Dictionary Lesson Plan for Dictionary Day October 16

Lesson Plans for Dictionary Skills

When is Dictionary Day? Dictionary Day is October 16. What is Dictionary Day? It is a day designed to honor the creator of our modern dictionary, Noah Webster. Dictionary Day is a great opportunity to teach children about dictionary use and brush up on those skills. It is also a great day to learn a new word! Use this lesson plan for Dictionary Day to celebrate this special holiday. Have a great Dictionary Day. Enjoy!

Dictionary Lesson Plan for Dictionary Day October 16
Dictionary Lesson Plan for Dictionary Day October 16.
  • Who was Noah Webster?

  • What is a lexicographer? (Write your answer in your journal or in a Google Doc that you share with your teacher.)
  • Do a search to find the 10 newest dictionary words. (Write your answer in your journal or in a Google Doc that you share with your teacher.) 
  • Webster's is the most well known dictionary. Can you name another dictionary? (Write your answer in your journal or in a Google Doc that you share with your teacher.) 

Dictionary Skills Worksheet Graphic Organizer Printable
Graphic Organizer for Dictionary Skills.


Merriam Webster's Elementary Dictionary*

More Lesson Plans and Projects

Paperback Dictionary*


Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.