The Wonderful Things You Will Be Book Activities

The Wonderful Things You Will Be

Explore the possibilities, what are the wonderful things you will be? What can you be? Take a page from the most well-known Tigger when he sings, The Wonderful Things about Tiggers. Perhaps, Emily Winfield Martin, was inspired by Tigger's wonderful song. Penguin Random House gave us a copy of her book for review. We've included book activities as companion book projectsEnjoy!

The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin is a delightful book. It explores childhood dreams, good character, and family relationships. It inspires children to express their hopes and to be themselves. It encourages them to dream big and achieve their dreams.

This easy-to-read book is filled with lots of love as parents express thier support of their children and their imaginations. The beautiful illustrations invite you to explore the pages and the surprising fold out at the end is, well, wonderful.

I love the way this book suggests possibilities of things to be and also states positive attributes (like kindness) that they know the child will display. It's a book that works on various levels and makes children think in a playful yet deep way.

The Wonderful Things You Will Be PDF
The Wonderful Things You Will Be PDF.

Wonderful Activities to do with this Book:

1) Play dress up and encourage your child to use their imagination.

Superheroes to the rescue!

2) Bake muffins together to bring to a neighbor or friend to show that heart of kindness.

Donut Muffins

Check out these delicious donut muffins- so fun to make together!

3) Draw pictures of something you might want to be together (like a monster truck driver).

So many imaginative things can be made with pencils, makers, paper, and scissors!

4) Play outside in the mud and maybe even plant some flowers.

Playing outside is always creative!

In, The Wonderful Things You Will Be, the sky is the limit on the wonderful things that your child can be. Be imaginative together. Spend time reading this sweet book and talking about your hopes and dreams. Compliment your child on their many wonderful qualities and encourage them to be their very best self- they are one of a kind (Just like Tigger)!

This book is sure to quickly become a family favorite. The story is beautiful and the message is timeless!


The Wonderful Things You Will Be*

Art Projects for Black History Month

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Alaina Falk
Alaina Falk

Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.