Easter Theme Art Projects and Crafts for Kids
While searching the net for things to do with egg cartons and eggs for a kids Easter theme roundup, I came across the most amazing crafty blogger. I was astonished to see she only had 14 GFC followers. Say whaaat? Well, we'll fix that.Egg Shell Chalk from Pink Stripey Socks. |
So, rather than doing a round up, I decided to start a new series where I feature amazing bloggers who aren't getting the exposure and blog love they deserve. Pink Stripey Socks hasn't monetized yet. She hasn't got links for a Facebook page or Pinterest, but with some searching I tracked down her Pinterest Boards. She does have a "subscribe to posts" at the bottom of each one and you should. Her ideas are not only creative; they are inspired recycling! I wanted to pin each one.
Spring Flower Wreath made from Egg Cartons from Pink Stripey Socks. |
So, who is the wo-man behind the blog? Leslie describes her crafting as crapty adventures. I love that! Like many of us, her secret dream is to be a children's book author. She hangs her magic glue stick in New Jersey. Leslie, 11 Pinterest Followers today... 1000 tomorrow. This is your calling :)
Here are some of the great ideas Pink Stripey Socks shares for things to do with eggs/cartons.
Eggshell doll craft from Pink Stripey Socks. Click image to see how to make blown eggs. |
Recommended Reading:
Egg Story for Kids
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