8 Fall Play Ideas
As the weather cools and we move toward winter, it is tempting to stay inside on the warm, comfy couch. It is important to stay active in the cooler months. Sure, you can go to an indoor facility like a bounce park, bowling alley, or indoor swimming, but fresh air and sunshine are just as important in autumn and winter months. There are plenty of ways to play outdoors. We're sharing a few ways that we get out and play with these 8 Autumn Outdoor Play Ideas for families. Enjoy!
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Visit a Park and Act Like a Tourist
Parks offer lots of options in all seasons. In the fall, parks are great places to hike, collect leaves, find pine-cones, and breathe in the fresh air. Many parks have safe bike trails for all ages. Walk around a think like a tourist. You appreciate the scenery so much more when you are just passing through.
Our local park has a river with a sandy beach. Sand castles aren't just for warm weather! The kids started building a sand castle, buried each other in the sand, and then decided to see if they could dig down to the water level. They had tons of fun and took their shoes off to feel the sand between their toes.
Design a Leaf Maze
Fly Something
Of course you can fly a kite, but these days there are other options! We flew an inflatable hover craft which works much like a traditional flying disc, but is so much more fun- especially for younger kids who have trouble throwing a Frisbee.
We also decided to try out the drone that Santa brought last Christmas. It was super fun... until it wasn't. It was a little too windy and the drone took it upon itself to fly away. We never found it- but, boy oh boy, did we get lots of exercise looking for it!
Play Disc Golf
We've got a fun post that includes directions on how to play disc golf. Try it with a giant hover disc for even more fun!
Take a Color Walk
No Time for Flash Cards has a cool idea for a fall color walk. Hop over for the details.
Invent a Scavenger Hunt
Find some of your favorite indoor play things and design and outdoor scavenger hunt, like this Easter Egg PE game.
Bundle Up and Play Fetch
Your pet needs exercise too! Don't just pop him out the door with a 'see ya wouldn't want to be ya'- get outside and play with him. Your heart will thank you.
Run a Corn Maze
In the states, corn mazes are an October tradition at orchards, but you can also find state parks that do similar mazes in the tall grasses. McCloud Nature Park in Hendricks County, Indiana offers a prairie maze.
In the states, corn mazes are an October tradition at orchards, but you can also find state parks that do similar mazes in the tall grasses. McCloud Nature Park in Hendricks County, Indiana offers a prairie maze.
Whatever you choose, be sure to dress in layers. When you aren't moving it feels cold. Get moving to stay warm and have fun! For more fun play ideas, follow us on Pinterest.
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