Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts

Happy Fourth of July Posters to Share

Share these Independence Day Posters

Whether you call it Fourth of July or Independence Day, we've got a square image poster for you to share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Share these Happy Fourth quote posters to celebrate with your friends. Enjoy!

Happy Fourth of July Posters to Share

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America celebrates Independence Day on July 4th! We're lazy and we'd rather wish you a Happy Fourth of July than a Happy Independence Day. America declared her Independence from Great Britain in 1776. So, toot your horn, raise your sparklers, and celebrate freedom!

Share these Independence Day Posters

What will you choose? Traditional red, white, and blue? Uncle Sam? Eagles? Firecrackers? Rockets bursting in air? The American Flag? All of these are symbols of America's most fun summer holiday! These fun image posters will wish your friends a happy fourth of July on your social media pages.

Fourth of July Image Poster to Share Social Media

We hope you have an awesome Independence Day with friends and family. Take it easy, you deserve a break. Happy Fourth of July, America!

Independence Day poster image to share Facebook


5 Facebook Quotes about Life

5 Life Quotes for Facebook Posts

Life is a challenge. Each day we face new hurdles. We learn new lessons. Posting quotes and sayings to Facebook or other social media not only helps us to stay positive, but it also reminds others to stay positive and keep on keeping on. Here are 5 quotes about life to share on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Enjoy!

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5 Facebook Quotes about Life: Come this far
You didn't come this far to only come this far!

Learning Quote: Willingness is a Choice

Willingness is a Choice Quote

"The capacity to learn is a gift. The ability to learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice." What a great quote about learning. Make the right choice and be open to learning and it will change your life! Not everyone is given the gift of a capacity to learn, don't waste it. This is an educational quote to share on Facebook or in the classroom. Enjoy!

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Learning Quote: Willingness is a Choice
Learning quote to share.

Learning Quote: Allow Yourself to be a Beginner

No one Starts out an Expert Quote

Learning quotes apply to all of us, not just to children. We are all students of life. So many adults stop and consider themselves a failure before they've even give themselves a chance to succeed. "Allow yourself to be a beginner, no one starts out an expert." It's true. Be patient with yourself. Practice makes perfect. Enjoy!

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.*

Learning Quote: Allow Yourself to be a Beginner
Learning Quote: Allow Yourself to be a Beginner.

Jealous Quote: People Aren't Jealous of Hard Work

Don't Hide Accomplishments: People Aren't Jealous of Hard Work Quote

Here at Kids Creative Chaos, I've had some sort of blog since about 2006. If you count those old 'homepages' on Microsoft, well then, I'm a dinosaur! In 2011, I started thinking of blogging as an opportunity. By 2012, I had enough experience to have two posts go viral. Back then, I said it just happened- I had no idea how. But, that's not true. It was just easier to let people think that. So, I wanted to share this quote about jealousy. "You'll always find people who are jealous of your accomplishments. Know what people aren't jealous of? Hard work!"

Lora's Law #17: Most People Aren't as Dumb as They Act

Quotes about Success

A lot of smart people seem dumb. A lot of smart people feel dumb. The truth is, most people aren't as dumb as they act. Right? I mean, a lot of people always do their best and their best IS good enough. Other people, fool themselves to think that they are doing their best, but, in reality, they really don't care about the thing they are doing. It doesn't matter to them, it isn't as important to them as it is to someone else, and they just don't care. Then, they convince themselves that their best isn't good enough. Lora's Law #17 is a quote about mindset and success.

Get Back on the Horse Quote to Share: Lora's Law #16

Lora's Law #16: You Shouldn't Get Back on the Horse

You know what they say, you should always get back on the horse. It is a good message. It promotes how important it is to keep trying. The more you try, the more likely you are to succeed. It is a saying. Does that make it true? I've literally fallen off of a horse, and I've literally gotten back on the horse. So, I am here to tell you, (figuratively and literally) you shouldn't always get back on the horse! That's right, sometimes the horse is stupid and it isn't worth the risk. The same applies to life. Lora's Law #16 is all about that. Get back on the horse quote to share. Enjoy!

Shut Up is a Bad Word: Funny Parenting Quote

Funny Parenting Cartoon Memes: Shut Up!

La, la, la, la, la! Sometimes, you just need to take a nap, right Mom? With kids in the house, that isn't an easy task. You warn, you prep, you let them know you are, very, very tired and in a mean mood. If only they would just be quiet for fifteen minutes... in a row. It never fails, Mommy, you always come out looking like the bad guy. Remember, shut up is a bad word... You said so. Yesterday.

Enjoy our funny parenting quote cartoon!

Empty Gas Tank Quotes: Lora's Law #15

Out of Gas Quote

It never fails, just as the debit clears my bank statement, the car gauge goes empty. It might be a week, it might be a weekend, but the best way to know when the gas will clear is to see the needle pointing to "E" in the car. So, Lora's Law #15 is all about that. We're sharing more empty gas tank quotes too. Just keep scrolling. Enjoy!

When Kids Say I Know or I am Quote: Lora's Law #14

I know! I am! Parenting Quotes about Kids

Parenting is hard! Whenever I am in the middle of telling my kids to do something, they cut me off with a loud, harsh, infuriating, "I know." How can they know? I haven't even finished my thought! Well, it seems, they THINK they've heard it all before. They know what I am about to say. Sometimes they do; sometimes, they don't. Lora's Law #14, is a quote post or meme to share about when kids say, "I know!" Enjoy!

Never Underestimate the Power of the Silent Majority: Lora's Law #13

Lora's Law #13: Never Underestimate the Power

You feel like you are the only one. No one else thinks the way you think. Everyone else makes derogatory comments. Everyone else passes secret smirks to each other when you admit your feelings or beliefs. You're afraid to come forward and admit the truth. You don't want to be shunned by society or made the fool. Then, something happens that shocks them... and you. You weren't the only one. You were just the only one brave enough to take the flack for your inner feelings. Right? Never underestimate the power of the silent majority and then go share this Lora's Law quote. Enjoy!

Lora's Law #12: People Don't Mean What They Say Quote

Just Because You Say What You Mean...

As I age, life gets easier. I've begun to understand that no two people are alike. I'd always assumed that when people say something mean or cruel about you, they believe it. Why would they say it otherwise? It has taken me decades to realize that other people don't mean what they say.

I do. If it comes out of my mouth, I believe it to be true. That's why you'll never hear me say, You're ugly! Never. I'd have to believe it to say it. If I believed it, I couldn't say it. You can QUOTE me. I mean, the truth hurts, right? Lots of people say terrible things that they don't mean. They'll say anything to get out of a situation, to hurt your feelings, or to get you to be quiet. Never mind it how it makes you feel, they'll apologize later. Lora's Law #12 is all about how people don't say what they mean. Enjoy!

Make a List Quote: Lora's Law #11

Quotes to Remember: Make a List

A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter. A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter. A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and, ooh, chocolate! A loaf of bread, a container of- what's this? It looks like some kind of new ice cream. Okay, I got the chocolate, the ice cream... what did we come here for? Oh, yeah, a loaf of bread. This is me shopping with the kids. I need butter to make cookies for a bake sale. I often make lists on paper. They stay at the house or in the car or sometimes wadded up in my purse. As soon as I get home and get to work, I remember what I really went the store to get. Yesterday, it was duct tape. Lora's Law #11 is all about making lists. This quote is to remind us that we need to make lists and remember to read them!!! Use your phone. Enjoy!

It is Better to Try and Fail Than Never to Try at all: Lora's Law #10

Quote: It is Better to Try and Fail Than Never to Try at All

It seems all you do is try, try, try, and never get anywhere. You have to keep trying to succeed. If you are too afraid to try, you will always feel like a failure. There is no try- only do! You can do it, we say that every day. We keep trying to be a success, but maybe we already are, because we aren't afraid to try. Stay positive, and share this quote to keep motivated. It is better to try and fail than never to try at all. Enjoy!

Sometimes You are Wrong Quote: Lora's Law #9

Quote for Sharing on Facebook or Pinterest: Lora's Law #9

Sigh. It is difficult to imagine and even harder to accept. Sometimes you are wrong. What a shock! You thought you were right. You weren't trying to be a jerk, but we can't know everything there is to know about everything. No... I promise; you can't- no matter how much you think you know. Don't act like a know-it-all. Accept it, admit it, and move on! Lora's Law #9 is a perfect quote to share on Facebook when you need to eat crow. Be the bigger person. Let them know you were wrong. Enjoy!

Sometimes You are Wrong Quote: Lora's Law #9
Lora's Law #9: Sometimes you are wrong quote.

Do you like to be right? People think I do. For me, it isn't as much about me being right, as it is about them being wrong. I don't mean that in a bad way. I just cringe when someone says something that is wrong. I don't want them to say it to someone else who will think less of them. I don't want them to make a fool of themselves. I want to help. Turns out, people don't care if you're trying to help them out. They get embarrassed. They lash out. They accuse you of needing to be right all of the time. Sometimes, you are wrong. Accept it, and move on. Then, share my quote.

Hey, I know that isn't possible! I'm wrong a lot, (less now with Google) but it happens! Sure, it is embarrassing. Sure, I can't believe it most times. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but when I'm right, I'm right; right? 

Since the launch of the movie, Frozen, I've been learning to let it go. Let it go. Let them be wrong. Let it go, admit when you are wrong. Whether you made a mistake, said something that was incorrect, or just tried to help someone appear less foolish... admit that you were wrong and move on. That's right, sometimes you are wrong... and by you, I mean me too. 


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Quote Memes to Share on Facebook: Lora's Law #8

Complaining Quotes to Share

People drive me crazy with their gossiping and clucking like a bunch of old hens. They can't wait to share the worst news about friends, family, or that stranger in the grocery store. Where's the good news? I often find myself complaining to others about the people who talk about others to me. I hate gossip! So, why do I partake? Isn't there any good news to share? Why is negative news more exciting to share? Here's something to share on Facebook or wherever you like to share memes and quotes. Lora's Law #8 is all about complaining about the gossips. Enjoy!

For Pinterest:

When you complain about gossips, you are gossiping too. Keep it to yourself. Lora's Law #8
When you complain about gossips, you are gossiping too. Keep it to yourself. Lora's Law #8.

For Facebook:

Complaining Quote Memes to Share on Facebook: Lora's Law #8
Lora's Laws: Quotes about complaining.

Lora's Law Number Eight: 

"When you complain about someone who talks about others, you are talking about others too; keep it to yourself." 

Chew on that.

Share this version on Pinterest.

When you complain about others Gossip quote for Pinterest


Words Define You Quote

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Lora's Law #7 Words You Choose Quote

Quote: The Words You Choose, Define You

You tasted it. You know you did it. When it came off the tip of your tongue and left your mouth, you had regrets. But, you let it go anyway without any words to take it back. You're sorry at the choice. Your sorry for the vulgarity, your sorry that you let your weakness and insecurities escape. You know you are better than that, so prove it! Don't react with a wicked tongue. Be careful, the words you choose define you. Choose words that will build you up, bring you happiness, and reap rewards. In the meantime, share this quote in your Facebook feed to show your remorse or to shame someone who makes bad choices too. We've all been there, just choose a better reaction next time. Enjoy!

Quote: The Words You Choose, Define You Facebook

Lora's Law Number Seven:

"Be careful; the words you choose define you."  It is time to be a better you.

Words you choose define you quote: Lora's Law #7
Words you choose define you quote: Lora's Law #7.


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Quotes about Recycling: Lora's Law #6

Lora's Law #6: Quote to Share on Facebook

Recycling is so important. Is it more important than a clean vehicle? If you recycle, but rarely make it to the recycling bin, this quote is perfect to share on Facebook. Lora's Law #6 is all about those recyclables. Enjoy!

For Pinterest:

Quote about Recycling: Car full of trash, but kitchen isn't.
Quote about Recycling: Car full of trash, but kitchen isn't.

For Facebook:

Quotes about Recycling: Lora's Law #6
Quotes about Recycling: Lora's Law #6.

Lora's Law Number Six:

"Be happy the recyclables made it to the car. People may think your trunk is full of trash, but at least your kitchen isn't."

I recycle. My city doesn't. Maybe they do. If so, it isn't free. 

Recycling freed me from the inevitable fate of becoming a hoarder. I feel like recycling isn't throwing precious memories away it is allowing them to have a new life.

Yep, I couldn't part with my first child's ten-year-old, Tow Mater toddler scooter, but, after awhile, I was able to recycle him. 

The idea that he didn't end up in a landfill but maybe became a new toy, comforts me.

My kids are not future recyclers. They see it as a major burden. Hello, let's get with the times and recycle all of the trash.

What about you, recycle or no?


Inspiring and Funny Quotes

Recycle Bottles for Kids' Juice

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Laundry Facebook Quotes about Life: Lora's Law #5

Life is Hard, Quote about Laundry

Looking for Facebook quotes about life. How about the laundry? Lora's Law #5 is all about the laundry. Do you bury your room in clean clothes? Enjoy!

Laundry Facebook Quotes about Life: Lora's Law #5
Laundry Facebook Quotes about Life: Lora's Law #5.

Lora's Law Number Five:

"If you're lucky enough to get the weekly laundry washed, you won't have time to put it away. Isn't that what bedroom floors are for?"

I'm always worried someone will come into my room without my permission, and stumble over a pile of laundry. What if they think it is dirty laundry and call the hoarder police on me? 

At any given day, you will find a very nice stack and a pile (or two) of clean clothes on my bedroom floor. 

Hey, I'm a work in progress. How about you?

I'm just grateful to have clean clothes to wear.

You can guess how I feel about the archaic iron!


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Password Quotes: Lora's Law #4 for Facebook

Facebook Quotes about Life: Lora's Law #4, Password Pets

We love our pets. We want to remember them. Do you ever make a password to honor a pet that has passed away? Maybe you use your current pet. Lora's Law #4 is all about forgetting which pet is your current favorite and your current password. If you are guilty, please share this meme on Facebook. Enjoy!

Forget Password Quote: Lora's Law #4
Lora's Law #4: Forgetting favorite pet passwords.

Lora's Law Number Four:

"If you make a password your favorite pet's name, chances are, you'll forget which pet you picked as your favorite."

All the time. This is a common password security question. I always have to think. I start in order from my first favorite pet to whichever is my current favorite pet or my favorite pet of all time. Sigh. I have had more pets than most! I need a new password technique.


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)