Handprint Turkey Craft Thanksgiving 8

8 Easy Handprint Turkeys

Looking for an easy, quick Thanksgiving activity to do with the little ones? Try a Handprint Turkey Craft for Thanksgiving. We're sharing Eight of our favorites from Kid Bloggers and Pinterest. Enjoy!

Handprint Turkey Craft Thanksgiving
8 Easy Handprint Turkey Crafts for Thanksgiving.

  • We like how this handprint turkey from Meet the Dubiens used the entire hand for the feathers. It allows for lots of fun, messy handprints!

8 Easy Handprint Turkeys for Thanksgiving
Easy Handprint Turkey for Preschoolers from Meet the Dubiens.

  • How cool is this unique handprint turkey? They are thinking outside of the box at floortjetekent blog? But, maybe their turkeys look different than ours? Turkeys don't have combs... do they?

unique handprint turkey
Unique handprint turkey or is it a rooster?

colorful handprint turkey
Colorful handprint turkey from 123 Peppy.

  • Dress your handprint turkey for the occassion, by giving him a pilgrim hat for Thanksgiving, like this one from Lonestar Knits.

Handprint Turkey with Pilgrim Hat
Paper Handprint Turkey with Pilgrim Hat.

  • These felt handprint roosters are stuffed, and they stand up. Just add a gobbler, colorful feathers, and drop the comb to make a felt handprint turkey craft

Make felt handprint turkeys for the Thanksgiving table.

  • Mayhem designed this paper and pipecleaner turkey craft all by herself. She twisted the yellow pipecleaner into feet and then looped the orange one through the middle in the shape of a J. Then, she traced her handprint, cut it out, and attached it to the pipecleaner with hot glue. She twisted a loop in the top and hot glued the head to the orange pipecleaner.

8 Easy Handprint Turkeys
Paper and pipecleaner handprint turkey.

To make him even more special, have your child write what they are thankful for on each feather!


Turkey Song for Thanksgiving

Jumbo Pack of Pipecleaners*

Edible Marshmallow Turkeys

Turkey Trouble Thanksgiving Book*

Over the River and Through the Woods Thanksgiving Poem

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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.