Losing a Tooth
What do you about the Tooth Fairy? How much money do you give? Is there a different amount for losing the first tooth? Angie shares her experience in this post about, Losing My First Tooth. Enjoy!
If you want to read our Tooth fairy series, scroll to the bottom.
Finally lost my first tooth! |
After a week's worth of trying, my Matt finally pulled his first tooth. Something he apparently felt he needed to do on his own, because he wouldn't let my husband or I try. It had been loose for weeks and his adult tooth was already coming in behind it. Just by chance, he got it out while we were at my parent's house for Easter Dinner with the family and his last day of Spring Break. So, it was able to go into his school journaling on Spring Break.
Proud moment. |
The next day was the funniest though... after the Tooth Fairy came. He was disappointed because rumor in Kindergarten is, you either get a two dollar bill or twenty (I want to meet this tooth fairy if that is the case) and all he got was one dollar. Then came this conversation with his sister.
Matt: "I wonder if mom and dad is the tooth fairy?"
Ally: "No way! Trust me, I wake up anytime they come in my room and I don't hear anything when the tooth fairy comes."
I heard this while eavesdropping from the other room. Panic quickly turned to relief and then a quiet, little laugh after he was quite happy with his older sister's response. Now, he can't wait for another tooth to come out.