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Showing posts sorted by date for query homeschooling. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query homeschooling. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query homeschooling. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Homeschooling Advice from Becky Hunt

Homeschooling Advice 

This guest post on homeschooling advice is by Becky Hunt from Experienced Mommy. Becky has homeschooled four kids (including one with special needs) for the past 20 years. Listen up!
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In case no one ever told you, homeschooling comes with making a lot of decisions.

Some moms are super-fast decision makers. They do a little research. They pick a book or a curriculum, or a study group, they buy stuff and BANG they are done.

No regret, no second guessing, no wringing the hands, no worry that they are going to ruin their kid forever.

Except I don’t actually know any of those moms.

I’m not saying every homeschooling mom friend of mine is a basket case, but let’s just say the vast majority of moms, especially those just getting started, do way too much stressing out.

My Story
I have a special needs daughter, Anna, who is 17 but operates at more of a one-and-a-half-year-old level. She is a category all her own and will always keep the nest full.

But I also have two boys and a girl, all three of which I homeschooled from kindergarten through 12th grade. My oldest son and daughter graduated from Purdue and my younger son is still studying there.

I assembled my own curriculum, didn’t do too much in the way of co-ops or groups, changed things up for each child, and generally made my own way.

The kids all got good scholarships, test scores, etc. and are doing just fine.

But it doesn’t matter how I did it.

The choices you end up making are a lot less important than the process you use to make them. And the key thing about the process is learning to RELAX!

The kids are going to be fine. You aren’t going to sabotage their futures and lives and jobs by choosing A instead of B or X instead of Y.

And that brings me to the first thing you need to relax about:

Relax About Curriculum
Yeah, you have to cover the three R’s, Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic, and yes, you need to work in whatever your state requires especially in high school.

But other than that, don’t sweat it!

Pick something that looks good, that fits with your direction and world view, and relax.

There is no magic prescription for the perfect education. How many expert educators would agree on a curriculum? Um, none.

Education is a long, long term process where we are exposing our kids to principles, ideas, facts and the world.

It is no simplification to say that all we are really trying to do is teach our kids to think. We are teaching them a process for learning.

That’s why the material itself isn’t that crucial. We are basically saying “here are some books and videos and projects: we are going to interact with this pile of stuff.”

We are going to:

  • Figure out what the books want us to do
  • Understand what the benefit of the content is
  • Learn how to get the important parts out of it
  • Learn how to skip over the stuff we don’t care about

And each time we go through a course or topic, our minds get better at learning, and that’s the whole point.

Which is also why the coverage isn’t the most important thing.

Relax About Coverage
Lots of text books have 50 chapters and I know so many moms who are stressed every week because their kid didn’t make through the 1.4 chapters necessary to get done by the end of the year.

But if education is about the process of learning, it just doesn’t matter whether you cover all 50 chapters.

What difference does it make if you plow through 10 extra chapters but the kid only remembers 5% of it and everybody is at each other’s throats the whole time?

If you are obsessed over getting a certain score on a standardized test, and the test has stuff on it your kid has never seen before, you have to have a plan for that. But you still relax and chill and be strategic at the same time.

Relax About Milestones
My kids didn’t start writing papers until they were in 5th or 6th grade. Turns out that was perfectly fine. It gave them a chance to have hundreds of really great books read out loud and discussed with them.

Kids don’t have know the alphabet, read, write or do algebra by a certain age. Relax. It will be fine. They will get it when they need to get it.

Not only will they eventually get it, they’ll learn better when they are ready for it.

Relax About the End Results
I wanted it all. I wanted my kids to excel academically, be well rounded individuals and get great jobs. But most importantly I wanted them to become men and women of character who love God and are kind, honest and unselfish.

Credentials flow from character.

And kids learn character from how you behave not from what you say.

So how do you relax about a big list of goals and dreams you have for your kids?

Well that’s a tough one, but you just have to realize that the end results will come from a steady, consistent relationship that you have with your children over a period of years.

You will sit with them, love them, fight and make up with them, learn with them, learn how to learn with them and persevere when you are tired and want to ship them off to school.

And it will all work out. The kids will be fine.

Just relax. - Becky Hunt - Learn more about Becky.

Homeschool Math Activities from Kids Creative Chaos

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Homeschooling Advice

10 Educational Videos for Teenagers: Homeschool

Homeschool Videos for Teens

Homeschooling? If you're looking for educational videos for teenagers YouTube, we recommend the following 10 Educational YouTube Videos for teens. We've rounded up teen friendly homeschool videos in science, history, health and wellness, and internet safety. Many of them are filmed or acted out by real teenagers. Enjoy!

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10 Educational Videos for Teenagers: Homeschool

10 Amazing Science Tricks Using Liquid
Teenagers are fascinated by unusual and different tricks and/or oddities. This is a great way to teach science while keeping their attention.

A Glimpse Of Teenage Life In Ancient Rome
This animated video shows how teenagers had different lives in ancient times. It's a good way to learn social history and the hard times teenagers went through on a completely different level than today.

Teenage Anxiety
These days, teenage anxiety is common. This video helps teens realize they aren't alone.

Self Control Video
This video on self-control shows teens how not to give into impulses and how to do the right thing. It's filmed in a funny way that will keep their attention.

Managing Anger & Fears
Teaches teens how to manage their emotions and shows teens they aren't alone

Communication Skills For Teens
This is a good video to help teens prepare for future job interviews.

"What Would You Do" 
An informative drug & alcohol awareness PSA. This YouTube video was made to educate students on the dangers of teen alcohol and drug abuse.

Harmful Effects Of Tobacco On The Human Body
Perfect for teens feeling peer pressure to smoke.

Top 5 Food Mistakes Teenagers Make
Teen interviews- an educational video on the importance of food for health and well-being.

Dangers Of Social Media For Teens
This video is an educational experiment on what someone can find about you online in only 6 clicks. Learn tips on how to guard yourself on social media and use it safely.


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YouTube Homeschool Videos for Teens

Homeschool Videos for Teens.

Math for Homeschoolers Online

Homeschool Math Classes Online

If you're looking for math for homeschoolers online, you'll want to check out Make Math More Fun by Shenek Altson. She teaches homeschool math classes online. Check out her guest post to make math more fun by playing simple math games. Enjoy!

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Make Math More Fun by Playing Simple Math Games

Keep It Simple Mommy

As a homeschool mom, if I don’t get anything else done in a day, I like to get some type of reading and math done, because I know those two subjects form the foundation of so many other things.  For me, I’ve seen just how beneficial being good in math is, particularly as a homeschooling mom who sometimes needs to help out financially.  There’s always someone who needs a math tutor! But many times our kids don’t see the benefit of being a Math Ninja, and they need a lot of convincing that this subject is worth spending tons of time on.  So, what can we do to help them learn a subject that has gotten a bad wrap for being boring and tough at the same time? Play simple math games with your kids. Make math fun through games! And you don’t have to come up with these complex, mind blowing games.  You’ll be amazed at how much fun you can have with your kids playing simple games.

I find that one of the best ways to make math more fun is by using games.  It’s amazing that our young children love spending time with us.  I’ve heard that one day this may change, but for right now, one of the number one things my kids like to do, is to spend time with me.  And they really enjoy it when we are able to play a fun game together during this time.  A huge tip though is to keep things simple.  As a homeschooling mommy who has other subjects to cover, lunch to fix, dinner to start prepping, errands to run, bills to send off, appointments to make, you already have a lot of things on your plate.  So having simple go-to games that you can play with your kids on a regular basis, can help you to make math more fun while not having to re-invent the wheel (because no one has time for that.)

Math for Homeschoolers Online

How to Play Simple Math Coloring Game

I made up a simple Math coloring game that uses dice.  My kids are not the type of kids who generally like to color, but they enjoyed playing this fast paced game.  What I did was take two coloring pages, and numbered different portions of the pages with the numbers 1 thru 6.  Then each child was given a die.  They were given the instructions of rolling their dice, and whatever number came up, they were to color one section of their picture with that number.  The first child to finish coloring his or her entire picture would be the winner.  Boy, oh, boy, my “non-coloring children” became coloring machines.  They were throwing those dice and coloring up a storm trying to be the first person finished.  We used large dice that I purchased at a dollar store.  The next time, to add more learning to the activity, I am going to give each child two dice, and then have them sum the numbers on their dice.  Then they’ll color the number on their page that is the sum of the dice.

So step 1 is to take any random coloring page, and number it from 1 thru 6 in the different sections of the picture.  If you are going to have them work with sums, number the sections 2 thru 12.   For each child, make sure that you number the same number of sections on each child’s coloring page to make the game as fair as possible.  It’s not necessary to use the same picture for each child.  Just make sure you have numbered the same number of sections on each child’s coloring page.  So for example, pick 15 different sections to number in each child’s picture.  Below is an example of me numbering a coloring page.

Simple Math Games

Then give each child a die.  If you were going to be letting them figure out sums, give each child 2 dice, so that they can roll up to a sum of 12.  Then let the race begin.  Each time they roll the die, they color one section that has that number in it.  My two children who played did not use the same coloring pages, but again, I numbered the same number of sections in each of their pictures.

Homeschool Math Classes Online: Simple Math Games

So, there you go.  A pretty simple way to have your kids practice number recognition or addition.  My kids had fun racing to see who was going to be the first one finished. My son ended up winning this simple math game!

About Shenek Alston
Now, let me tell you a little about me.  I’m a homeschooling mom to three kids ages 9, 5 and 2, and I have a PhD in Statistics.  Before I met my husband, I planned to be a College Professor. Now I’m a homeschooling mom who blogs about ways to make math more fun.  I also teach math for homeschoolers online. In my FREE ONLINE LIVE MATH lessons, I help kids with topics such a fractions, decimals, percents, and integers.  If you are interested in learning more about these lessons please visit Make Math More Fun and have a great time making math more fun with your kids!


First Grade Math Game with Dice

Money Counting Games

Homeschool Math Lessons Online

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Math for Homeschoolers Online

Homeschool Curriculum Resources

Supplemental Resources for Educators

Thanks to Oriental Trading for these curriculum resources.

Whether you're a homeschool parent or a classroom teacher, these curriculum resources from Oriental Trading are a great way to supplement learning. From the hundreds of items in the Oriental Trading catalog, we chose these items to supplement our homeschool curriculum. If you're looking for supplemental homeschool curriculum resources, be sure to check them out.

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Homeschool Curriculum Resources
Airbrush Marker Set, Money and Time Flashcards, Fraction Spinners, Ruler Tape, and World Map.

Last year, both kids attended Indiana Connections Academy online. We started our homeschool journey with them and after a few years of homeschooling on our own, decided to enroll again. It allowed both kids to take assessment tests. We discovered they both had jumped another grade level. However, Mayhem had some math learning disabilities and special needs.

Supplemental Resources for Educators

Homeschool Curriculum Resources 

Connections Academy was great about testing her and getting her the help she needed, but this year we decided it would be better to once again go it on our own. This way, we can better address her mathematics learning gaps.

So, Jake will attend INCA as a 9th grader... Did you get that? He's officially in high school this year. Yikes! Mayhem is officially a 7th grader. By age, they should be in 5th and 7th. Which makes me skeptical about that assessed math disability.

There's certainly an issue, but she works very well at 4th & 5th grade level math. Her language arts assessment was college level and science and social studies were all above grade level, which is why they placed her in the 6th grade last year.

Homeschooling on our own allows us to tailor the curriculum to her specific grade level needs. We are using MobyMax to help with that. MobyMax finds and corrects learning gaps.

math game for multiplication and division
Tri-Facta math game for multiplication and division memory.

We ordered this educational math game, Tri-Facta, from OT. It's sort of like Scrabble for numbers. Even though Jake is a math whiz, he enjoyed the game.

It's a nice alternative to flashcards. We also got Time and Money flashcards, cool ruler tape, and fraction spinners. Everything You Need to Ace Math in one Big Fat Notebook is an awesome math book for reluctant mathematicians. It's written in note taking form and explains math concepts in a fun, easy to understand manner. Click here to find the resources at Oriental Trading.

If your kids like to color, this World Chart map (pictured below) is a great supplemental activity for geography and social studies. It comes with a booklet of facts. The idea is to find the fact's map location and then color it. We also got an airbrush set for future art lessons.

Social Studies Lesson: Color Chart the World Map.

Social Studies Resource from MindWare, Color Chart Map.

Just for fun, Teacher a.k.a. Mom, drug the kiddos out of bed for a 'I just woke up' shot to share on social media. Everyone always shares their back to school first day of school pictures and we didn't want to be left out.

For us, the first day of school means getting up a little earlier- okay, a lot earlier, but not as early as a traditional school day. No new haircuts, no new backpacks, no new shoes, no new school clothes. Just old pajamas. Well, really, old comfy clothes for sleeping. No matching necessary. We'll get dressed if we run out of food and need to make a trip to the grocery store. A trip to a fast food restaurant doesn't require getting dressed...

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Homeschool Lessons from Kids Creative Chaos

Indiana Field Trip Ideas

Homeschool Curriculum Resources on Amazon

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Read Free Books Online: Moon Magic Chapter 7

Moon Magic: YA Fiction Novel Online

Do you have an eReader or Kindle? Do you read free books online? We've been sharing our YA fiction book online. If you're new, start here- Moon Magic Chapter One. If you've been reading the story, the last chapter published was chapter six. Eventually, this will be published as an eBook. Remember this material is copyrighted and not meant to be published on any other website or platform. Moon Magic is a young adult fiction novel with suspense and historical fiction sprinkles. Enjoy!

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Read Free Books Online: Moon Magic Chapter 7

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Read YA Adult Fiction Online

Moon Magic
Copyright 2017

Chapter Seven 
A History Lesson

You can’t protect your children from everything. Serenity had learned that long ago. She lived in constant fear for her daughter’s safety, so she homeschooled until the third grade when Auri had begged to ride a school bus like the ‘normal’ kids. It went well until everyone hit puberty in the fifth grade

Well, almost everyone. 

Puberty wasn’t typical. Nothing was typical with Aurora, so it took a little longer for the complete transformation. By seventh grade, it was nearly impossible to keep the big secret from her daughter, but Serenity did. At least that’s what Aurora let her think.

It was humiliating to talk to her mom (or anyone for that matter) about her period, hairy underarms, legs, and other hairy places. Difficult, but not impossible. Aurora kept secrets too. It was impossible to strike up a conversation about sanity. “Hey, Mom, I think I might be insane. Yep, I was fine until I hit puberty and then I started making people do crazy things. I don’t do anything really. I just feel. I keep trying not to feel, but this hormone thing makes that really difficult. If I could just feel happy all of the time everything would be fine. Everyone would be fine.” That conversation was never going to happen. Her mother would have her committed.

An awkward afternoon was spent hashing out the school day. Serenity had a series of safe actions in place to help keep an eye on Aurora. Every morning before school she’d ask, “Do you notice anything different or unusual today?” Aurora always had a smart aleck response, “I still haven’t started my period. Don’t worry, you’ll be the second to know.” 

After a snack of cream cheese and jelly sandwiches, Serenity felt energized to push a little harder. As soon as Aurora stuffed the first bite into her mouth, Serenity asked, “Did anything odd happen at school today? Did you feel funny when other people were around?” Did you notice any strange animals following you? 

 “Strange animals?” Aurora gulped down the last bite and shook her head back and forth.

If someone else had had a hand in her child rearing… Well, Aurora couldn’t help but think that she’d be normal. At least a little more close to normal. Environment can make or break a person. Aurora was broken. Her head filled with a scream, but she smiled instead. It was Serenity who needed psychotherapy. Aurora knew she wasn’t like the other kids- she just didn’t know how different. It was her mother who was obviously different. That much she knew for sure. 

No encouragement was needed. Serenity burst into a history lesson. “Did you know your great, great, great grandfather was a Native American Shaman. I think somehow our DNA is imprinted with the memories of our ancestors. I think maybe we see and feel things others don’t. The Creek Indians fought hard and most of them died battling for their land. The mess that followed, ‘The Trail of Tears,’ played havoc with our ancestors. The Creeks that stayed behind crossed over the Cumberland River and joined forces with the Cherokees and blended to stay on their land. They learned English and got along with the White man. They civilized to stay alive. Most shunned all of their ancestral beliefs.”

“That’s awesome, Mom. Can I go now?” Aurora jumped up to leave but was pushed back into her seat by the palm of her mother's hand. “Aurora, listen to me, this is important. Our white ancestors feared the Creek. Our Creek family was shunned and mistreated. The Creek Indians had a reputations of evil! To survive, they had to give up all that they were, all that they lived for, asking forgiveness wasn’t enough because so much prejudice remained. The Cherokee were good people, but there connections weren’t as strong. She stopped, gave her daughter the side-eye, and then screeched. "Aurora, do you know what I’m saying?” Aurora snapped back, “A bunch of boring crap, is there a point?”

Taking a deep breath, Serenity leaned in resting her elbows on the counter and and holding her chin in her hands. “The point is, Aurora, the Cherokee danced for Mother Nature but they didn’t know how to fully harness her powers like the Creek did.” Then, she looked over at Aurora and smiled awaiting a response.

“That’s nice, Mother, or should I say, Your Supreme Weirdness. And, big fat no! I haven’t seen any flying monkey or pigs following me home from school.

*     *     *

Aurora wished she hadn’t always been so rude to her mother. What if her mother never woke up? She’d be all alone and she’d never know the whole truth about her ancestry. 

Now, she longed to discover her true genetic makeup. As a teenager with no job or money and a lame arm, the best she could do was research online and with microfiche at the public library. Believe it or not, they still had microfiche machines in the basement.

She needed to get a DNA test. Todd Lowder, her mother’s boyfriend and her Social Studies teacher, had gotten one done. Apparently, he’d been told that he was part Cherokee. Isn’t everyone? Born mixed, half black and half white, he was anxious to find out if he were more African American or Native American or just another European hodge podge. 

Todd circulated a copy of the complicated graphs around the classroom. The results showed that he was mostly from some sect of people in Siberia. That could mean anything, based on current genealogy theory. It seems nothing is simply black and white, not even the color of one’s skin.

The oral traditions in Kentucky were strong. Aurora wanted black and white proof of her ancestry. Was she Cherokee? Creek? Everyone seemed to be part Native American of some sort, but no one had any proof. Serenity Waters had named her daughter Aurora Waters. Strange, but not illogical. However, Aurora might as well have been named Merry Christmas. Names seem to fit the traditions of the people. The only tradition this Waters family had was celebrating Christmas every year. Well, Halloween too, but Happy Halloween didn’t sound like a real name.

That wasn’t all. Aurora had been giving her mother grief. She wasn’t completely sure what Serenity was getting at when she had asked, “Do you feel anything unusual?” She did feel something, but what if her mother was talking about something else? She didn’t want to risk freaking her out with the wrong unusual feeling. Everything was unusual when you were a teenager. Then, there was the big, white, feral cat. He kept popping up all over the place. Outside the band room. At the bus stop. Whenever she felt overwhelmed, he appeared, but he wouldn’t let anyone touch him. He’d look up at Aurora, blink his eyes, purr, wiggle his tail and then disappear. Sometimes, she thought he was beckoning her to follow him.

When everything was deafeningly quiet chaos broke out in Aurora's head. She was fairly certain that she’d heard the so called Great Spirit calling her and positive that whispers from the ancestors tortured her. Maybe other people had the same thing but never took the time to pay attention? It was hard to be certain. What if those were just voices in her head, the kind that make you crazy? No way could she confess. If she feared she might be insane, what would everyone else think?  

If she did hear the Great Spirit what would people think? Buddha, God, the Great Spirit. Jesus, Zeus, didn’t they all have something in common? Human Spirit. Right vs. Wrong. Buddha and Jesus had both walked the Earth as men sent down by a higher power. Religion made Aurora uncomfortable. Other people called it different things, but Aurora’s mother had always taught her that God and the Great Spirit were one in the same. Serenity's bedtime stories had detailed how he watched over his people and sent down his helpers to guide them. Apparently, the Native American’s had learned to harness the powers that guided them. Maybe that was the big secret her mother was hiding.

It was time to eat crow. Aurora needed a plan. Unfortunately, Todd was  in the best position to help. She assumed Serenity probably hadn’t confessed to all of the weirdness in their lives. But, perhaps, she had told him about the Indian heritage and Shaman bloodline.

Todd had been Aurora’s favorite teacher up until he’d called her Mom about a quiz she’d failed. That opened the door for her Mother to ask about her school life and they'd swapped horror stories over dinner one night. The rest, of course, was history. He wasn’t Aurora’s favorite person. Odd Todd. “Easy ‘A,’ my ass, the idiots didn’t know what they were talking about." But, she was thankful for homeschooling, even if Todd had to help out. At least, she didn’t have to live with the constant snickers and glares from the other kids. Anyway, Todd would know how to track these Native American ancestors- that made him worth something.


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