April Calendar of Special Days and Holidays for Curriculum Planning

2017 April Holidays and Special Days are the Best for Planning your Classroom or Homeschool Curriculum

April, 2017! It's Spring in the states. We look forward to Spring Activities outdoors and bringing flowers indoors. Easter generally occurs in April, but sometimes March. When is Easter? The first Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. Say what? Easter is tricky, it can occur March 22 - April 25. Check here for dates.

We've found some fun, unique, April Holidays that will keep your curriculum exciting and new. Enjoy!

2017 Calendar of April Holidays and Special Days.
2017 Calendar of April Holidays and Special Days.

2017 April Holidays and Special Days Printable Calendar

1 April Fool’s Day Play
Play April Fool's Jokes for Kids on your Family!
Make a Fake Cake to fool your friend for a birthday party.
8 Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

9 Name Yourself Day
Choose the name you always wanted and tell all of your friends to refer to you as your favorite name. Just call me Yoda.

11 National Cheese Fondue Day
What can you dip in Cheese? Do you have a special recipe for fondue? We'd love for you to leave a link in the comments.
12 National Grilled Cheese Day
Grilled Cheese Day? Make some Grilled Cheese for the Kids or maybe Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly.

14 Look Up at the Sky Day
A Day where you go outside and look up at the sky and enjoy it.

15 Rubber Eraser Day
Rubber Eraser Day? Do you have a cool eraser? I remember having a teddy bear eraser in all the colors of the rainbow.

16 Day of the Mushroom
Celebrate Mushrooms! Make a mushroom craft in honor of Alice in Wonderland, yeah, a Toadstool is a mushroom.
Easter Sunday (March 25 - April 22)
Christians believe this is the day Jesus rose from the dead. Everyone else can enjoy the pagan celebration with the Easter Bunny, Coloring Eggs and Decorating Eggs, and having an Easter egg hunt! How to make an Easter basket from a milk jug.
22 National Jelly Bean Day
Looking for things to do with Jelly Beans? Hop around our blog, we've got lots of edible art.

24 National Pig in Blanket Day
Hotdogs in croissants, sausage in a pancake? Celebrate with a cute pig craft for kids! Make a clay pig.

27 National Pretzel Day
Hooray! It is National Pretzel Day! We've got lots of way to learn how to make pretzels at home. Heart Pretzels are fun to make. Things to do with pretzels.

Recommended Reading:

Peanut Butter And Jellyfishes Book for Kids

Books for April Fool's Day

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Lora is a homeschooling mom, writer, creator of Kids Creative Chaos, and Director of the Play Connection.