Do you have a Special Rug for Circle Time or Group Gatherings?
What are the best rugs for circle time? The best rugs for group time on the floor aren't always the best bargains. If you are looking for ideas for rugs for Circle Time, we've got you covered. Check out these fun circle time rugs available on Amazon. Enjoy!
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Colorful carpet squares are always a good bet. If you are lucky, you can get discontinued samples from a carpet store or Menard's. Often Menard's sells carpet squares individually. Another frugal idea is to buy peel and stick carpet squares. They are durable. Just don't peel and stick!
Think outside the circle. Your circle time rug doesn't have to be in the shape of a circle! Those are so expensive. Purchase four smaller rectangle rugs and place them in a square. You'll have four individual groups for dismissing for lunch, recess, or time to go home. Most quiet square group goes first!
If you really want to save money, make your own braided rug for circle time! You can make it as big as you want! The best part is, you can have the kids participate by bringing in fabric scraps or old t-shirts. You can also make these out of plastic shopping bags!
Since we already thought outside of the circle, let's think outside of the box. Wait for it... Here's a novel idea, your circle time rugs don't have to be rugs! Colorful round place-mats are way cheaper than rugs or carpet squares.
Foam mats work too. Just keep them stacked up in the corner and have the kids take one when it is time to gather in a group for circle time.
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