Here's how it works: Every Thursday find this post on The Blogger's Club Facebook Page share the post on your Facebook Page and leave your page in the comments below our post. Everyone participating will see your post, check it out, hopefully LIKE it, and then you can add your comment on the SILENT TAGGING post on their page. The idea is we'll gain new follower with common interest based on the sharing. It's Thursday, Let's PLAY!
*** Please READ the rules below before posting!
Only KID/PARENTING related FaceBook pages are allowed to post.
If you would like to play here's how we do it ....
1. On your page, share that The Bloggers Club is networking by Silent Tagging. Please make sure to tag us in your status! (Invite others to share their own FB page in the comment section below the post.)
2. Tag yourself in the comments below.
3. Stop by the pages shared and LIKE them if you would like to follow them.
You are NOT required to like everyone that posts but hopefully you will and they will reciprocate.
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