Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Indoors!

Do you want to Build an Indoor Snowman?

With Olaf of Frozen so popular these days, we had to ask... do you want to build a snowman? Here at Kids Creative Chaos, we love snowmen! If it is below zero outside and your kids are begging to go outside to build a snowman, we've got some warmer alternatives. Here are 6 fun ways to build a snowman indoors. Enjoy!

Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Indoors!
Dancing with Olaf.

This Sensory Snowman Activity for Toddlers uses lots of sticky stuff to make a cute, paper snowman.

How to make a snowman mobile
How to make a snowman mobile.

Printable Snowman Faces
Printable Snowman Faces.

Snowman Activities for Preschool
Snowman activities for preschool.

Preschool Snowman Ideas
Preschool Snowman Ideas: Snowman in a Jar.

Edible Snowman Recipe

Edible Snowman Recipe.
Edible Snowman Recipe.

These Snowman Party Favors are perfect for a Frozen Theme Birthday Party!

Snowman Party Favors
Snowman Party Favors.

Recommended Reading:

The Snowman*

Frozen Hide-and-Hug Olaf: A Fun Family Experience!*

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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.