Conversation Heart Sight Word Game for Kids
Get crafty for Valentine's Day using Cupid's arrows and Conversation Hearts in a Sight Word game for kids. This simple activity is perfect for early childhood literacy. Store the arrows and hearts in the monkey pocket, and then mix and match to form sentences. Scroll below for printable pattern and how to play the game. Enjoy!
Make Conversation Hearts into a Sight Word Literacy Game for Kids.
Template pattern for Monkey Valentine game.
You will need:
Construction paper, markers, scissors, glue, and scrap gift bags.
How to make the game:
Cut out pieces per pattern above. Glue monkey's face together. When gluing monkey face to paper; glue only the outermost edge. Important: do not glue the top of the paper down (between his ears). Now you have a pocket to store your game pieces. Cut out game pieces and write simple sight words on the arrows and hearts. Make sure to use lots of action words, pronouns, nouns, and verbs.
Ideas for heart words might include feeling words like happy, sad, mad, funny.
Arrow words should include words like the, boy, girl, I, a, dog, cat, was, is, could, ran, likes. Cut more than 10 arrows to make the sentences more interesting.
How to play the game: (two players)
You will need 2 dice. Place hearts upside down on table. Each player takes turn drawing for a total of 5 hearts. Hold in hands like cards or place face down on table. Each player takes a die. Youngest player rolls first. Player must roll a 3 or 6. When a 3 is rolled player draws an arrow from the pocket. When a 6 is drawn player draws 2 arrows. With each turn, the player tries to form a simple sentence. Player must pass if they cannot make a sentence. Players can work together to make sentences too. The first player to use all of their conversation hearts wins!
Recommended Reading:
Monkey Mask Craft and Story Ideas
Monkey Snack
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed*
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