Wordless Wednesday: Things to do with Peanuts: Sensory Play

Packing Peanuts are Fun for Sensory Play

Baby Shipment via U.P.S. Baby had so much fun, even though he looks serious. Careful though, playing with packing peanuts makes a fun, sensory experience for babies and toddlers. Make sure you stay close, peanuts are a choking hazard and with this many peanuts baby could sink and get frightened in the pile of peanuts.

 Things to do with Peanuts: Sensory Play
Baby playing in Packing Peanuts.
We never left his side, packing peanuts are a serious choking hazard.
Serious thinking while playing in packing peanuts.
"I feel like I'm inside a peanut avalanche."
Chillin' in Peanuts; now that's a fun thing to do with packing peanuts.
Chillin' in Peanuts; now that's a fun thing to do with packing peanuts.

Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.