How to Make a Valentine Classroom Paper Craft from Heart Doilies

Heart Paper Crafts for Kids to make for Valentine's Day

This little pouch or Valentine Treat Basket is super easy to make Valentine's Classroom Paper Craft and works fine motor skills for kids ages 3 - 7 yrs. Younger kids may require a little help, but they can do it too. Enjoy!

Heart Paper Crafts for Kids to make for Valentine's Day
Doily Heart Pouch for Valentine's Candy.

Get to the Dollar Store and buy a pack of heart doilies for these Valentine Classroom Crafts. For the pouch above, we used two doilies for each side to give it a little more strength. 

Lay the heart doilies on top of one another, cut gift wrapping ribbon about 15" (for small doily), and begin weaving in and out of the outermost layer of holes to stitch doilies together. At the top of the heart, leave an opening at the "v" tying off the ribbon. Fill your heart pouch with candies for a classroom valentine or make a special gift for teacher.  
weaving craft for kids fine motor skills
Sew a doily pouch for teacher Valentine gift.

Toddlers and younger preschoolers, can glue the outer edges of the paper hearts together to make a pouch or use it as a Valentine Mobile to hang from the ceiling.

Decorate heart doilies to make a classroom mobile.

Recommended Reading:

Make a Heart Shaped Pretzel

Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse! By Laura Numeroff*

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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.