hydrated and fueled.
Things not to bring at the park
When you're visiting a waterpark in Australia, be sure to leave the following items at home:
Sunglasses: While sunglasses are a great accessory for the beach, they can actually be quite dangerous when you're swimming or playing in the water. If a lens falls off and ends up in the water, it can become a serious safety hazard.
Jewelry: This includes anything from earrings to necklaces and rings. The last thing you want is to lose your precious jewelry in the water!
Glass: No glass containers are allowed inside the waterpark, so leave your glass bottles or jars at home.
Waterparks are a great way to enjoy the summer with friends and family, but these establishments can be tricky. There are many different types of waterparks in Australia, so it’s important to know which one is best for you before visiting. In this article we covered some of the most popular parks, as well as some tips to help you make your next adventure a better one!
-Guest Post
You can Eat Healthy in College
Basic Nutrition
The basic food groups are something everyone is aware of. This will help you determine the amount and types of food you should consume to stay healthy. Eating healthy can be challenging, however, the consequences of unhealthy eating may be slow to occur but devastating in the long run.
With issues like fatigue, depression, menstrual irregularities, gastrointestinal issues, and low immunity, “you truly become what you eat”.
Most people are familiar with the classical food pyramid, however, in 2014 this was replaced with the plate. This showcased not only the recommended nutritive foods you should consume but also gives an idea about portion size.
However, keep in mind that the portion sizes vary greatly depending on your age, gender, and physical activity. For example, a college athlete will need far more calories compared to a chemistry undergrad spending their days in the lab.
Recommended Daily Intake
Typically, a college student needs about 4-8 servings (3-5 for females) of carbs of which at least half should be whole grains. Protein intake of 45-55g per day is enough whereas curbing your dairy cravings to no more than three cups a day.
Vitamin and fiber-rich fruits and veggies, thankfully have no strict restrictions, but the recommended minimum for 2-3 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruits daily. Always keep various types of brightly colored fruits and veggies in your routine, because all of these are packed with all the correct vitamins. Some of these include but are not limited to broccoli, carrots, spinach, oranges, kiwi, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, etc. (via HealthCanal.)
How Unhealthy Food choices Affects Us
College and caffeine are a tale as old as time. Deadlines, gruesome assignments, early morning lectures, or warm nights surrounded by friends, caffeine is a constant companion. However, constant caffeine intake is linked to insomnia, anxiety, poor concentration, and performance.
Instead, try to sleep at least 7 hours (get off your social media past midnight!). Limit those caffeine cups to 1-2 per day and try to keep those all-nighters, only occasionally in emergencies and spaced apart.
Even though this is akin to beating a dead horse, fats are deadly when eaten excessively, it is a major culprit for cardiac diseases and stroke. Nonetheless, cheat days are allowed and moderate intakes are encouraged.
Whole grains are the better choice when it comes to carbs. Excess sugar is converted to fat leading to weight gain and is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Low-fiber refined sugar doesn’t trigger insulin which stores away the excess sugar, the pancreas is unable to deal with the sugar rush, hence you crave sugars only hours after that delicious pasta.
Salt and preservatives, rich processed meats, canned food, and packed meals are at risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and some cancers.
Dining Hall Tips to
Planning is the best way to avoid giving in to your sugary urges. Browse through the dining halls menu online and decide your breakfast before going to bed, so you don’t buy meals with your craving eyes. Some college dining halls provide calorie counts for their meals.
Keep an apple or some granola bars to your snack on your midday cravings and avoid the vending machine. Many healthy lifestyle snack options, like nut butter, crunchy seaweed snacks, and protein bars.
Try to keep a protein source on your plate as well as a fresh item. Salads are a great option and mind you, there is way more to salads than just lettuce. Choose grilled instead of fried chicken. Replenish your plate with veggies and choose brown rice over white rice.
Desserts can be fruit instead of sweetened yogurt. Replace your sodas with freshly pressed juices and water. Try different items on the menu regularly instead of sticking to a single item. Avoid lingering in the dining hall for long, don’t use the hall for group studying and projects. This will distract you and tempt you to eat more than you need.
There are many ways to make small changes to your diet which will make a world of difference only if you put your mind to it.
Dorm Room Cooking
Many dorms may not have adequate facilities for cooking meals regularly. In such cases, stock up your pantry with items like fruits, dried fruits, bagged salad greens, can tuna, whole grains (oats), yogurt, and popcorn.
However, there are many ways to whip up easy meals for college students on the budget and drowning in deadlines. From baked salmon to chicken avocado, many easy weeknight dinners are great and take little time to make.
Microwave Meal
Microwave meals can also be healthy and quick to make. Scrambled eggs, lean cuisine, potatoes, can soup, single-serve quinoa, or brown rice cups can make simple, quick, and delicious meals. Top with seasoning and wash down with some freshly blended smoothies to keep you full for the day.
Eating Well on a Budget
Money is always tight for college students. The stress of college work can be so overwhelming that budgeting meals while keeping them healthy is the last thing on your mind. To help you here are some tricks to save your money and your health:
Make a shopping list for each meal during weekends and only stick to that.
Avoid buying expensive snacks like chocolates, chips, and packaged frozen meals too often.
Shop for fresh produce and meats on sale. Not expired.
Buy one or two expensive items like dressings and spices one at a time during each shopping trip to stock up.
Always keep cheese and salads, greens on hand to whip up a quick salad with any leftover meat or fish.
Stock your pantry with items that have long shelf lives to keep eating healthy.
Establish an Eating Habit
Two to three solid meals are a must, daily. Eat while you are slightly hungry and at specified times if possible with small intervals between snacks and meals.
You are likely to eat more while starving, but frequent small meals will keep you full and functioning. Even if you can’t sit to eat because of classes or sleep, keep a snack to munch on the go.
Portion Control
Easier said than done. We all know that all college students are perpetually hungry. However, try to eat slowly and wait 10-15 minutes before the next round. Drink plenty of water and eat on a small plate these are just some tips that can help you understand and implement portion control into a healthy diet plan.
Furthermore, keep in mind that you can always have seconds later, so don’t pile your plate with everything in the dining hall or give in to that discount buffet.
A balanced meal of carbs, lean proteins, and heart-healthy fats with a rainbow of fruits and veggies is ideal. Try to incorporate this as much as you can, at least daily if not every meal.
Smart Foods for Quick Nutrition
Adding a healthy item or two to your meal will not only improve the nutritive quality of your meal but also elevate its taste. Here are some smart foods to add to your meals or to snack on throughout the day.
Dark Chocolate
Dark green vegetables
These tasty items also happen to be brain foods. So fuel your brain and get your gears working for that organic chemistry assignment.
Eat breakfast, even if you wake up at lunchtime
Running late for classes or oversleeping, we have all been there. Nevertheless, skipping breakfast for that isn’t the answer. Numerous studies have reiterated the importance of a healthy breakfast on classroom performance.
On-the-go breakfasts like single-serve oatmeals, greek yogurt, hummus, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, and fruits are highly packed with nutrients.
Make sure you take exercise 101
Yes, we have all heard this advice and we hate it. But this advice is repeatedly drilled into people’s minds for a reason: it works. Incorporate exercise into your routine, like your classes you shouldn’t miss.
Set up a workout corner in your room, walk to class, join a gym or join the college sports team or local fitness centers, the options are endless once you put your mind into it. Improved mood, sleep, and good memory will help you gain better results.
Limit alcohol intake
The one beverage with absolutely no nutritional benefits and is detrimental to your health is alcohol. The occasional light drink during parties is acceptable but indulgence is a recipe for disaster.
Loss weight sensibly
Starvation is never the answer to losing weight. You run the risk of developing eating disorders with fad diets and diet pills. Studies found no link between certain food combinations with weight loss. Instead balanced meals with exercise are the surest way to maintain a healthy weight. Remember health is not measured by the models and celebrities on social media and magazines.
Enjoy your pizza with half the cheese, baked potato, a regular size roast beef sandwich, or green salad. Forego the tasty trio: French fries, fried chicken, and fish sandwiches which are loaded with fat. This way you can enjoy fried food guilt-free.
The best advice for healthy eating is to take things easy. Keep your bones healthy with calcium-rich foods, stay hydrated and please try to sleep. All of these steps work in tandem to keep your mind and body healthy. Enjoy weekends thoroughly.
Gauge how your body reacts to different foods and adjust accordingly. Armed with the correct knowledge, tackle your next semester with a healthy body, sharp mind, and less stress. Remember, you can consistently score high as long as you are healthy.
CLEP Exam List for Homeschoolers
Visiting Sheffield With Your Kids
Thinking of traveling outside the United States? If you're looking for places to visit in the UK with family, Sheffield is a great option. In Sheffield, there are numerous indoor and outdoor activities for children and families. We've highlighted a few to help you plan your visit to Sheffield.
Kids of all ages are offered a wide range of fun activities and hands-on learning experiences at Sheffield's museums. At places like Kelham Island Museum, families can learn about the city's history via interactive displays. If you head a little out of town, you can also find animals, birds, reptiles, and insects from around the world. Families will enjoy an excursion to Sheffeld.
Cafes offering snacks and sandwiches at city parks and gardens and in most museums are family-friendly. Except for some, not all restaurants and bars in the city are family-friendly. Seen below, children will enjoy a trip to Our Cow Molly, Dairy Desserts.
Many people are choosing Sheffield as an excellent place to raise children and settle down. Many foreigners to the UK also prefer Sheffield to settle down. If this sounds like something you may want to do in the future, you should contact immigration lawyers in Sheffield and get started on the immigration paperwork and application process. The UK is very welcoming to highly skilled professionals and families.
Fun Facts about Sheffield:
Sandygate Stadium is the world's oldest football ground in Sheffield. Sheffield Hallam FC owns the land.
Sheffield is said to be the greenest city in Europe because of the numerous parks and greenspaces in the Sheffield.
Every year, the World Snooker Championships take place at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield.
Sheffield United's stadium located at Bramall Lane was actually a cricket ground.
Helen Sharman (a Chemist from Sheffield) was the first British astronaut sent into space.
As you can see, Sheffield has a rich history and plenty of green spaces where you can find many activities and places to explore with your kids.
The Rivelin River
The Rivelin River is historic and has an excellent pathway to take a walk with your child. You can follow a trail that leads to old mills. There is a water park near the café to have some fun. Herons and other wildlife can be sighted here.
The Botanical Gardens
The Sheffield Botanical Gardens are very well-manicured green parks. The 19-acre Sheffield Botanical Gardens are home to more than 5,000 different species of plants. It's easy to roam around with your children and babies as the paths are made of tarmac, making it easy to operate a pram. Admission to the Botanical gardens is free, and you can also relax at the café once you're tired. The best times to visit are spring and summer when the flowers are in full bloom.
The Winter Gardens
Winter Gardens is a tropical oasis situated in Sheffield city centre. This Garden is amongst the largest temperate greenhouse in the country and is home to nearly 2,500 plant species. You can enjoy nature while your kids can safely walk the paths around the tropical trees.
Weston Park Museum
Weston Park Museum can teach you about culture and history. Founded in 1875, the main collections in this museum are free, and the displays are spectacular. There is a gallery that displays facts about Ancient Egypt. The Weston Park Museum is also known for being the home to Sheffield's social and natural history and archaeology.
Some of the notable highlights in this museum are the Bronze Age armor and art. Apart from this, you can also visit exhibits from other more prominent museums in the area. The museum has many guided tours to help your family understand the historical importance.
Weston Park
Weston Park is in the vicinity of Weston Park Museum. You can relax while your kid runs around in the park. It is a perfect place to have a post museum picnic.
Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife & Falconry Centre
The Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife & Falconry Centre houses a vast array of free-flying birds of prey, owls, reptiles, parrots, meerkats, farm animals, lemurs, and more. While the name does signify butterflies, you can also see the incredible falconry. Animal lovers can learn about otters (from the keepers), feed farm animals, pet a few lemurs, see the meerkats, and photograph as many butterflies as you want.
National Emergency Services Museum
Sheffield is home to the National Emergency Service Museum – the largest of its kind in the world. There are more than 50 vintage vehicles – police cars, fire engines, and ambulances with uniforms and gear and equipment for different eras. Families with kids can also avail the kids' fire engine rides (included in the ticket admission). If you're in the mood for a treat, you can also rent some of the vintage vehicles and take a tour of the city.
Vacation Tips from The Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos
Gift Ideas to Stay Fit and Healthy
Here I am again, out of shape. This time, I'm not alone. Covid isolation wasn't kind to many of us. So, once again, I have to get fit. The last time, I really thought I'd kicked it, I had maintained my weight loss and healthy habits for over five years. Sigh. Life is a constant battle. I thought you might want to join me on the journey this time. Are you ready to get fit with these fitness gift ideas? It's okay to buy them for yourself! We all deserve pampering after the past year and a half.
This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links for your convenience.
It's July 2021 and I'm kicking off my fitness routine- Again. You can follow along on Instagram. Step one, buy cool fitness products to keep motivated!
Fitness Gift Ideas List:
- I've had these Jenn Ardor walking shoes for over two years now. They are lightweight, sturdy, comfortable, breathable mesh. This makes them perfect for hot summer days.
- It's not Lemonade, it's Nakedade. Can you get fit and feel good about yourself naked? I sure hope so! I tried the Nakedade Electrolytes Powder Packets in Fruit Punch flavor. It smells delicious!
What I like about it: The sweetener is derived from beet juice. Beets are rumored to lower blood pressure. No idea if that works with this powder, but you can read about it, beet benefits.
Nakedade starts with Palatinose™ (isomaltulose), a low-glycemic smart carb derived from sugar beets. We isolate the sucrose from sugar beets, and remove any potentially harmful fructose and glucose. Palatinose™ improves fat oxidation and provides a steady supply of energy to increase exercise endurance.* 285 mg of potassium in Nakedade helps you stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes lost through sweat.
My thoughts:
- I wish I'd tried Blueberry Lemonade too. It sounds so good. Next time!
- I had to use scissors to open the packet, maybe I'm just a weakling?
- Play fair. Don't drink this after you've had hardcore sweetener like regular juice or soda. Cleanse your palette with water first.
- Don't drink it warm. Pop it in a cooler or the freezer for a special treat after a work out.
- It's a great alternative to those other electrolyte drinks with sugar and artificial sweeteners.
- It's good, especially if you aren't a sugar addict. If so, it may take some getting used to.
How can you stop consuming sugar? Try these tips.
As always, remember, you can do it!
- I don't know if this falls in the category of fitness gift ideas, but a really good way to help rid your body of sugar loving yeast is to take a daily probiotic. This affordable probiotic from Amazon works well, but it gave me some unpleasant side effects when I used it daily.
Everyone seems to react differently to different strains. There are many types of probiotics so try a few options before you give up on them. My favorite is the Align generic from Target. My Gastroenterologist actually recommended Align. The Target knock-off is much less expensive and works just as well for me.
Tip: If I take too much of it without eating properly I get shaky and emotional. You're supposed to take probioitcs with a full glass of water. Start slowly with one probiotic a day or even every other day. As you begin to succeed with Candida die off you can get Herxheimer syndrome. A Herkheimer reaction can make you feel tired and cranky. Once you work past the yeast die off, life on the other side of too much yeast and sugar over indulgence is so much better. Just remember Stevia can be your best friend. Learn more about the downside of probiotics.
What I like about it: It keeps thing moving.
- Stevia is a great replacement for sugar. Like the Nakedade above, replacement sweetener can take some getting used to. There are several Stevia based drinks and Gift Packs available.
What I like about it: Stevia comes from a plant that you can grow yourself!
- Joy Lab work out clothing for women is comfortable and affordable. At Target, I found navy and peach leggings, tanks, and sports bras.
- My favorite get fit fitness gift idea is this Weight Gurus Scale from Target.
More on my weight loss journey
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