Sensory Saturday: Kid's Outdoor Games for PE or Summer Camp

Outdoor Games for Homeschool PE or Summer Camp

Monsters, Wizards, and Elves Summer Outdoor Game for Kids.

Sensory Saturday: Kid's Outdoor Games for PE or Summer Camp
Outdoor Games for Homeschool PE or Summer Camp

This is a fun game we learned at VBS a few years ago and it is loads of fun to play! It’s like a live action game of ‘Paper, Rock, Scissors’. These games are great for Summer Camp or Family Reunions.

What you Need: 
A Large Yard or Field, 3 Ropes (or Other Items) to be used as Place Markers

How to Play Game: 

Character Descriptions and Actions:

Monsters: Beat Elves. Action: Show that you are a monster by raising your arms high over your head and ‘roaring’ at the opposing team.

Wizards: Beat Monsters. Action: Show that you are wizard by pretending to shoot magic from your finger tips at the opposing team, while making a loud ‘zapping’ sound.

Elves: Beat Wizards. Action: Show that you are an elf by sticking out your tongue and wiggling your fingers by your ears (as if mocking the other team) and make a silly sound at your opponents.

Split the players into two even teams and designate one additional person as the referee. Choose a place to play and mark a center line and a boundary line at the end of each side. 

(Creating a long playing area – from left to right it will be (far left) boundary line, center line, (far right) boundary line.) 

Each team huddles together at their own boundary line and decides which character they will be (as a team) at the beginning of each round. 

(Character descriptions and actions listed above.) Once the teams have decided, the ref calls them to the center line and calls out “1, 2, 3, Go!”. 

Then the teams will do the action for the character they chose. If their character beats the opposing teams character, they will chase them back to their boundary line, tagging as many players as they can and bringing those players to their team. 

Play continues until one team captures all of the players from the other team.

Recommended Reading:

175 Best Camp Games*

PE Games for Kids

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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.