Showing posts with label costumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costumes. Show all posts

20 Easy DIY Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids

DIY Halloween Costumes

Looking for SUPER EASY homemade Halloween DIY Costume Ideas for Kids? Over the years, we've thrown together a ton of quick Halloween costumes for kids. Pre-teens and Teens love them too. All of our costume ideas are no-sew and most were made by Mayhem! She loves to create something from nothing. All are easy to throw together in an afternoon. So, what will you be for Halloween? 

20 Easy DIY Halloween Costume Ideas for kids and teens.

Do you have Transformer fans like we do? This Optimus Prime costume made from a box is the bomb! It even transforms to a truck when not in use. Way to go, ModernKiddo.

Optimus Prime Homemade Costume from ModernKiddo.

We know your baby is super, so show the world with this fun DIY Clark Kent costume from CostumeWorks. Tip: Works for super Dads too!

Clark Kent DIY Costume from CostumeWorks.

Do you have a teenage boy who needs a Halloween costume? Try this head-in-a-jar costume from ThirtyHandmadeDays. They've got an amazing tutorial!

DIY Jar Head Costume by ThirtyHandmadeDays. 

More Easy Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids from Kids Creative Chaos

If you try any of these diy Halloween Costume Ideas for kids and teens please share your images on our Facebook page.

Hope you have an amazing Halloween!

Purple Tutu, Pink Leggings, and Combat Boots: She's back! What's She's Wearing Wednesday to Build a Chicken Coop

What she wore to work on our Chicken Coop

Chickens! Who doesn't love a good purple, Target tutu with a pair of combat boots? Pink leggings and a fancy shirt (worn backward) tie it together. This pairing was planned to help the Daddy build the chicken coop/duck pen. "Cause, it's cold and I need pants and boots."

What she's wearing Kids purple tutu fashion Mayhem
These don't look very heavy.  I can help build a chicken coop and duck pen.  I've got my boots! (Okay, Jake's boots.)
Later, she added a pair of grippy work gloves. No diva can be without fancy work clothes, right? There's nothing quite like Mayhem fashion. We need to start our own kid's clothing line, don't you think? Maybe, she'll make the pages of J. Crew someday?

Carrying blocks for the coop's foundation.
Oh! That's heavier than I thought.
"Mommy, Grandma doesn't know that I'm not a girly girl who  likes to wear fancy clothes and keep clean." -Mayhem

Construction of the chicken coop begins.
I can do this!
Our coop is up, but it isn't ready to been published for the world to see. In the meantime, read about a beautiful chicken coop my friend built: Red Barn Chicken Coop.

Recommended Reading:

Backyard Chickens for Beginners

Building Chicken Coops For Dummies

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Plan a Fun Party for Kids with a Balloon Car Theme for Boys or Girls

Struggling to find a unique theme for a boy's birthday party at home that is a fun party for kids? Why not have a Balloon Car theme. 

There are tons of things to do with Balloons. Here are a few for your next party planning checklist. Have the best party birthday party ever with these fun ideas for things to do with balloons.
Cute Birthday Party Balloon Clip Art Printable
Cute Birthday Party Balloon Clip Art.
Arvind Gupta makes toys from trash on his fabulous website offering many recycle crafts for kid,  He offers a great how to make a balloon car tutorial printable pdf.

how to make a balloon car tutorial printable directions for fun party for kids
Visit Arvind Gupta Toys for the tutorial.
Michael Floyd of BalloonHQ offers a balloon car tutorial for making a car out of balloons for a kid's birthday party. Not sure Id' have the patience for this one!

balloon car ballon party for boys birthday
Balloon Car from Michael Floyd 
 looks like Barbie might like to take a ride in this one.
My favorite site for balloon art has to be The Balloon Pastor he has balloon pictures of full-size car costumes for kids including a Tow Mater. You'll have to hop over to check them all out. Here's an example of his work, Lightning McQueen balloon car.

Finally, PBS Design Squad has some great balloon science projects which are fun for a kid's party or perfect for a homeschool project. Show your magic trick skills with this unpoppable balloon trick or 2-wheel balloon car tutorial.

ballon balloon trick science for kids party
Unpoppable Balloon Party Trick from PBS Design Squad.
How to make a 2 Wheel Balloon Car  from PBS Design Squad.

Recommended Reading:

Phineas Costume Mask

More Balloon Clip Art

Kitchen Kids: Tips for Donut Frosting and Recipe for Icing, Frosted Donuts and How to Make Maple Glaze

Easy tip for donut frosting and easy recipes for icing frosted donuts

You don't need an expensive icing tube or even a fancy bag; here's an easy tip for donut frosting and easy recipes for icing frosted donuts and a maple glaze recipe. Enjoy!

Doughnut Frosting Donut Frosting Frosted Donuts Recipes for Icing and glaze
Plastic Icing Bags with clothespins to keep 
the icing in place (works for toothpaste too).
You can purchase plastic cone/tube bags to use with recipes for icing or you can use plastic Ziploc baggies and cut a tiny hole (about 1'4") on one bottom corner then, roll it up as shown above. With this technique, you can use the tubes as a pen and write names with frosting. Use a larger opening to make and pipe ribbons and roses.

icing tips, recipes for icing, glaze donut recipe
Make maple glaze recipe.

Make Maple Donut Glaze Doughnut

For the glaze:  1 C. Confectioner's Sugar, 2 Tbs. Hot Water, 1/4 C. Maple Syrup

How to make donut glaze: 

Blend confectioner's sugar, hot water, and maple syrup in a small bowl, drizzle over donuts.

For the frosting:  2 C. confectioners sugar sifted, 1/2 C. unsalted butter, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 tbs. milk, food coloring (if desired).

How to make frosting: 

In a bowl with a hand mixer (electric mixer on low), beat the butter until well blended and smooth. Beat in the vanilla extract. With the mixer on low speed, gradually beat in the sugar. Add  milk and beat together. On high speed, beat frosting until fluffy (about 5 minutes).Now is the time to add a few drops of food coloring if desired. Keep in airtight container so confectioner's frosting doesn't dry out.  


What She's Wearing Wednesday: Pirate Princess Costume: Searching for Toy Treasure

Mayhem Loves to Engage in Pirate Pretend Play

Homemade DIY Princess Pirate Costume? She's a whiz when you need to know how to make a costume from nothing. She threw on her beloved Pink Cowboy Boots , made a pink eye patch (think pipe-cleaner and foamies), and pulled a pink peasant shirt from the costume trunk. 
DIY Homemade: What She's Wearing Wednesday Pirate Princess Costume
Easy DIY Pirate Princess Costume.
Mommy added a vest and skirt from past years Halloween costumes and hoped to add a Princess crown. The girly crown was quickly vetoed, and we settled for a red bandanna headdress, homemade cardboard sword, pirate flag, and a shovel for treasure digging.

Pirate Princess for Outdoor Play
Pirate Princess for outdoor play.

She searched high and low for the perfect digging spot, collected "golden" leaves for treasure, and then staked her claim by positioning her pirate flag on the big red "X" on her trusty treasure map. 

It was hard work, but she knew it was worth it. You see, her treasure map described the treasure as this Princess Chest for Girls.

The Treasure chest closes up and makes a great carry along for car trips or quick visits to Grandma's house. Mayhem especially likes the animal figures included in the set. Tesco direct offers all kinds of great gift ideas for toys for girls and boys as wells as gifts for the entire family. 

Mayhem is busy digging up many more toys for her wishlist and letter to Santa on the Tesco toy page. We hope you enjoy all of her coming adventures in fun and fashion. In the meantime, dig into your own life, and go create some fun, family memories with an impromptu session of dress up and creative play.

Recommended Reading:

Things to Make at Home

Play Out: How to develop your outside space for learning and play

Simplicity Pattern Pirate Costume

Creative Country Saying ~ A Day in the Country is Worth a Month in the City ~ Inspirational Quote

Recently we moved and this creative country saying about sums it up - what an inspirational quote!  Pack your bags!

Creative Country Saying and Inspirational Quote a day in the
A day in the country is worth a month in the city.
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What She's Wearing Mayhem Fashion: Things to do with a Paper Bag: Native American Indian Dress Tutorial

How to Make an Indian Costume from a Paper Bag

Things to do with a paper bag Native American Indian Dress Costume Easy
Paper Bag Indian Costume.

She's wearing a paper grocery bag. We turned it into a Native American Indian Dress, an easy costume for kids.

Hiding somewhere in my garage is a bag with a Pocahontas dress (I hope) or maybe some kid walked away wearing it one day. At any rate, I was short one little Indian costume for our "movie." What's a crazed mom to do? I've made a ton of those Indian Vests and Hula Skirts in after-school programs, so I decided a dress couldn't be too difficult. Right? I guess it depends on  your standards and mine are low.

How to make a Native American Indian Dress Tutorial for Kids Costume
Native American Shirt from Paper bag.

First, take a paper bag- and good luck finding one. Talk about a tangent. Why, in this day of recycling are plastic bags everywhere, but no one has paper any more? Remember when the sacker used to ask paper or plastic? Now it's plastic or bring your own.

Once you've found the bag, turn it inside out and crumple it into a big paper wad. The more crumples the more it looks like leather. Next, unfold it and pop it open on the table, laying it on the side. Now, cut the sides all the way to the bottom of the bag. The center fold of each "arm" makes a perfect sleeve. Cut fringe about 3" at the end of each sleeve.

Native American Costume from Paper Bag.
Native American Indian Dress.

At the bag's opening or the bottom of the shirt, cut out triangles/zigzags for a decorative edge. At the bag's base or the shirt's top, cut out a "u" or "v" for the neck. Decorate the shirt with Native American symbols. When done, insert kid and tape sleeves at wrists.

Paper bag fringe Indian Skirt.
Paper bag fringe Indian Skirt.

For the dress skirt, turn bag inside out, wad and crumple, cut the bottom rectangle out, and cut down one seam. Now, cut fringe like a Hula Skirt. Wrap to fit and tape or staple.

We've also made these by punching holes in the waist and weaving yarn through to form a belt which can be tied for a perfect fit. If you want to get fancy, take another bag and cut the panels and then attach inside the sides of the shirt for full coverage.

  Native American Indian Dress from Paper Bag.
Native American Indian Dress from Paper Bag.

This was good enough for our day of pretend play. Afterward, Mayhem gathered rocks and twigs to make a fire.

Recommended Reading:

Things to do with a Paper Bag

Sacajawea History Lesson

Native American History for Kids: With 21 Activities *

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What She's Wearing Wednesday: Power Ranger Costume_Girls are SuperHeroes too

Costume Ideas for girls will she be a rock star kitty or a super hero power ranger?

We spent two hours making a Perry the Platypus costume, but Mayhem decided to wear her Power Ranger costume from last year. Good thing, because last year we searched high and low for a Green Power Ranger costume, and she decided to go as a Lady Gaga style, black cat.

Girls are SuperHeroes too.
Girls are SuperHeroes too.

Green Power Ranger costume
Green Power Ranger costume accessorized 
with black snow boots, green gloves, and glow sword.

Avatar, Power Ranger, and Headless Scarecrow. 

Trick or Treating.
Turns out no one in the country leaves their lights on, 
so we headed to a safer community event.
Classic cars and candy.  
It was so cold most of the car owners took refuge inside.

It's a hearse! It is a car for transporting the dead. 

A superhero with local heroes.

The Trick or Treat event sponsored by firefighters and police.
 A safe alternative to going door to door.

Recommended Reading:

Halloween past safe alternatives

Kids Creative Chaos Cooks: Kitchen Kids Series: Holiday Recipes

Power Rangers Super Megaforce - Green Ranger Mask*

Power Rangers Green Rangers Costume T-shirt* 

Creative Country Sayings: Rodeo: Gone Roping!" Wrought Iron Sign

Have You Ever Gone Roping? You Must Live in the Country

Visiting friends in the country is always fun, they are so full of Creative Country Sayings and Southern hospitality. A recent visit to my cousins filled me with inspirational ideas for wood signs.

Creative Country Sayings: Rodeo: Gone Roping!" Wrought Iron Sign
Gone Roping.

Recommended Reading:
Why Do We Say It?: The Stories Behind the Words, Expressions and Cliches We Use

Butter My Butt and Call Me a Biscuit