Character Descriptions of the KCC Kids
Kids are full of irony, among other things, and they always seem to have something important to say. So, I'll be starting a new column series based on the crazy things my kids say.Meet my real family:
Samantha, a teenager, dubbed "The Queen of Duh". A title happily handed down by me. She's sometimes witty, more often socially inept, and always judgemental. "I'd never do that!" She wouldn't, but she's done worse. Join us weekly for "Samantha Says". Gain valuable insight into the teen mind.
Jake, a six-year old going on forty. He's bookish, gamish, and socially amiss. Jake views the world through a refracted lens. He's always ready to explain why your wrong and he's usually right. Even so, he says the darndest things. Look for "Jake's Jokes", they'll have you laughing out loud.
Amanda, Oh my. My Arch Nemesis. A four-year old with a big personality. She's spunky, independent, and obstinate. She tells it like she sees it. Be careful, Amanda's advice is not for anyone with fragile psyche. Got a question? "Ask Amanda".
Recommended Reading:
Yes, Your Teen is Crazy!: Loving Your Kid Without Losing Your Mind
My Quotable Kid: A Parents' Journal of Unforgettable Quotes
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