Quotes about Success
A lot of smart people seem dumb. A lot of smart people feel dumb. The truth is, most people aren't as dumb as they act. Right? I mean, a lot of people always do their best and their best IS good enough. Other people, fool themselves to think that they are doing their best, but, in reality, they really don't care about the thing they are doing. It doesn't matter to them, it isn't as important to them as it is to someone else, and they just don't care. Then, they convince themselves that their best isn't good enough. Lora's Law #17 is a quote about mindset and success.Perhaps, you have fooled yourself into this way of thinking? You take on a responsibility and soon realize that you don't want to do it. You have no passion for it. You could care less about it. It is just a means to an end. To a paycheck. To a career you don't really want. You want to do your best, but you can't get the gumption. You keep putting it off until the last minute. Then, you have to rush to get it done. It isn't your best work- how could it be? You convince yourself you did the best with the time you had, but deep down you know the truth.
That gnawing feeling you have. That resentment you have to the person who asked you to complete the task in the first place... You aren't angry with them. You might convince yourself that you are. You might even try to convince them that you did your best and remark that if your best isn't good enough for them, well then, they are just a jerk!
You are trying to transfer your guilt to the other person. In some way, you will succeed. You'll make the other person feel guilty. They had faith in you, but now they'll think they made a mistake. They'll also begin to doubt your abilities. You'll feel that. You'll also feel inner resentment. Deep guilt. You know you could have done better if you had given yourself more time. If you had planned ahead. If you took the time to check your work, but you were lazy... You didn't care. It wasn't your reputation on the line or if it was- you didn't want the end prize.
Maybe it was a job you were doing for someone else. Maybe it was a college application and you just really didn't want to go to college, but you hadn't admitted it to yourself. Maybe you failed a test. In the grand scheme of things, you didn't care if you failed. So, what? You'd rather spend the time with friends.
Life is too short, right?
That's great, as long as you can own it. The problem lies in your ability to accept your choices. Don't get down on yourself. Don't blame others for your inadequacies. Deep down you know the truth. If you keep the guilt alive, you'll begin to believe that you aren't as smart as everyone else. You are. You can do it!
We can do anything we set our minds too. We really can. You can move mountains when motivated.
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Lora's Law #17 says, "Most people aren't as dumb as they act, they just don't care. If you care, it doesn't matter how smart you are, you can still succeed."
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