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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query birds of prey. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query birds of prey. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query birds of prey. Sort by date Show all posts

Trip to Sheffield with Family

Visiting Sheffield With Your Kids

Thinking of traveling outside the United States? If you're looking for places to visit in the UK with family, Sheffield is a great option. In Sheffield, there are numerous indoor and outdoor activities for children and families. We've highlighted a few to help you plan your visit to Sheffield.

Kids of all ages are offered a wide range of fun activities and hands-on learning experiences at Sheffield's museums. At places like Kelham Island Museum, families can learn about the city's history via interactive displays. If you head a little out of town, you can also find animals, birds, reptiles, and insects from around the world. Families will enjoy an excursion to Sheffeld.

Cafes offering snacks and sandwiches at city parks and gardens and in most museums are family-friendly. Except for some, not all restaurants and bars in the city are family-friendly. Seen below, children will enjoy a trip to Our Cow Molly, Dairy Desserts.

Family Friendly Sheffield Cafes and Restaurants

Many people are choosing Sheffield as an excellent place to raise children and settle down. Many foreigners to the UK also prefer Sheffield to settle down. If this sounds like something you may want to do in the future, you should contact immigration lawyers in Sheffield and get started on the immigration paperwork and application process. The UK is very welcoming to highly skilled professionals and families.

Fun Facts about Sheffield:

As you can see, Sheffield has a rich history and plenty of green spaces where you can find many activities and places to explore with your kids.

The UK National Video Game Museum is in Sheffield.

The Rivelin River

The Rivelin River is historic and has an excellent pathway to take a walk with your child. You can follow a trail that leads to old mills. There is a water park near the café to have some fun. Herons and other wildlife can be sighted here.

The Botanical Gardens

The Sheffield Botanical Gardens are very well-manicured green parks. The 19-acre Sheffield Botanical Gardens are home to more than 5,000 different species of plants. It's easy to roam around with your children and babies as the paths are made of tarmac, making it easy to operate a pram. Admission to the Botanical gardens is free, and you can also relax at the café once you're tired. The best times to visit are spring and summer when the flowers are in full bloom. 

The Winter Gardens

Winter Gardens is a tropical oasis situated in Sheffield city centre. This Garden is amongst the largest temperate greenhouse in the country and is home to nearly 2,500 plant species. You can enjoy nature while your kids can safely walk the paths around the tropical trees.

Weston Park Museum

Weston Park Museum can teach you about culture and history. Founded in 1875, the main collections in this museum are free, and the displays are spectacular. There is a gallery that displays facts about Ancient Egypt. The Weston Park Museum is also known for being the home to Sheffield's social and natural history and archaeology. 

Some of the notable highlights in this museum are the Bronze Age armor and art. Apart from this, you can also visit exhibits from other more prominent museums in the area. The museum has many guided tours to help your family understand the historical importance. 

Weston Park 

Weston Park is in the vicinity of Weston Park Museum. You can relax while your kid runs around in the park. It is a perfect place to have a post museum picnic.

Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife & Falconry Centre

The Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife & Falconry Centre houses a vast array of free-flying birds of prey, owls, reptiles, parrots, meerkats, farm animals, lemurs, and more. While the name does signify butterflies, you can also see the incredible falconry. Animal lovers can learn about otters (from the keepers), feed farm animals, pet a few lemurs, see the meerkats, and photograph as many butterflies as you want. 

National Emergency Services Museum

Sheffield is home to the National Emergency Service Museum – the largest of its kind in the world. There are more than 50 vintage vehicles – police cars, fire engines, and ambulances with uniforms and gear and equipment for different eras. Families with kids can also avail the kids' fire engine rides (included in the ticket admission). If you're in the mood for a treat, you can also rent some of the vintage vehicles and take a tour of the city.


Vacation Tips from The Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Eagle Creek Park Earth Discovery Center and Bird Sanctuary: The Perfect After-School or Summer Camp Activity

Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis has a lot to offer when it comes to Things to do in Indiana

Earth  Discovery Center Scavenger Hunt Activity
Take a scavenger hunt and find animals hidden in the mural.
One of of my favorite things to do in Indianapolis is to visit Eagle Creek Park. The park is full of fun, free (or nearly free), educational things to do with kids. The activities are spread out, so ask for a map when you enter the gate. I say free, but your car is charged a small fee to get through the gate.
Eagle Creek Park Earth Discovery Center offers educational activities for Homeschoolers
Eagle Creek Park Earth Discovery Center offers educational activities.
We enjoy bird watching at the Bird Sanctuary, Friday Night Frog Watches for Families, Swimming at the Beach, and visiting the Earth Discovery Center which is full of science and nature programs. You can visit the air-conditioned Earth Discovery Center and do a self-guided tour to learn about turtles, frogs, and other creatures that inhabit the park. We especially like the scavenger hunt room. They also offer summer camps and afterschool programs. If you are adventurous and want to spend some money try the Go Ape experience.

Eagle Creek Bird Sanctuary: The Perfect After-School or Summer Camp Activity
Eagle Creek Bird Sanctuary:
The Perfect After-School or Summer Camp Activity

When you visit the largest park in Marion County and one of the largest city parks in the nation, you will discover many treasures hidden among the 3,900 acres of land and 1,400 acre reservoir. The Ornithology Center or Bird Sanctuary is accessed by two main gates, which charge $3 per bicycle, $5 per vehicle, and $50 for a season pass.

Need to unwind after-school? The Eagle Creek Park Ornithology Center is the perfect place. On most Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p.m. you can take your children to 'Meet a Raptor.' Park Staff will introduce you to a live bird of prey and even let you get up close and personal in an intimate setting. It is a great opportunity to sneak educational programming into an afternoon of fun.

The Center is nestled between the reservoir and a fun frog pond, which offers many opportunities for bird and frog watching. Check the special events calendar for "Friday Night Frog Watches" where you can learn to identify the various sounds of frogs vs. birds. Also, outside the center, (weather permitting) rescued hawks and owls are exhibited in special cages. A rustic deck, perfect for outdoor picnics, overlooks the reservoir.

Inside, boasts two bird viewing areas complete with binoculars and reference materials. One area overlooks the reservoir. Here, you can challenge your children to a game of eye spy that focuses on the various bird species flying over the water.
On any given day, you will spy a Great Blue Heron, Loon, or one of the two-hundred and sixty other species of Indiana Birds that call Eagle Creek Park home. Kids won't need binoculars to view the circus of squirrels that have taken over the manmade bird sanctuary fighting with Blue Jays and frightening Cardinals.
The indoor exhibit is filled with Indiana wildlife in their natural habitat and interactive computer kiosks with fun facts. The best kept secret is the kiosk which allows you to listen to various bird songs, match them with the appropriate picture, and even compose a little tune of your own. All of this is included with the park's general admission. For an additional fee the park offers after-school programming at the Earth Discovery Center.

Make a day of it in the summer and visit the beach too. Swimming is $3-4 per person, they have lifeguards, and life jackets are available on request. Yes, there is acutally sand on the beach. Enjoy!

Recommended Reading:
Beginning Birdwatching for Kids

Things to do in Indiana

National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America: The Best Birding Book for Kids from National Geographic's Bird Experts

Birds, Nests and Eggs (Take Along Guides)

Things to Do in Indiana: The Hoosier Outdoor Experience

Things to do in Indiana with Kids: Hoosier Outdoor Experience

Indiana offers many fun things to do with kids outdoors. Has your daughter ever dreamed of shooting a bow and arrow? Has she wanted to try her hand at mini-bikes or fishing? The last few years we have done these at The Ford Hoosier Outdoor ExperienceFrom visiting unique animals such as a large tortoise, trail mules and birds of prey, to baiting a hook and hiking the scenic trails, each visit has been one priceless experience after another. Enjoy!

Try to Learn Archery at Hoosier Outdoor Experinece in Indiana.
Learn archery at the Hoosier Outdoor Experience.
Held Sept 19-20 at Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park everyone from 4-100 will find something they enjoy! Activities of all types are available to try including this year’s Inaugural Harrison Hustle 5k held Sunday morning.

Things to do at Hoosier Outdoor Experince.
Learn to shoot.

Learn to ride a motocycle in indiana for kids.
Ride a Motorbike.

Learn to fish at Hoosier Outdoor Experience.
Practice fishing or learn to fish.

The friendly staff of the Division of Law Enforcement taught Baby Girl how to safely handle and shoot a rifle, while the Indiana Hunter Education Association gave her tips on how to hold and shoot a bow and arrow.  

There are many activities and things to do at  the Hoosier Outdoor Experience in Indiana.
There are many activities and things to do at
the Hoosier Outdoor Experience in Indiana.

Learn how to keep bees: Bee Keeping for kids.
Learn Beekeeping.

Baby Girl was able to don a beekeepers suit and learn how important bees are to us. She also learned how to make rope from the Boy Scouts! We both tried our hand at fishing with Mom catching the “whopper” of the day. 

Learn to fish at Hoosier Outdoor Experience in Indiana.
Fishing is fun!

Also new this year, are specialized classes sponsored by REI Inc. and Central Indiana Wilderness Club. Ultimate Camp Coffee sounds like a definite must attend for all parents. 

Girl Scouts attending can earn a special Hoosier Outdoor Experience patch by registering with GSCI. For more information go to #girlscouts #boyscouts #Ford #REI #outdoors #hiking #DNR


Archery for Kids*

Things to Do in Indy with Kids

Youth Archery Set*