Things to do for Fall Fun at Conner Prairie

My Favorite Thing to do for Fall Fun and Halloween

You know I love Halloween and Fall, but did you know I was once the Headless Horseman at Conner Prairie? Well, not just once. Many times, I raced down the path in the obtrusive costume barely able to ride a horse. Thank goodness good, ole Blaze and Jess knew the drill.  I sure miss those lovable guys.

Read my article at for some fun activities at Conner Prairie. It is worth the drive!

Blaze and Elvira- an awesome team.

If anyone out there has a photo of Blaze and Elvira or Claude and Jess ~ I'd love to share it :-)

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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.