Planet Study: Mars

Learn about Mars with Online Lessons and Worksheets

Mars. The planet all ages love. Is there the possibility of life on Mars? Will you have the opportunity to live on mars? In this Mars Planet Study, we've compiled a series of online lessons and activities for kids from preschool to high school. Enjoy!

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Planet Study: Mars Lesson Homeschool

Scroll down for Middle School and High School Content.

Life on Mars by Jon Agee.

Younger children will delight in this picture book about Mars by Jon Agee. Can you spot the martian? After you read the story, create a Mars Rover craft and playspace like this one from Rainy Day Mum.

Want your own copy of the book? Leave a comment on this post and we'll pick a winner March 10, 2017.

Mars Lessons and Activities

Mars Coffee Filter Craft from Fun-a-Day.

Fun Documentary on Mars for High School
(Contains one expletive and a unique point of view.)

The Solar System - Crash Course in History - John Green
(Note: Not for Creationists.)

More Mars Activities 


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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.