Lora's Law #1: Facebook Quotes about Life

Facebook Quote to Share: Lora's Law on Weight

Weight loss. Weight gain. It is a roller coaster. If you are looking for a Facebook quote about life, you've come to the right place! Feel free to share our quotes on your social media pages, but please give us a nod. Here is the first in the series, Lora's Laws. Enjoy!

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Lora's Law #1: Facebook Quotes about Life
Lora's Law #1: You set a goal to lose ten pounds...

Lora's Law Number One:

"You set goal to lose 10 lbs. You confirm weight on scale. You must first lose additional 5 lbs. to reach original goal weight."

Time to get on it! Do you have a goal weight in mind? Isn't it frustrating to see that you gained weight when you prep to lose some? Oh life...



Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.