Showing posts with label homeschooling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschooling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschooling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschooling. Show all posts

Math for Homeschoolers Online

Homeschool Math Classes Online

If you're looking for math for homeschoolers online, you'll want to check out Make Math More Fun by Shenek Altson. She teaches homeschool math classes online. Check out her guest post to make math more fun by playing simple math games. Enjoy!

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Make Math More Fun by Playing Simple Math Games

Keep It Simple Mommy

As a homeschool mom, if I don’t get anything else done in a day, I like to get some type of reading and math done, because I know those two subjects form the foundation of so many other things.  For me, I’ve seen just how beneficial being good in math is, particularly as a homeschooling mom who sometimes needs to help out financially.  There’s always someone who needs a math tutor! But many times our kids don’t see the benefit of being a Math Ninja, and they need a lot of convincing that this subject is worth spending tons of time on.  So, what can we do to help them learn a subject that has gotten a bad wrap for being boring and tough at the same time? Play simple math games with your kids. Make math fun through games! And you don’t have to come up with these complex, mind blowing games.  You’ll be amazed at how much fun you can have with your kids playing simple games.

I find that one of the best ways to make math more fun is by using games.  It’s amazing that our young children love spending time with us.  I’ve heard that one day this may change, but for right now, one of the number one things my kids like to do, is to spend time with me.  And they really enjoy it when we are able to play a fun game together during this time.  A huge tip though is to keep things simple.  As a homeschooling mommy who has other subjects to cover, lunch to fix, dinner to start prepping, errands to run, bills to send off, appointments to make, you already have a lot of things on your plate.  So having simple go-to games that you can play with your kids on a regular basis, can help you to make math more fun while not having to re-invent the wheel (because no one has time for that.)

Math for Homeschoolers Online

How to Play Simple Math Coloring Game

I made up a simple Math coloring game that uses dice.  My kids are not the type of kids who generally like to color, but they enjoyed playing this fast paced game.  What I did was take two coloring pages, and numbered different portions of the pages with the numbers 1 thru 6.  Then each child was given a die.  They were given the instructions of rolling their dice, and whatever number came up, they were to color one section of their picture with that number.  The first child to finish coloring his or her entire picture would be the winner.  Boy, oh, boy, my “non-coloring children” became coloring machines.  They were throwing those dice and coloring up a storm trying to be the first person finished.  We used large dice that I purchased at a dollar store.  The next time, to add more learning to the activity, I am going to give each child two dice, and then have them sum the numbers on their dice.  Then they’ll color the number on their page that is the sum of the dice.

So step 1 is to take any random coloring page, and number it from 1 thru 6 in the different sections of the picture.  If you are going to have them work with sums, number the sections 2 thru 12.   For each child, make sure that you number the same number of sections on each child’s coloring page to make the game as fair as possible.  It’s not necessary to use the same picture for each child.  Just make sure you have numbered the same number of sections on each child’s coloring page.  So for example, pick 15 different sections to number in each child’s picture.  Below is an example of me numbering a coloring page.

Simple Math Games

Then give each child a die.  If you were going to be letting them figure out sums, give each child 2 dice, so that they can roll up to a sum of 12.  Then let the race begin.  Each time they roll the die, they color one section that has that number in it.  My two children who played did not use the same coloring pages, but again, I numbered the same number of sections in each of their pictures.

Homeschool Math Classes Online: Simple Math Games

So, there you go.  A pretty simple way to have your kids practice number recognition or addition.  My kids had fun racing to see who was going to be the first one finished. My son ended up winning this simple math game!

About Shenek Alston
Now, let me tell you a little about me.  I’m a homeschooling mom to three kids ages 9, 5 and 2, and I have a PhD in Statistics.  Before I met my husband, I planned to be a College Professor. Now I’m a homeschooling mom who blogs about ways to make math more fun.  I also teach math for homeschoolers online. In my FREE ONLINE LIVE MATH lessons, I help kids with topics such a fractions, decimals, percents, and integers.  If you are interested in learning more about these lessons please visit Make Math More Fun and have a great time making math more fun with your kids!


First Grade Math Game with Dice

Money Counting Games

Homeschool Math Lessons Online

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Math for Homeschoolers Online

Homeschool Curriculum Resources

Supplemental Resources for Educators

Thanks to Oriental Trading for these curriculum resources.

Whether you're a homeschool parent or a classroom teacher, these curriculum resources from Oriental Trading are a great way to supplement learning. From the hundreds of items in the Oriental Trading catalog, we chose these items to supplement our homeschool curriculum. If you're looking for supplemental homeschool curriculum resources, be sure to check them out.

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Homeschool Curriculum Resources
Airbrush Marker Set, Money and Time Flashcards, Fraction Spinners, Ruler Tape, and World Map.

Last year, both kids attended Indiana Connections Academy online. We started our homeschool journey with them and after a few years of homeschooling on our own, decided to enroll again. It allowed both kids to take assessment tests. We discovered they both had jumped another grade level. However, Mayhem had some math learning disabilities and special needs.

Supplemental Resources for Educators

Homeschool Curriculum Resources 

Connections Academy was great about testing her and getting her the help she needed, but this year we decided it would be better to once again go it on our own. This way, we can better address her mathematics learning gaps.

So, Jake will attend INCA as a 9th grader... Did you get that? He's officially in high school this year. Yikes! Mayhem is officially a 7th grader. By age, they should be in 5th and 7th. Which makes me skeptical about that assessed math disability.

There's certainly an issue, but she works very well at 4th & 5th grade level math. Her language arts assessment was college level and science and social studies were all above grade level, which is why they placed her in the 6th grade last year.

Homeschooling on our own allows us to tailor the curriculum to her specific grade level needs. We are using MobyMax to help with that. MobyMax finds and corrects learning gaps.

math game for multiplication and division
Tri-Facta math game for multiplication and division memory.

We ordered this educational math game, Tri-Facta, from OT. It's sort of like Scrabble for numbers. Even though Jake is a math whiz, he enjoyed the game.

It's a nice alternative to flashcards. We also got Time and Money flashcards, cool ruler tape, and fraction spinners. Everything You Need to Ace Math in one Big Fat Notebook is an awesome math book for reluctant mathematicians. It's written in note taking form and explains math concepts in a fun, easy to understand manner. Click here to find the resources at Oriental Trading.

If your kids like to color, this World Chart map (pictured below) is a great supplemental activity for geography and social studies. It comes with a booklet of facts. The idea is to find the fact's map location and then color it. We also got an airbrush set for future art lessons.

Social Studies Lesson: Color Chart the World Map.

Social Studies Resource from MindWare, Color Chart Map.

Just for fun, Teacher a.k.a. Mom, drug the kiddos out of bed for a 'I just woke up' shot to share on social media. Everyone always shares their back to school first day of school pictures and we didn't want to be left out.

For us, the first day of school means getting up a little earlier- okay, a lot earlier, but not as early as a traditional school day. No new haircuts, no new backpacks, no new shoes, no new school clothes. Just old pajamas. Well, really, old comfy clothes for sleeping. No matching necessary. We'll get dressed if we run out of food and need to make a trip to the grocery store. A trip to a fast food restaurant doesn't require getting dressed...

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Homeschool Lessons from Kids Creative Chaos

Indiana Field Trip Ideas

Homeschool Curriculum Resources on Amazon

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Math App for Kindergarten: Zap Zap Math

Fun Learning Game App for Math

This post was sponsored by Zap Zap Math, but all opinions are our own.

Zap Zap Math app for kids in K-6 has a new app just for kindergarten. As homeschoolers, we're always looking for new ways to learn mathematics. The kids always have a tablet, phone, or laptop at their fingertips. And, they are always playing a game. Zap Zap math combines math with fun learning games. The math games are easy to play, full of repetition, and a great way to supplement in the classroom or use for students who need some extra practice. Enjoy!

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We've been using Zap Zap Math with Mayhem who struggles with math principles. She hates math, but she's actually pretty good at it. She doesn't want to practice or get started. "I already know how to do it." Well, sort of, Mayhem. But math isn't something you learn with one lesson and then move on to something new. Practice makes perfect. So, an educational, fun math app is the perfect solution!

The younger they start, the more fun they have with apps. This little one is addicted to smartphone apps! So, she loves Zap Zap Math for Kindergarten.

Zap Zap Math has been around for awhile. You can get the K-6 math app for free. The latest math game app for kindergartners is only $2.99. This is a fun way to introduce younger children to math concepts. The intergalactic math games are fun to play and full of repetition.

The first time you sign in to Zap Zap Math for Kindergarten, you'll probably have to walk your child through it. The instructions for playing aren't clear and although there is some text that pops up to explain how to play- well, if you can't read, you probably won't be able to play the first game. The next level has a mini tutorial - so kids should be able to figure it out on their own.

As math game play continues, you work to reach new levels. Once you master the concept, reaching new math levels is rather rapid. So, it doesn't get boring like some other math apps for kids.

Our take: The Zap Zap Math app for kindergarten is fast-paced and fun for everyone. With a little help from an adult, preschoolers will enjoy this math app it too!


Tens and Ones Games for Early Elementary

Online Multiplication Games

Tactile Math Games

Fun Learning Game App for Math homeschool classroom resource

Best Musical Instruments for Children

Hitting the Right Note: Online Music Lessons and Instruments

So, your child wants to play an instrument? Great! The benefits of playing a musical instrument are endless- playing a musical  instrument increases memory capacity, concentration levels and coordination, teaches perseverance and discipline, promotes social skills and the ability to listen, nurtures self-expression, and relieves stress. The pros outweigh the cons, now all you need to do is choose a musical instrument, find a music teacher and take some music lessons. Simple. We've got it all sorted out for you, including some of the best online music lessons for children. Enjoy!

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Best Musical Instruments for Children

France Country Study with Worksheets

French Lessons and Worksheets for Homeschool or Classroom

If you homeschool like we do, you're probably teaching several grade levels at once. For this France Country Study Lesson, we've found worksheets and activities that work for toddlers to tweens to teens. Scroll down for Videos on the French Revolution, French Word Search Printables, Famous Artists, Art Projects, and Games they play in France. School teachers, you'll find fun classroom activities and worksheets that work in a classroom setting too. Enjoy!

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France Country Study with Worksheets.
France Country Study with Worksheets.

Learn to speak French for Free with the Duo Lingo App or these French Language lessons.

This French Flag bookmark craft project from, Start at 5, works for preschoolers to high school.

For Elementary and Middle School, Make a Passport like this one from De Su Mama.

Make a passport printable worksheet.
Printable Passport Activity from De Su Mama.

Make an Eiffel Tower with bits of colored straws like this one from Cutting Tiny Bites. While this craft activity is fun for elementary, it also aides preschoolers in fine motor skills.

Eiffel Tower Kids' Activity.
Eiffel Tower Kids' Activity.

French History Lesson

The French Revolution

The French Revolution on BrainPop. (Must have password.)

Online Educational Game: French Revolution Time Zone X Game

French Revolution Worksheet for Middle School and High School.

Choose a Famous French Scientist and write a Biography.

Games from France

Hopscotch: This game is played outdoors on a flat, paved surface, but you can paint an old sheet or use cardboard squares to play indoors. You can also purchase a hopscotch board for indoor or outdoor play. Each player needs a small item to toss onto the hopscotch squares. Rocks or quarters work well. Not sure how to play? Get the rules to hopscotch.

Petanque: How to Play Petanque

La Semaine or "The Week"  is  played with 1 or more children with chalk and a pebble (pennies work too). Use the chalk to  draw seven squares in a row. Label each square with a day of the week.

Now, a player throws their pebble into the Monday box. If they miss, it is the next player's turn. If they hit it, they must jump on one foot to get to the stone, pick it up while still standing on one foot, and then jump back to the start.

Players repeat for each day of the week (seven times). Repeat the task every time a mistake is made. For example, they trip or hop on two feet. Game is won when one player covers all squares and makes it safely back start.

French Cricket You will need a Cricket bat or tennis racket and ball. Players stand in a circle. The first player stands with their feet together, defending the 'stumps,' which in French Cricket are the batman's legs below the knees. Now, the players in the circle take turns to bowl at the 'stumps' and the batsman must hit the ball away from them. The bowler gets clever to distract the batsman.

If the batman's legs are hit, he's out. He's also out if he moves his feet at any time from the original position. If the bowler, or any of the fielders around the circle, catch the ball before it hits the ground, the batsman is also out. Everyone takes a turn until the batsman is out. The bowler who 'stumps' the batsman takes his place.  


Make your own French Word Search

Muguet du 1er Mai Elementary Coloring Worksheet (First of May)

Printable Language Arts French Quotes Project for Middle School and High School

Famous French Artists

Paint like Matisse with this Still Life Art Lesson for Kids.

After you've learned all about France, get a taste of their culture and celebrate by making French Recipes. Enjoy these French cooking lessons and recipes for kids.


French Word Search Books

Editable Printable Curriculum

Free Printables, Free Royalty Free Clipart and Fonts? Yes, you can!

If you are looking for downloadable editable printables for the classroom check out TeacherSherpa. It is similar to Teachers Pay Teachers, but offers so much more. The printable curriculum is editable and fully customizable. Like TPT, there are free printable downloads available every month. Whether you are a teacher, a blogger, or a homeschool parent, you'll find awesome benefits on TeacherSherpa. The most amazing feature is that you can create your own printables to sell on TPT, earn royalties on TeacherSherpa, or even sell or giveaway on your own website. Enjoy!

Editable Printable Curriculum
At TeacherSherpa, you can make your own classroom materials and editable printables for free.

Fun PE Games for Kids: PE Activities Gym Exercise

 PE Games for Elementary Homeschoolers

Getting PE time in as a homeschooler is difficult. Sometimes, you have to get creative. Kids love to play tag! These physical education games for elementary focus on old favorites, but each one has a new twist. Learn the country of origin of many pe activities for kids. Kids will love to play these fun PE games indoors or outdoors. Enjoy!

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Fun PE Games for Kids: PE Activities Gym Exercise
Fun PE Games for Kids: PE Activities Gym Exercise.

Homeschool Art Curriculum Ideas

Art Activities for Homeschool or Elementary Classroom

Over the years, we've written a lot of posts and done a lot of craft and art projects that make perfect curriculum ideas for homeschool art. If you are looking for homeschool art ideas, you're in luck. We've indexed all of our art activities for kids in one place. Enjoy!

Homeschool Art Curriculum Ideas

Art Projects for Elementary Kids


You've got the curriculum, now you need the art supplies. Here are some of our favorite art picks for kids. They are good quality, but not too expensive. These are affiliate links for your convenience.

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Battleground Indiana Wolf Park Field Trip: Things to do in Indiana

Field Trip Idea for Indiana: Wolf Park Review

If you are looking for a unique field trip experience, you will want to take a trip to Battleground, Indiana's Wolf Park. You'll learn about and see live Wolves. It is a fun and educational Indiana Field Trip. Enjoy!

Have you ever been fascinated by the distant howl of a wolf? Would you like to see one up close? Have you wanted to belt out your best wolf howl? These are all possible at Wolf Park in Battleground, IN.  Wolf Park is dedicated to behavioral research, education and conservation to improve the public’s understanding of wolves.

Battleground Indiana Wolf Park Field Trip: Things to do in Indiana
Battleground Indiana Wolf Park Field Trip:
Things to do in Indiana.

We visited Wolf Park for their Howl Night Program. From our spot on the bleachers, we learned about the beautiful animals, their history, and most importantly how to imitate their howls. Six of the current pack were spotted and seemed very curious about all of us.

Wolf from Battleground Wolf Park.
Wolf from Battleground Wolf Park.

As the evening wore on and darkness descended, we began to feel like we were in their world, like we were the ones in an enclosure, not the other way around. After the lecture and howling lesson, we went down to the fence for a closer look at the wolves. It truly gave us a sense of their size and “fluffiness” as my daughter put it.

Wolf exhibit.

When the show was over, we were free to take a short hike around the grounds to visit the bison, foxes, and coyotes. A visit to their gift shop and educational center is also a must visit.

The park offers special programs for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts along with special Holiday events, such as, their Pumpkin Party held every October, Turkey Toss in November, and visits with Santa in December.  There are also photo seminars and educational seminars offered. For more information go to


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Homeschool Jamboree Eagle Creek

Eagle Creek Park Homeschool Jamboree

If you are looking for Indiana Homeschool Programs, Eagle Creek Park is a great place to start. You can take classes at the Orinithology Center or the Earth Discovery Center. The Homeschool Jamboree at Eagle Creek Park started as a fall progam, but now is also offered in the spring too. Don't delay in signing up, because they fill up fast. Enjoy!

Homeschool Jamboree Eagle Creek
Homeschool Jamboree Eagle Creek.

What you Need to Know:

Their website is bit tricky to navigate and not well updated, but here is a link to their calender of events for 2016:

Registration is $15 per child. This is an all day event. Parents are welcome to stay with their children, but they can drop them off too. Children ages 8-14 can attend.

The best place to register is Indy Parks. To stay up to date on activities, follow Eagle Creek Park on Facebook.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
  • Bring a bag and an extra pair of shoes. (You might get muddy.)
  • Bring a sack lunch. (You store it in the building.)
  • Dress for the always changing Indiana weather.
  • Don't be late.
  • You can sign up with a friend.
  • Parents can stay with their children or leave.
  • There are a lot of students. Remind your child to stay with the group and LISTEN to instructions.
  • There are nice, clean restrooms in the center.
  • There is plenty of room and things to do in the center. If you have small children, you can keep busy inside while your child attends classes.
Eagle Creek Park Homeschool Jamboree
Eagle Creek Park Homeschool Jamboree.
Choose from a variety of environmental activities. Here are a few of our favorites:

Orienteering (Nope, not rowing related. Learn to navigate your way through the woods by reading a compass.)

Orienteering with a compass class.
Orienteering class with a compass.
Tree Climbing (This is the real thing. They teach how to use grappling hooks.)

Water Safety

Learning to Not Leave a Trace (Save the Environment.)


Endangered Species

Animal Tracking 

We attended the spring session this year. I took the opportunity to have some mommy me time, and I missed the tree climbing! I had hoped to watch the kiddos and take some photos of each event.

Homeschool Jamboree at the Earth Discovery Center
On the way to the Homeschool Jamboree at the Earth Discovery Center.
It is crowded! Here, they are lining up for their classes.

Learning how to use a compass. There is a lot to know!
Mayhem orienteering.
Once you complete the lesson, you get a prize.


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

3 Science Things to do with Eggs: Includes Bouncing Egg

3 Fun Science Things to do with Eggs including Bouncing Egg

We've got chickens and ducks, so we've got a lot of eggs! We're always looking for new uses for them. We don't want them to go to waste. Since we homeschool, we decided to try some kid science things to do with eggs. Have you seen the bouncing egg experiment? So, how do you make an egg bounceEnjoy!

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Kids Science Egg Experiments Rubber Bouncing Eggs
Which came first the chicken or the egg? Oh, that's not the egg science experiment we're doing..


For our first egg science experiment, we tried to find out. Will it float? You'll need two eggs and two glasses of tap water.

Bouncing Egg Experiment with Results
Bouncing Egg Experiment with Results.

Drop one egg in each glass.

Do they float? Why or why not? Write down your hypothesis in your journal or a Google Doc.

Slowly add SEA SALT (table salt works, you just need more). Now, what happens? The more sea salt you add what happens?

To find out what is happening, click here: Results.

That was fun! Don't waste those eggs. Keep them for the next experiment! Leave your egg in the cup.

Add enough vinegar to cover the egg.

Check it after 24 hours. Record any changes in the egg in your Science Journal or a Google Doc.


Can you make an egg bounce?
Can you make an egg bounce?

Instructions for the next experiment call for a boiled egg, but we tried it with an unboiled egg- Just to be different.

We used a chicken egg and a duck egg. Since the duck egg has a stronger shell, the results were much better.

You can try it with boiled an unboiled eggs, but remember to test it outside. Do an experiment with both types of eggs and record any differences or similarities that you find.

How is the duck egg different from the chicken egg?

So, how does the egg feel after 24 hrs.? 48 hrs.? 72 hrs.?

We tested our egg after 48 hrs. See the results below.

VIDEO: Unboiled Egg Test Results

Here are ten more cool egg science experiments to try.


Easter Egg Dye Experiments

What else can you do with eggs? Of course, we dye them for Easter. You might want to try to dye your Easter eggs naturally. We tried it as a Science Experiment. Let me just say, we failed miserably. One reason is we neglected to follow all of the steps.

Natural egg colors: How to dye eggs naturally.
Duck and chicken eggs from our farm. Use a Sharpie to write the date of collection.

If you want to dye eggs naturally click the links below to follow the instructions, and use these all natural ingredients that are proven to work.

Red Cabbage Eggs

Yellow Tumeric Eggs

We tried Dandelions...

Can you dye eggs with Dandelions
Can you dye eggs with Dandelions? Maybe.

We tried Violets and other purple wildflowers...

Can you dye eggs with Violets? Maybe...

Soaking an egg in Violet juice.

Can you dye an egg with Halloween Candy?

Dye eggs with old Halloween Candy.
Dye eggs with old Halloween Candy.

Heat the candy slowly over low heat. Green candies turn into a brown, sugary goo.

Orange and Red candies turn into an orange goo. Guess what? It works, sort of...

Beautiful natural shades of our eggs.

Egg soaked in melted orange and red candy.

The results of our egg-periment. For us, only orange and red candy worked.


Free Homeschooling Lessons

Cool Science Experiments Books*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)