10 Halloween Decor, Games, and Activities for Teenagers
Ah, your little preschool darlings have blossomed into not so darling teenagers. Sigh. At least a few times a year, you'll still get some of those old time, good vibes with birthdays and holidays. Halloween is our favorite time of the year. Rarely have we lived in a place where trick or treating door to door was a possibility, so we've always gotten creative. Throw your teens a Halloween Party with these cool ideas and activities for Halloween! Oriental Trading generously sent us the supplies for this post. We hope you enjoy our tips for Halloween decor, games, and activities for teenagers!
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Teens won't admit it, but they love to play funny games and win prizes. Sure, they'll groan how uncool you are, but inside they'll feel all giddy and look forward to the fun! This Halloween, tone it down, be cool, and have fun!
10 Cool Halloween Activities for Teens
Dragons guard the Halloween candy dish.
These Cheesy Ghost Chicken Nuggets taste delicious and make a spooky appetizer for a Halloween Party. Be prepared to work quickly, the cheese gets solid fast.
Use a paint marker to write 'Boo' on the bottom of one mini popcorn bucket. Have everyone check their buckets. Whoever gets the 'boo' wins a special prize. Be sure to tell everyone else to boo the winner! Teens like that stuff, you know.
The REAL story of the Jack-o-Lantern started with a turnip.
Oriental Trading has tons of cool decorations for Halloween parties. Our teens chose to go with a dragon theme for their Halloween party. We ordered dragon skeletons, swords, gloves for knights in shining armor, and more.
For the Halloween party tablescape below, we used a black light up bat wreath as a centerpiece decoration for our candy dish. If you're having a sleepover party, build memories by making a Halloween wreath as a favor to take home.
The black light up bat wreath is perfect for various themes. In fact, it can be used as a centerpiece decoration for a Medieval-themed Halloween party. Be sure to include other Medieval decorations. For starters, give your walls an ancient look by covering them with stone wallpapers and hanging shields. Also, provide minimal natural light using chandeliers and torches. Equally important, don't forget to dress appropriately for the event. Men can sport a "noblemen" look by wearing tunics, leggings, and breeches. Meanwhile, medieval costume ideas for women include long gowns and ankle-length tunics belted at the waist.
Play ring toss with the candy filled milk jugs and some Halloween bracelets. When the kids toss a bracelet over a jug, they win the jug and the bracelet!
Halloween Party Candy Theme Table Decorations.
Creature Pizza Biscuits are easy and fun to make as a Teen Halloween Party Activity. Just dip them in marinara sauce for a tasty appetizer. Learn how to make them here: Pumpkin Face Pizza Biscuits.
Edible Art: Pumpkin Biscuits.
The large Dragon Skeleton is perfect for posing for pictures for teens to share on their social media! #HalloweenGames After they've posed, blindfold them, tape a paper flame (with tape on both sides) to the end of the sword, and play PIN THE FLAME ON THE DRAGON.
Pin the Flame on the Dragon Party Game.
Make your own Halloween Pumpkin and Ghost lights with plastic cups and cheap string lights. Learn how here: Pumpkin and Ghost Lights for Party. When teens arrive, give them each a cup and some markers. Let their creative juices flow and then collect the cups and pop them on a strand of lights. Hang it on your entry way, so they can see their art work as they head home.
Don't forget the worms! For a cool teen HALLOWEEN party the best ideas are the grossest (is that even a word) ones. Our world famous SLURPIN' FOR WORMS game is a necessity! Especially, when you use the realistic gummy earthworms from OTC.
Realistic Earthworm Gummy Candy from Oriental Trading.
On Halloween, a house party full of teensneeds haunting! Hang sheets to make mazes throughout the rooms, turn out the lights and light the way with strobe lights or flickering string lights. Add creepy creatures at every corner, and make the final exit a 'dead' end.
The days of simple parties where balloons, music, and a cake with candles were enough are long gone. In 2019, fun birthday ideas are at a whole new level. You need these 10 great outdoor games for kids to get moving and enjoy their special day.
Kim and Kanye set the bar high with a "kidchella" themed party, featuring bouncy houses, a Ferris wheel, and several music stages. While you won't have the same budget as the Kardashians, take inspiration from their intuitive ideas and create a party with good outdoor games to play.
If you're arranging a summer party for your kid's birthday bash, what outdoor games can you play? Read on for the 411 on which outside games your kids will actually love!
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Outdoor Games Kids Will Love
We all know the math. Kids + Birthday parties = Chaos!
Instead of expecting kids to sit around, drink tea, and chat like adults, prepare some cool games that will burn all their pent-up party energy. We've chosen 10 outdoor games that will have your guests giggling from beginning to end. Are you ready? Let's get this party started!
1. Hop Your Way to Victory
Try a traditional sack-race to get the kids moving. Give each child a good quality burlap bag or king-size pillowcase. Line them up in a grassy area and have them hop their way to victory down a marked path.
To mix it up a little, decorate the plain sacks. Make it more challenging and make the marked path curvy. Even if you just do it the old-fashioned way, it'll get a lot of laughs on the way, Scout's honor!
2. Make Your Birthday Party Pop
Balloon stomping is one of the best group games for parties. What's a party without balloons popping?
Before the party starts, prepare by blowing up at least one balloon per guest and a few extras just in case. Tie a long string or ribbon around the end of the balloon so that it is long enough to tie around the children's ankles.
When the party gets started, tie a balloon around the ankle of each child. The aim of the game is to pop everyone else's balloon while protecting your own. The last kid with an intact balloon wins.
3. Jump to It
Let the kids blow off a little steam before you sit down to open presents. One of the best outdoor games for kids, is an outdoor bouncy house. Hiring a bouncy house is an exciting treat for the kids! It really is fun for all ages (even big kids!)
From bouncy houses and inflatable water slides to blow-up climbing walls and bouncy bungee runs, knowing which one to choose boggles the mind. Do your research to find out more about the options and you'll find the perfect match for your big outdoor birthday bash.
4. Treasure Hunt
Treasure hunts have been around a long time, but they're still one of the most interesting outside games for kids to play. Adapt the hunt depending on the ages of the guests and the style of the party. Be sure to offer prizes and other birthday party favors for the winning team.
For instance, create a list of items in nature they have to find in a certain time limit. Give each guest some magnifying glasses, binoculars, and a treasure bag for their adventure. They can search for various bugs, pinecones, daisies, leaves, and more on a nature scavenger hunt or you can hide items throughout the yard and give them a list of riddles to solve to find the next treasure. As an alternative, hide pieces of treasure and candy for the kids to find. Give them a bucket and send them on their scavenger hunt,
5. Cool Pool Party
Fun birthday ideas for the summer usually involve water. Wet and wild games give kids the chance to get soaked and cool off. A pool prize search is one of the most fun outside games for a kid's party.
Use an inflatable pool filled with water. Hide weighted treasures at the bottom of the pool. Then, fill the rest of the pool with floating toys and balls, so that it's hard to see what's at the bottom. Give the kids a time limit and tell them to find the treasures at the bottom of the pool.
If kids are a bit older and it seems too easy, try blindfolding them. Their teammates can shout out directions to help them find the treasure.
6. Use Your Noodle
One of the cheapest outside games for kids is Pool Noodle Croquet. It's budget-friendly but takes a little bit of time to set up.
Create several pool noodle arches in your back yard and stake them into the ground. Give each child a pool noodle and an inflated beach ball. The idea is to be the first to get the ball through the course of arches.
7. Make a Splash
Another variation of a classic game is water balloon baseball. It's one of the easiest outdoor games for kids and parents because it's so easy to set up.
All you need is a baseball bat and some pre-filled water balloons. Make sure the guests are ready to get soaked!
8. A Tasty Mess
Fun birthday ideas have got to include cakes and treats, right? So why not turn your dessert into a game? When played outside, this donut game is lots of fun.
Tie dangling donuts from a high place, such as a tree or doorway. Then have a donut eating race, without using hands. Chocolate donuts make the most mess, so be ready with a cleanup team when the game is over.
9. Water Shoot
Here's another outdoor water game for you. Divide the party into two teams. For each team, string a plastic sand pails onto one end of a clothesline.
The concept of this game is for each team to work together to move their bucket along the clothesline, using only the spray water guns. Of course, if you don't have enough squirt guns for the party, you could fill up plastic bottles instead. Be sure the squirt guns are powerful enough to make the pails move!
10. An In-Tents Party
Another awesome outside party activity is camping. If camping somewhere remote is too much of a task, just set up a camp ground in your backyard.
Set up tents and a supervised fire-pit. Play some camping-themed games during the day. And when it gets dark, roast some s'mores on the campfire and tell scary stories.
Keep Calm and Party On!
We hoe you like this list of outdoor games with a twist for parties. Pick one, two, or as many outside games as you want, to make your birthday bash super fun!
What if it turns out to be a rainy day and you can't have fun in the sun? For some more games inspiration, both inside and out, check out the "Games" section of our blog.
If there’s ateenager in your family, life can be very tumultuous, for the teenager and for everyone around them. When your child reaches the age of 12 or 13, a sudden change comes about, and they find themselves going through a series of emotional and physical changes. All of a sudden they start behaving in very unusual ways, some of which can be very worrying. It can be difficult for the inexperienced parent to know whether the behaviors of their teen are normal, or if it’s an indication there might be something seriously wrong. So, what are some unusual behaviors of your teens that may be of concern?
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Here are 5 Unusual TEEN Behaviors that should Concern Parents
Shunning Social Interaction
There are times when your teen wants nothing to do with you. It’s only natural for them to want some independence. It’s also perfectly normal for them to feel you and older generations don’t understand them. This type of behavior becomes abnormal when they start to shun all forms of social activity, even with their peers. If they won’t come out of their room, even when their friends come calling, this could be an indication of an underlying problem.
Extreme Sadness or Anxiety
It’s perfectly normal to feel sad or depressed from time to time. Even if these feelings last for a couple of days, you shouldn’t worry. If your teen's sadness lasts for more than a few weeks, it could be a sign of mental illness. Similarly, if their sadness seems to be getting progressively worse, they could be developing depression or social anxiety disorder. In which case they’ll need to be treated by a professional who knows what is the treatment for anxiety.
Risky Behavior
Teens are curious; they just can’t help it. It’s an age when they want to experiment with certain things, such as alcohol, drugs, and sex. If their experimentation becomes extreme, this is a time to worry. Professional help is available if your teen is struggling with an addiction. Research how to help your teenager who may have become depressed and developed and addiction.
Physical Changes
A teenagers body goes through a number of different changes as it grows and develops. There are also some very powerful hormone surges taking place. One thing that happens is that teens need a lot of sleep. There is, however, a fine line between normal and excessive sleeping. If they seem to be doing nothing but sleeping, there might be a problem. Changes in eating habits are also a common result of all the changes that teens are going through, but you should seek professional advice if your teen's appetite is reduced, they’re not eating at all, or they're experiencing extreme fluctuations in weight.
Harming Themselves
If your teen is feeling particularly angry or depressed, they could start self-harming. It might not just be themselves that they’re harming either. If your teen is suffering from a mental illness, it might lead to them harming others. This could be their pets, parents, or peers. Be aware of any usual anger or new cuts on their arms.
Nobody has ever said raising kids is easy. There are times, particularly during kids' teenage years, that you’ll think they’re from another planet and you can’t believe they’re the same adorable toddler you once knew. Your child’s teen years can be very traumatic for everyone concerned, but don't worry, they don’t last very long, and you can all come out happy together on the other side if you are mindful of these five unusual teen behaviors.
5 Birthday Party Games for Kids Using Household Items
Kids want to be entertained, especially on their birthdays. Give your kids a fun, memorable birthday celebration with games for birthdays that use household items. These kid party games are easy to do with little prep, and you probably already have the items in your house. No need to plan ahead when you do these household items party games for Birthdays!
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Playing interactive games that get your kids moving at birthday parties is a great way to introduce them to kid activities that are active and engaging. Perhaps the next time they have a playtime choice, they’ll choose one of these games rather than a video game. After scouring the internet for games to play at birthday parties, we found several games for kids that are simple to set up with common household items. As always, we've updated old games with fun new twists! If you don't want to plan the party activities and implement them yourself, Yabadoo Kids Parties are another fun way to make birthday parties fun and memorable.
Keep your kids in the loop. Give them choices and let them help plan their own birthday party by scrolling through this list of kids party games and letting them choose their favorite activity to play with friends and family.
Common Household Items Party Games
Life Size Board Game
This great game for kids is suitable for kids of all ages. Life Size Board Game is a fun party game activity that has players jumping forward two spaces, singing a song, turning in circles, telling jokes, reciting nursery rhymes, jumping up and down periodically, and moving back three spaces.
During game play, the players begin by rolling oversized dice to see where to move. The first person to reach the finish line is declared winner. You can simply use white paper or the inside of recycled cereal boxes to create the game board. To make a permanent yard decoration, use stepping stones.
Clothespin Snatch Game
Every player is given a clothespin. Wrapped candy and trinkets (you can even use coins) are sprinkled on the floor. During this game, players will try to pick up as much candy or trinkets as they can using only their clothespins. Set a timer for one minute and let the fun begin!
Marshmallow Catch
Marshmallow Catch is super easy to set up. Grab a bag of mini marshmallows a timer, and some plastic party cups. Standing on opposite ends of the room, players try to catch marshmallows that are thrown by other party-goers. After one minute, the team with the most marshmallows in their cup wins.
Spoon Relay Race Game
The Spoon Relay is an old party favorite, you can make this party game more complicated by adding fun elements like playing while turning in circles, skipping, walking backward, or any fun way that will make the birthday party game more challenging or difficult for the players.
Any small household object will do, but mini marshmallows and cotton balls are the most common items used with plastic or wooden spoons. In the course of this game, players race against each other to be the first team finish. Divide party guests into two or more teams. Each team is given a marshmallows and a spoon.
Lining up single file, the first person on each team takes a marshmallow and begins passing it down the line using only their spoon. The first team to get their marshmallow to the end of the line wins.
Balloon Bust Game
Before the party, fill balloons with candy or small prizes. Rub the balloons on your head to give them static cling and then place them on a wall or table. Play begins with birthday party guests choosing a balloon. Tell the kids to hold the balloons with two hands, careful not to pop it. Then, tell them to sit down in a circle using their balloons as chairs. On the count of three, have everyone tries to pop their balloon chair to discover the prizes. First one to pop a balloon, gets a special grand prize in addition to the trinkets inside.
Have you played these games with different variations? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear about more fun birthday party games and ideas for kids that use household items.
Are you planning a slumber party for your New Year's Eve celebration? The winter months are a great time to stay indoors and plan a teen sleepover. We've found 9 new ideas for a sleepover that will make you the coolest party host ever! If you're planning a slumber party for 13, 14, 15, or 16 yr. olds, you'll find fun activities and themes to keep everyone happy and having a good time. Whether your 13 or 31, these New Year's Eve Sleepover Ideas will make your sleepover party the best one ever!
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New Year's Sleepover Ideas
Spend the Night in a Theme Hotel
All you need is you and some cash. No prep needed. Want something super special to do to celebrate the New Year? Pack your bags and gather the gang to spend the night at an Indoor Water Park like Big Splash in French Lick, Indiana pictured above. They offer rooms for up to 9 guests. In addition to the water activities, there's also a game room with a Gyroball ride and a cafe.
Wear cool pajamas and pack your bags for a night full of fun activities!
Blindfold Makeup Challenge
No matter your age, the blindfold makeup challenge is a lot of fun. There are tons of videos out there. Join the fun and post yours to Instagram, #blindfoldmakeupchallenge. All you need are some blindfolds, a makeup kit, and willing participants. Snap a selfie of the gang after everyone's makeup is done. How fun is that?
Shaving Cream Twister
Got a basement or a big kitchen? A game of shaving cream Twister is a hoot. Roll out your official Twister Board or Make your own with a tarp. Just spray circles of shaving cream in the Twister pattern and add a drop of food coloring (mix it up to get the color) and then use the official spinner. No game, no spinner? That's okay, put all of the colors on cards and draw one on each turn to see what color to go to next.
Game of Phones
This is a cool game to play with cell phones. It can work with tablets too. Get the official version on Amazon, but you could easily make your own with some index cards and a Sharpie.
Make your own Photo Props for Selfies
While we're on the subject of mobile phones, CMCraftStudios sells these adorable photo props for selfies. You can purchase a set for $60 or you can hop over to a hobby store or Walmart and get some cardstock and make your own. Grab you phones and take fun selfies of each other to memorialize the New Year, New You!
Poop! Theme Sleepover Party Ideas
Make it a poop theme! Before the party, bake some chocolate cupcakes and then give everyone a baggie of poop (plastic bag with chocolate icing) so they can poop on their cupcakes. Gross, but fun! Click here to make your own icing tubes.
Get crafty and make a game of Pin the Poop as seen below.
Pin the Poop, uploaded to Pinterest by Heather Buller.
Glow Stick Pool Party
Live in a warm climate? Try a Glow Stick Pool Party! If not, grab an inflatable pool or use your indoor hot tub to create a glowing experience perfect to highlight the New Year. Just fill your pool with activated glow sticks!
Sleepover Tents
Tents are a fun addition to any party. Add some twinkle lights to make it magical. Better yet, prep the tent forms and get Butcher paper or white sheets and have your guests decorate their own tents before pitching them for the night!
Have you tried any of these ideas for a New Year's Sleepover? Tell us about it in the comments. Keep up with all of our ideas, join thousands of others and follow Kids Creative Chaos on Instagram.
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