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Showing posts with label reading nooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading nooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading nooks. Show all posts

Read YA Fiction Online: Moon Magic Chapter 8

YA Fiction Online

Have you been reading free books online? We're sharing our YA fiction novel online. We recommend this novel for ages 13 yrs. and up. If you're new, start here- Moon Magic Chapter One.  As always, this material is copyrighted and not meant to be published on any other website or platform. It will be published in full once completed. Click here for Moon Magic Chapter SevenEnjoy!

This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

This is the last free chapter of the YA Metaphysical Novel. The book is now published on Amazon. 

Read YA Fiction Online: Moon Magic Chapter 8

Online YA Fiction Novel

Moon Magic
Copyright 2017

Chapter Eight : Serenity’s Story

Serenity’s ability to ignore the past had come to an end. As she drifted in and out of cerebral consciousness, she relived the past in 4D. Highly aware of the comings and goings in her hospital room, she was frozen and unable to see or to speak. Wide open, her mouth drew deafening gasps of air into her lungs as she stayed mostly in a lucid dream-like state.

Friends and family saw a broken human fighting for oxygen and struggling for survival, but within the inner workings of Serenity’s system, she was still very much alive. Every spoken word interrupted and confused her thoughts.

Able to concentrate and change the outcome of her dreams she spent many hours trying to manipulate the past. However, her thoughts drifted to the things she couldn’t change, at least not in this current state of being.

In the summer of 1988, Serenity graduated from high school. Keeping with family traditions she had spent her first summer as a so-called ‘adult’ living on a reservation in Oklahoma. The Creek Indians on the reservation still practiced ritualistic ceremonies and young girls were expected to attend while they were still pure.

In those days, keeping one’s virginity intact until the eighteenth birthday was quite a feat. Serenity’s parents were strict but not religious. Their morals were strong, outdated, and politically incorrect. Needless to say, she didn’t always agree with them. But, when the time came for her initiation into the ‘tribe’ she knew she’d be ready.

Her parents had never kept secrets about their heritage. She’d poured over books soaking up every detail of the Creek culture. The oneness with nature exhibited by her ancestors held tight. Growing up in the bible belt was difficult. She had to keep so many secrets. Many Christians believed Indians who practiced rituals to the Great Spirit were against God. Even though, the Creek believed that God and the Great Spirit were one in the same.

Back then, every time she shut her eyes, the ancestors had revealed their ancestral memories. Now, her eyes stayed permanently closed. Her DNA was imprinted with years of struggle, and the ancestors were delighted to have so much time to reveal their stories day in and day out.  

When Serenity was younger her parents had poo-pooed the night terrors. It was nothing, just a dream. But, on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, they finally opened Pandora’s Box and admitted that they too had these memories. Growing up without that knowledge had been a lonely existence. When the time came, she vowed not to do that to her own child.

In an effort to protect her only daughter, Serenity’s mother had kept secrets. “It’s for the best, baby doll. The less you know the easier your life will be.” She’d comfort Serenity after a nightmare by saying, “There’s no such thing as ghosts, now go back to sleep.” She had deceived her daughter only to hide the inevitable truth. The plan wasn’t meant to hurt or hinder only to protect her little girl from night terrors, worldly injustice, and a lifetime of prejudice.

When Serenity turned eighteen her mother said, “I know you are aware that spirits exists. That ghostly creatures follow you. You were so young when it started, I did not want to frighten you. Most of us never remember the night terrors as children. We have no knowledge of the after-life but you did. I see them too. I’ve talked to many spirits, many relatives, lost souls- friend and foe. I’ve seen visions of things I cannot explain. It’s the Creek way, we are connected to the earth, eternally.

As a child, the beings only came to me in the form of beloved pets. Something my young mind could handle. They comforted me. They told me they loved me. As an adult, I instinctively came to know that they had been my ancestral grandmothers guiding me. I trusted them. Later, they were stronger more vivid and harder to forget. With nowhere to run, I often cowered under my coverings. I shared with no one- not even your father. I knew he would think I was a crazy lady.

Many Christians believe that only God knows our destiny. They think visions are sent by the Devil. I see things before they happen. I don’t know our destiny, but if I can decipher the dreams, I can often help in some way. It’s a fine line. When I can’t  help or when I realize the event has already taken place, I have night sweats.

If God didn’t want me to help why would he grant me this power? Maybe everyone has the ability but others avoid it because they fear God or the Devil? I don't know. I only know that I work to find the answers. I pray to the Great Spirit, God Almighty, and I know that they are one in the same.

My night terrors and sweats can be erased when I rely on my abilities to affect change. The difficulty comes when knowing when to let go and let God and when to act as his servant. This comes with practice and training from the Sages. It is a great gift. It is your choice to look away and choose your own destiny or face humanity and listen to your past. The decision will come after your lessons on the reservation. Only after you know your truth, are you capable of making the right choice.”

Serenity’s grandfather was the most enthusiastic about the night terrors. “The ancestors like you, Serenity. They share their strife with you. You must listen loudly to understand. When you listen, your ancestors and the Great Spirit will guide you. Do what they say and you will make modern miracles. Embrace your dreams. Do not ignore or discount them- you must embrace and harness the power.”

After that, he encouraged her parents to send her to a future Sage Camp. Right. What would her friends think of that? She had told them she was spending the summer visiting relatives in Oklahoma. It was the truth, she didn’t even have to lie.


Moon Magic Starts Here

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Things to do in Indianapolis Indiana: Downtown Central Library for Kids

Central Library's Learning Curve in Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana has Free Things to do that are Fun for Kids

Recently, we took a trip to the downtown Indianapolis Central Library. I've been meaning to do this for sometime, but after several years of summer day camp and kid's misplacing books or videos, we have quite a hefty library fine. I plan to chip away at it slowly. If you also have a library fine and are under 18, keep reading. We found out the library has a program where you can "pay off" your fines with good behavior! More info about that later. In the summer, we are always looking for FREE, FUN, and EDUCATIONAL things to do in Indianapolis or other parts of Indiana. This futuristic architecture, in the form of a public library, fits the bill perfectly.

Things to do in Indianapolis Indiana: Downtown Central Library for Kids
Central Library Funnel in Reading Nook. It plays a little movie.
This year, my goal is to treat each week like summer camp with my own kids - Less the getting up at 5:30 a.m., the toting 12 other kids everywhere we go, the need for epipens, a change of underwear (and a bag for the previous soiled pair), the waivers, the checklist, and the stress! We are on a mission of discovery. Anything within 2 hrs. of our home is up for an impromptu field trip
In this Futuristic Library, you can lounge and read, listen to a story, or watch one.
In this Futuristic Library, you can lounge and read, listen to a story, or watch one.
The Central Library is very cool. If you are looking for a futuristic library, you've come to the right place. You enter the library through an old, historic building with an incredible view of the American Legion Mall which is really just a large, green space with war memorials. Be sure to turn and enjoy the view as you enter. Then, you enter a breezeway where you'll find the info desk and a small, reasonably priced cafe. Keep going, and you'll be whisked into the children's area, better known as The Learning Curve. 

The Learning Curve: A Children's Area at the Central Library, Downtown Indy.
The Learning Curve: A Children's Area at the Central Library, Downtown Indy.
The Learning Curve is housed in the modern, glass, curved building directly behind the main entrance. Don't be intimidated, just keep walking. The librarian help desks are mobile carts that float throughout the large children's area. Don't be shy. They are happy to help. Don't have a library card, (or have one you can't use) but you want to use the computers? Ask the librarian for a guest pass. No pressure, they don't try to upsell to a library card :) The passes are good for 1 hr. from the time you log in, but you can get another passcode as long as computers are available. This is a safe internet zone. The kids can play and share games with other kids within the library.

Study Pods, Think Tank, Kid's Activity Wall for Preschoolers, Pacer's Rent a Bike Program, and See-a-story spinning seats at The Learning Curve, Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana in the Central Library.
Study Pods, Think Tank, Kid's Activity Wall for Preschoolers, Pacer's Rent a Bike Program, and See-a-story spinning seats at The Learning Curve, Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana in the Central Library.
We went to see a FREE DISNEY MOVIE in Clowes Auditorium, Tinkerbell's, "The Pirate Fairy". It was awesome. During summer camps, we visited our local branch of the library and watched the movies in a large room while sitting on the floor with a bunch of sweaty kids and little or no air conditioning. At the downtown Indianapolis, Central Library, we sat in comfy, purple seats in an acoustically correct, air-conditioned theatre.You can rent the 300 seat Clowes Auditorium space for special events too.

After that, we headed to the children's theatre. When they aren't having puppet shows or reader's theatre, the kids can jump up on the stage and enjoy some creative play in front of a large green screen. While bouncing around, they can watch themselves on one of the video screens. They might walk on the moon or climb a mountain!

On the opposite end of the Learning Curve, you'll find the Think Tank.This is an enclosed space (it's stuffy in there) with whiteboard walls and a table full of dry-erase markers. Brainstorm an idea, solve a math problem, or just draw a cartoon. You can be noisy, because it is somewhat soundproof. 

There is also a tinkerlab, a preschool activity area, a techlab, a wall to learn braille, study pods, futuristic, spinning chairs where you can listen to a story, and (my favorite), a super comfy reading lounge with a central animated funnel. I sat down and did not want to get up. Next time, I'll work in this area while the kids enjoy the library. They couldn't sign up for the summer reading program or check out books because of those nasty aforementioned library fines. The library now offers an amnesty program. I need this too, dear Indy Library. 

So, what is the take away? Don't stress, get cool, stay out of inclement weather... Wait, there's more. The library has a parking garage- find the rates here. We parked in the street at the fancy, modern parking meters that accept credit cards (now there's a learning curve) and walked. At the front entrance of the library, you can rent yellow, Pacer's bicycles- but they are all adult size, no kid seats, or tandem bikes... hint hint.

There are so many fun things to do in Indianapolis! We hope you'll join us (virtually, of course) as we discover the wonderful things downtown Indianapolis has to offer. We will feature some of our favorite things soon:

Mass Ave. 
Toy Store, Flying Cupcake, Hot Dog Cafe, Fair Trade Market

The Circle
Ride or climb to the top of the Monument, Candy Store, Chocolate Cafe