Quote for Sharing on Facebook or Pinterest: Lora's Law #9
Sigh. It is difficult to imagine and even harder to accept. Sometimes you are wrong. What a shock! You thought you were right. You weren't trying to be a jerk, but we can't know everything there is to know about everything. No... I promise; you can't- no matter how much you think you know. Don't act like a know-it-all. Accept it, admit it, and move on! Lora's Law #9 is a perfect quote to share on Facebook when you need to eat crow. Be the bigger person. Let them know you were wrong. Enjoy!
Lora's Law #9: Sometimes you are wrong quote.
Do you like to be right? People think I do. For me, it isn't as much about me being right, as it is about them being wrong. I don't mean that in a bad way. I just cringe when someone says something that is wrong. I don't want them to say it to someone else who will think less of them. I don't want them to make a fool of themselves. I want to help. Turns out, people don't care if you're trying to help them out. They get embarrassed. They lash out. They accuse you of needing to be right all of the time. Sometimes, you are wrong. Accept it, and move on. Then, share my quote.
Hey, I know that isn't possible! I'm wrong a lot, (less now with Google) but it happens! Sure, it is embarrassing. Sure, I can't believe it most times. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but when I'm right, I'm right; right?
Since the launch of the movie, Frozen, I've been learning to let it go. Let it go. Let them be wrong. Let it go, admit when you are wrong. Whether you made a mistake, said something that was incorrect, or just tried to help someone appear less foolish... admit that you were wrong and move on. That's right, sometimes you are wrong... and by you, I mean me too.
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