Fun Friday - Ask Amanda advice out of the mouths of babes.

My Musings on Life, "Ask Amanda" Kid Advice

Amanda is always full of fun musings on life. This is her column for kid advice.

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Ask Amanda funny things kids say and advice from Mandy Mayhem.
Mandy Mayhem has lots of advice. Just ask Amanda.

Amanda always takes her seat-belt off while I'm stopped on the street waiting to pick up the after-school kids. One of the elementary schools is no big deal, the other one is a busy city street. Policemen and Crossing Guards direct cars there.

Amanda: "What?  That policeman saw me, and I didn't get arrested."

Mommy:  "What if we have an accident?"

Amanda:  "We're stopped."

Mommy:  "Well, if a car doesn't see us stopped on the street and runs into the back of us, you'll go flying thru the window. You could get whiplash or even die! What would I do with your Christmas presents if you died?"

Amanda: "Put them on my carving stone at the cemetery."

Mommy:  Speechless.

You know how people live on golf courses? We live like that on a cemetery garden. In the Spring, Hispanics gather to remember a slain country singer who escaped to America to flee would-be murderers.

I don't know the particulars, but they found him and then murdered him in a small town near our house. His gravestone is over 6' tall and nestled behind the trees in our backyard. They bring him gifts, play music, and even have picnics.

I can only assume that is how she formed this silly hypothesis.


Ask Amanda: Mommy, You Look Beautiful