5 Thanksgiving Garland Ideas

Paper Thanksgiving Craft: Decorate with Garland

Decorate your dining room for Thanksgiving with cute fall garland you make together as a family. Use these ideas for paper garland decorations or let each family member design their own. Some fun Thanksgiving garland ideas include fall leaves, owls, turkeys, pumpkins or squash, pilgrim hats, tepees, or cornucopias. Enjoy!

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Thanksgiving Garland Ideas
Thanksgiving Garland Ideas.

For our Thanksgiving garland craft, we decided to let each family member design their own character for the garland pattern. Then place each one on string in a pattern.

For the leaf, we folded the paper in half like a card and cut leaves out on the fold. This allows you to simply fold the leaf over the string to attach it.

The little owl and turkey are glued on with tacky glue, but hot glue (no waiting) works great too. To give it a sensory issue when working with little ones, tacky glue is more tactile and safe, but if you are in a hurry or don't want to make a mess, hot glue works best.

More Thanksgiving Garland Ideas  

We love this thankful bucket garland idea from Uncommon Designs. Have each guest write down what they are thankful for before dinner, place them in the buckets, and after dinner have someone read them to everyone.

Thanksgiving Garland Ideas
Thanksgiving garland ideas: Thankful buckets.

If you are looking for a Thanksgiving garland craft to do with the kids, you will love this corn chain garland from Fiskars.

Thanksgiving garland craft to do with the kids
Thanksgiving garland craft to do with the kids.

For a more formal dining room garland decor for Thanksgiving dinner, make a rustic garland with jute, leaves, and glitter. Learn how to preserve fall leaves or use fake leaves.

Elegant Thanksgiving garland ideas
Elegant Thanksgiving garland ideas.

Over on Crafthubs, we found a super simple idea for Thanksgiving pinecone garland. Collect pinecones, have the kids paint them with fall colors then add glitter to make them sparkle!

simple Thanksgiving garland craft idea
Simple Thanksgiving garland craft idea.

For more fun, simple Thanksgiving ideas follow our fall board on Pinterest.


Buy Thanksgiving Garland*

Easy Thanksgiving Puppet Craft 

Make a Fall Leaf Wreath

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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.