Quote: It is Better to Try and Fail Than Never to Try at All
It seems all you do is try, try, try, and never get anywhere. You have to keep trying to succeed. If you are too afraid to try, you will always feel like a failure. There is no try- only do! You can do it, we say that every day. We keep trying to be a success, but maybe we already are, because we aren't afraid to try. Stay positive, and share this quote to keep motivated. It is better to try and fail than never to try at all. Enjoy!
It is Better to Try and Fail Than Never to Try at all quote: Lora's Law #10. |
Lora's Law #10: "It is better to try and fail than never to try at all." Translation, by Dory, "Just keep swimming!"
Motivation is key. If you are unmotivated, you are at risk for depression. If you see yourself as a failure, you will fail at the game of life. If you keep trying, others see you as a success. You motivate them to try to.
I see so many people (adults and kids too) who take a look at something and decide it is too hard. The fear of failure stifles them from even trying. The task isn't something that they are incapable of doing. Generally, it requires listening skills- concentration. If they'd take a deep breath, relax, and say, "I got this," the outcome would be so different. Instead, they take one look at it, realize they've never done anything like it before, worry about failing and looking stupid, and refuse to try. Boo! This makes me so frustrated.
You aren't always going to "get" everything on the first explanation. You may need to ask questions. You may not understand after you ask questions because you didn't know what questions to ask the first time around. You may think your question is stupid. Don't say, "I can't do this." You will feel miserable. You will feel like you let someone else down, like you are worthless and can't do anything, and you will become depressed.
Don't beat yourself up. Do try! Say, "Let me take a look at it. I may have lots of questions, but I will try!" If you say, "I can't do this, it is too hard," the person asking may also begin to doubt your ability. It is difficult to lose respect for someone who is willing to try, but it is easy to lose respect for those who aren't willing to learn something new.
If you think you can't do it, you won't!
If you think you can, you will try harder and become more likely to succeed.
No matter how many times it took me to learn something new or do something I didn't think I could, I always felt great once I accomplished my goal!
I don't succeed at everything. I make so many mistakes! With each mistake, I learn new coping skills and new ways to work things out. Failures are educational. Sitting back and doing nothing? You think you are protecting yourself from failure, but in reality you are defining yourself as a failure. You learn nothing, you do nothing, what have you gained besides convincing yourself that you are worthless?
Trying is far better.
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