History of Play-Doh: Play Dough
Have you seen
The High Calling's Weekly E-newsletter? I was asked to visit the site and give a review. Yeah, I usually dread doing reviews. I have to find something positive to write about it whether I like it or not. I dread it so much, I've actually gone back and respectfully declined when I didn't like the material. Not this one; I loved the story on the
history of Play-Doh.
Inspirational Play-doh?
Click the image by Dennis Brekke to read more from, The Weekly High Calling. |
Hooray! I love this newsletter. It's an inspiration for all people but especially for bloggers, writers, and dreamers. The very first post I stumbled on had me hooked! Someone certainly guided my hand to click on the link. It led me straight to
a post about Play-doh.
What you don't know
about Play-doh will truly surprise and inspire you. Of course, I love
Play-doh; so I
had to read more.
So, I scrolled down and clicked on this title for another post: Don't Mistake Doing What You Love With Doing What's Important.
Well, someone had given me this advice about a year ago and it resonated. I had to read the article. Awesome. The author, Bradley J. Moore, weighs his options and decides he has done what is best for his family. Who knows where the other path may have lead.
The newsletter is full of conversations about work, life, and God. Each post in the e-newsletter was inspirational, relevant, and well written. I hope you enjoy it too!
I have been compensated for this post.*
Homemade Clay Recipe
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