We had fun with Dr Pepper®! While making easy breaded chicken tenders, we had enough batter leftover to make fried zucchinni. The results were awesome, and it required very little effort. Scroll down to see how to make fried zucchinni with flour and Dr Pepper®. Enjoy!
Use a potato peeler to stripe your zucchinni. |
Slice zucchinni into bite sized pieces.
Slice your zucchinni into small, bite sized pieces.
Place them into a mixture of Dr Pepper® and egg. I know, ew, but it works! |
So, that is 1 beaten egg and 1/2 C. Dr Pepper®. We're missing a photo, but the next step is to lightly flour your zucchinni pieces. We mixed 1/2 C. flour with a dash of Sea Salt, a dash of pepper, and a teaspoon of Dr Pepper®. Use a fork to break up the flour mixture. Tongs are great for flipping the zucchinni.
Fry in butter and a splash of Dr Pepper®. |
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