Inspiring Kid Entrepreneurs
Deciding what you are going to do with your life is a daunting task for anyone, formally educated or not. Some homeschoolers are apprehensive about their future. Will they attend college, technical school, apprentice, or jump right into the world of business? Of course, any and all of those are great options. But, imagine if you started a business before you graduated. Imagine if you could use the profits from your business to fund your future endeavors. As entrepreneurs, we're always looking for inspiring business stories for kids. The most important tip is to follow your passion.
If you ever watch Shark Tank, you've probably seen the flops and the successes. The most inspiring business stories are always the ones that start with a kid with an idea and a family who rallies behind them with support. After all, a successful entrepreneurship relies upon a team that believes in the project. Mark Cuban offers tips on how to help children with an idea for a business start up.
Inspiring Business Stories for Kids
Most kid entrepreneurs start with a lemonade stand and then move onto something else. Jack Bonneau did that, but expanded on the idea. He operates lemonade stands at farmers' markets and malls. You can get in on the action by starting your own Jack's Stand.Origami Owl is a direct selling business founded by 14 year old, Bella Weems, with the support of her mother, Chrissy Weems. This is truly an inspiring business story, because as a dba jewelry company, you can earn extra money by becoming a designer (sales associate) or earn products by hosting your own show.
Leanna Archer wanted to share her grandma's recipe for all natural products. She started making the products and giving them away to friends and family. Now, Leanna's Essentials are sold worldwide.
Have these kid business stories inspired you? If you need more inspiration, check out these 50 inspiring business ideas for kids.
Now, that you've been inspired by these business stories, create a plan of action. Whether, you want to use it as a homeschool lesson or as the beginning for your inspired business plan, brainstorming and writing out a plan is a great way to get started. If you aren't' quite ready to write out a business plan, start with a list of things you know how to do best or things you absolutely love (your passion.)
The best small businesses start with something that is unique to you. You may not even see it as something special because it is part of your everyday activities, but to someone else with a different life experience and skill set, your hand knitted daisies, handmade fleece afghans, or grandma's applesauce, could be just the thing they need to enrich their lives.
Here at Kids Creative Chaos, we love birds, birds of all kinds and all sizes. Our entrepreneur list includes lots of ideas for things to do with birds. We started out raising chickens and giving away the eggs. Think about the possibilities! We can sell eggs, raise hatchlings to sell, sell egg based products... the possibilities are endless.
What will you do?
Homeschool Projects
Camp Muddy Socks