Here are 9 creative, fun ways to make edible, winter holiday crafts.
These 9 Edible Holiday Crafts are perfect for a New Year Celebration. We just adore the Hot Chocolate Ornament idea below. These winter holiday crafts are fun ways to play with your food. Holiday creativity abounds in the blogosphere. Which one is your favorite? Enjoy!
9 Easy Edible Winter Holiday Crafts for Kids. |
Edible Party Hat Craft for New Year's Eve Celebrations
Ice Cream Party Hats from One Charming Party. |
From Party Frosting |
Hot Chocolate Ornament from Craft Berry Bush. |
Star of David Cookies
Piped Icing Snowflake Ornaments
Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments
Holiday Treats for Animals: Bird Seed Ornaments
Edible Marshmallow Dreidel Craft
Edible Marshmallow Snowmen Pop Pals
Star of David Cookies from |
Edible Piped Icing Snowflake Ornament Craft. |
Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments
From JimmieWriter on HubPages. |
Holiday Treats for Animals: Bird Seed Ornaments
Bird Seed Ornaments from |
Edible Marshmallow Dreidel Craft
Edible Marshmallow Dreidel from |
Edible Marshmallow Snowmen Pop Pals
Marshmallow Snowman from Turkey Games Kids Creative Chaos Cooks: Kitchen Kids Series: Holiday Recipes* Hands-On Art Activities for the Elementary Classroom: Seasonal, Holiday, and Design Activities for Grades K-5*
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