5 Best Sleepover Games and Activities for Teens

Plan the Best Sleepover Ever with These 5 Cool Games and Activities for Teens

These five, easy party ideas for teenagers will help you plan a fun sleepover or even the best slumber party ever! Click the links to find more great birthday party ideas for both teen boys and girls. Enjoy!

5 Best Sleepover Games and Activities for Teens
5 Best Sleepover Games and Activities for Teens.

plan a backwards birthday party
Have all the guest wear all of their clothes backward.

  • Who's in the Bag?

sleeping bag game:best sleepover activities
Play, "Who's in the Bag?", at your next sleepover.

Before the party, mark straws with the number of party guest minus

one. On the last straw, write "it" with a Sharpie. Have each guest 

choose a straw. Get everyone's sleeping bag and roll them out on 

the floor in a large room. Send "it" into the bathroom or a closet.

Now, everyone else climbs into a random sleeping bag (not their 

own). Pull the bag over your heads so "it" cannot see who is who.

When "it" comes back, he taps the foot of a bag and asks one question. 

For example:  "What is your favorite color?"

The person in the bag, disguises his voice to answer but answers truthfully.

Now, "it" guesses who is in the bag. If he guesses wrong, he moves to the next bag. If he guesses right, the player gets to come out of the bag and watch the fun!

Play continues until all player's identities are revealed.

The guys from One Direction.
The guys from One Direction.

Before the party, find photos of cute guys. Make a Pinterest board

just for the party. Pin as many cute guys as you can find, then pull 

them up on the television screen with Chrome Cast. What would 

you do with him? Make Out, Marry, or Dump?

  • Whip Cream Fingertips

sleepover pranks
Sleepover prank: place whipcream on a sleeping beauty's fingers, then tickle her nose.

Put some whip cream on the fingers of the first one to fall asleep. 

Unlike peanut butter, which is sticky and can be deadly if anyone 

at the party has a peanut allergy, whip cream is an innocent 

slumber party prank. Now, gently tickle sleeping beauty's face. 

Watch what happens! For the record, I hate pranks. I'm opposed. 

If you are the first one to fall asleep, you probably won't be a fan 

of sleepover pranks either, so keep this in mind when choosing 

activities for your party.

  • Cell Phone
Play "Cell Phone", a sleepover game similar to 20 questions, but better!

Gather the party guests and pick one to be "it". Send it to the 
bathroom with loud music or headphones. Now, the rest of the 
group chooses a noun for the game. 

For example: Cat, Car, Flower, Food.

Now, bring "it" back to guess the chosen word.

"It" has to ask questions about the unknown word. So, she replaces 
the unknown word with Cell Phone. She asks each player a 
different question.

For example: "Is the Cell Phone purple?" or "Does the Cell Phone 

Like Twenty Questions, the other players (in on the secret word),

say yes or no until "it" gets the answer correct.

The last player to answer the question before she guesses correctly

becomes the next "it".

Recommended Reading:

Sleepover Party Mad Libs*

Group Games Played in a Circle*

The Everything Girls Ultimate Sleepover Party Book: 100+ Ideas 

for Sleepover Games, Goodies, Makeovers, and More! 

(Everything® Girls)*

The Unofficial ONE DIRECTION Big Sleepover Trivia Party 

Game: Find Out Who Loves One Direction The Most! - Star 

Version (One Direction Trivia Party Game Book 2)*

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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.