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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query pets. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query pets. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query pets. Sort by date Show all posts

What does Non-GMO, Organic, and Fair Trade Mean?

GMO, Non-Gmo, Organic, Fair Trade? What does it all mean?

Lately, I've been getting a lot of social media marketing work from companies with a non-gmo platform. This would be a good topic for a homeschool research paper. You've heard organic and nonorganic- is this the same thing? How are Fair Trade and GMO related? Let's talk about that. Let's learn about that, okay? Enjoy!

What does Non-GMO, Organic, and Fair Trade Mean?
What does Non-GMO, Organic, and Fair Trade Mean?

Chaotic Confessions: The first time I heard non-gmo, I was all like, "Yeah, I've heard of that, I know what that is." and I did... sort of. I knew it was something an ecologically minded, environmentally friendly, bleeding heart should support, but I didn't know why- exactly. 

It is okay... you can admit it too. When you don't know something, never be afraid to ask. What is the worst that can happen? Someone will laugh at you. Guess what, most of the time they don't know the answer either, they're just trying not to get found out! I get laughed at all the time, but I also know a lot of things others don't, because I am willing to look stupid uneducated/naive. You wouldn't believe all of the amazing things you can learn, if you aren't afraid to ask!

GMO - this is how we see it, but it is really G.M.O. which stands for a Genetically Modified Organism. That sounds bad. It doesn't mean every GMO is bad. They were designed for good. That's the idea anyway, but like all things political, people seem to be either for or against them. Yeah... I'm just going to tell you the facts.

Genetically Modified Organism - Wikipedia says a whole lotta stuff! The simple answer is it is what it says it is, an organism that has been genetically modified using science and engineering techniques. In a manner of speaking, most are designed to avoid herbicides or to act as insecticides. Here is a better definition of GMO.

Glofish are genetically modified organisms. They glow, because some scientist made them glow. (My kids want one, the only reason we don't have any yet is because we are still learning to keep fish alive.)

Genetic modification involves mutation, insertion, or deletion of genes. Remember Dolly, the cloned sheep? That's weird, right? I don't know. A lot of people want to clone (or do clone) their pets. If it were legal, you know people would clone loved ones. I miss my dog.

Cloning food though, when there isn't enough? Modifying plants so they grow where they won't normally...  It seems like their heart is in the right place. 

What's the problem? The fear of the unknown, of unpleasant genetic mutations, of making cancer causing things. And then, there's the whole we aren't God thing, we won't touch that one either. Just listing it here for the whys and why nots.

So, if that is what a GMO is, then what is a Non-gmo? The opposite, of course. If you visit the Non-GMO Project, you can find products that are GMO free. Hearty Naturals 100% Organic, Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil is also Non-GMO.

Is this the same as Organic and Non-organic? Well, it can be. It mostly is, but Non-organic things could be either GMO or Non-GMO depending on how they are made or manufactured. The scary part here is... some things are sometimes considered Organic, when they have direct contact with GMO's. Get it? Got it? Good!

For example, your organic milk from your free range cow was fed a GMO grain or even a GMO grass. So, although your milk isn't processed in a non-organic way, the cow ate genetically modified food. That can't be right? Can it?

The idea behind organic is that it is all natural. You find an apple tree never treated for bugs, the apples aren't as big because it also isn't genetically modified in any way = Organic.

When mothers are breastfeeding, they are told not to take certain medications, because the medication may find its way to the milk supply... If your cow eats a chemical, you eat a chemical.

That's a brief, easygoing definition of GMO vs. Non-GMO and Organic vs. Non-Organic. You should Google for more information.

Now, on to Fairtrade. People who tout organic and non-gmo also tout fairtrade products. What is Fairtrade? It is based on international trading practices and people who create products from marginalized countries. It works to help sustainable development and improved trading conditions. No children working for 5 cents an hour or day to make our clothing. No woman from a third world country tricked into selling her handmade goods for pennies on the dollar. The true definition is more complicated than that, but you get the idea. Respect others, respect the Earth. Compassionate Essentials is a fair trade market selling handmade jewelry.

Ahh... did you catch the word sustainable up there? Have you heard the word sustainability and wondered what it means? It seems like such a big, scary word, but it is really simple. Sustain means to keep going, to comfort, to help, to assist, to support. Help yourself to live, support yourself by growing a garden. Sustain the environment by recycling. Go green! Sustainability? Will it be able to continue without being completely destroyed? If you grow an organic garden vs. a massive farm plot that utilizes GMO's, you can save our natural resources. If all the factories and technology are destroyed will you be able to sustain your life and that of your family? Recycling helps save trees. Get it? Got it? Good!

You may also want to visit Green Rainbow Revolution, a company dedicated to offering Non-GMOs.

Recommended Reading:

Fair Trade

Seeds of Deception

What Breed Dog Should You Get?

 Getting Your First Family Dog: A Guide

Your first family dog is a big deal. Dogs are perfect for kids of all ages and can help them learn responsibility, social cues, and provide emotional support. The right dog will feel like another member of the family — something irreplaceable and perfect. The wrong dog can add frustration and anxiety into your home, which is why it is very important you prepare before you get your first dog. We're sharing tips to help you find the right dog breed for your family. So, what dog should you get? Read on to find out what breed makes the best pet for your family!

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What breed dog is best for families

  1. Research the Breeds 

Choosing the right breed is the same as choosing the right dog. Breeds have their own characteristics and general personalities. Though each dog is certainly unique and full of personality, you will want to start off with the right breed profile. Namely, how much care and attention the breed needs. If you live in a wide-open space and are a very active family, you will want a bigger dog with lots of energy. That same dog in an apartment might become bored and frustrated. 

You need to find the right breed for your family's lifestyle. Consider your living space, how long and how far you can go on walks with the dog, and even how much care the dog needs. Some dogs need to be mentally challenged with puzzles or hunting. Other dogs are happy to lay around on the couch for most of the day. 

Service Dogs

  1. Find a Reputable Breeder 

While there are puppy mills and puppy smuggling operations, buying from either is supporting cruelty to dogs (in this case the parents.) Be sure to research ahead of time and make sure you find a reputable breeder. Not only does this rule out abuse, it also increases the likelihood of healthier puppy litters. 

Dealing with the loss of a Pet

  1. Sign Up for Puppy Training 

As this is your first job you will want to sign up for puppy training. Even long-time dog owners sign up for puppy training because it gives them a refresher and a crash course to get their puppy’s training up to speed. 

  1. Split Up Responsibilities 

You don’t want your puppy to end up being only your dog amongst your family. To enjoy the full range of benefits, you'll want your kids to also take care of your dog. Split up responsibilities so that everyone has something to do. Your dog will love everyone in the family, your kids will have emotional support and a playmate, and everyone can improve their sense of responsibility. 

Gift Ideas for Pets

  1. Know How to Handle Difficulties 

Dogs come with difficulties. Some are anxious, some get sick in the car, some are destructive, and others are a bit aggressive with their affection. You need to be prepared for these personality quirks and know how to handle them. Anxiety and even nausea can often be improved with something as simple as a CBD treat from, while other issues will need careful training. You'll need to be prepared and be ready to try out a variety of different tactics to help improve your dog’s behavior. 

Cool Gift Ideas for Pet Parents

  1. Build a Healthy Routine 

Dogs love routine, so be sure to build one for them. This means eating breakfast at the same time, going for a walk, and so on. Dogs can be very patient while they wait for the next scheduled item on the list, and in doing so, you can keep a calm, clean home with your happy family. 


More Tips on Dogs from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Black Lab Mix Best Breeds for Families with Kids

Painting with Scissors Simple Cut Outs Matisse Abstract Art Project

 How to Paint Like Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse was best known as an abstract artist. He aligned himself with a small group of artists known as Fauvists or Wild Beasts. Unlike other painters during this era, he painted with bold colors and took risks with his art. Matisse called his cut paper art posters, painting and drawing with scissors  So, how do you paint like Henri Matisse?  With paper cut-outs, of course.

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How to Paint Like Henri Matisse with Paper Cut Outs

The Cut Outs or Painting with Paper are part of the Matisse Jazz Series. Matisse created a few artists’ books, many were made in 1941 after he suffered with intestinal cancer. With this technique, he was able to stay in bed and still create art. 

Henri Matisse Paper Cut Outs Video for Students.

The painting of the figure with stars around it is one of the most well-known in his Jazz series. The book is made up of circus and theater theme posters made with cut and pasted brightly colored papers that are printed using a stencil technique known as pochoir. Most of the images in the Jazz series are done in primary colors. 

You may have seen a similar cut paper technique in a series of children's books painted and illustrated by Eric Carle. Carle was influenced by the works of Matisse and other abstract artists. Here's an art lesson on Eric Carle. You can also experiment with Eric Carle's technique of wet paper illustration with this lesson, how to paint like Eric Carle.

The Loyalist - Painting with Scissors Simple Matisse Abstract Art Project

With his cut paper art, Matisse invented a new form of art, the cut-out. He called this new art form drawing with scissors. He cut out various geometric and organic shapes and arranged them on his gouache painted canvas to illustrate his books. He also hand wrote about each image in cursive rather than using a type setting. This style is similar to today's scrap booking. You can create your own book that has meaning to your life with this simple, inspired by Matisse, technique.

Paint Like Matisse

Supplies Needed:

Mixed Media Paper,18 x 24"
Tempera or Acrylic Paint in primary colors
Wide Paint Brush
Brightly Colored Copy Paper
Glue Stick
Subject Matter that is Meaningful 

We decided to take inspiration from the Jazz poster's cover painting. Using the same primary color scheme, we added secondary colors in orange and violet. There are not lines or any drawing on the art work; everything is done in paper cut outs. Remember, it is abstract art! Use shapes and meaningful colors to represent your subject matter. Our paper painting represents a family pet. Our Cockatiel, Nebu, died at the age of twenty-three. Squinting your eyes while looking at a cockatiel will allow you to see his basic features, yellow spiked crest and orange cheek. The heart represents how close he was to our hearts, and the violet squiggles represent his wings in motion. They can also represent a flutter or the beating of his heart.


While you're planning your design think about the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. How many can you use? Ours has color, line, shape, space, balance, movement, contrast, emphasis, and harmony. Do you see more? In the comments below, tell us what you see.


Painting with Scissors and Paper Cut Outs:  How to Paint Like Henri Matisse

Step one:  Come up with a subject matter that means something to you.
Step two: Sketch it out in your sketch book.
Step three: Think about it in an abstract way.
Step four: Do a thumbnail sketch changing your drawing into basic shapes.
Step five: Paint your paper background in a primary color or black.
Step six: Cut out your shapes.
Step seven: Arrange your shapes on the paper. Think about the Principles of Design, especially balance and unity. Shapes should be abstract, and it shouldn't be immediately obvious what the picture represents (not realistic.) See our student examples below. No drawing! Remember, you are painting with paper.
Step eight: Paste them into position. Tip: Do not use school glue, it bubbles up. Glue sticks work best.
Step nine: That's it! It's that simple to paint like Henri Matisse!

These are student examples from the NCHS Intro to 2D Art class. You may not use these images or reproduce them anywhere else. They are for educational purposes only.

If you want to try this project with preschoolers or elementary students, you may also like to add some books to your Matisse art lesson plans. The books below make excellent companion books for a lesson on Henri Matisse's painting with scissors abstract poster series. Don't forget to read your students some Eric Carle books and remind them that he was influenced by Matisse.

Recommended Reading:

Henri's Scissors Children's Book 

Lora's Law #2: Cat Throw Up Quote

Cat Quotes to Share on Facebook: Lora's Law #2

Cats vomit. A lot. It is a thing. Why is it a thing? Anyway, if you have cats, you have throw up on the carpets, on the couch, on the tables. Throw up is everywhere. Lora's Law #2 is all about that. Beware when you clean the carpet. In the meantime, share this quote with your Facebook friends. Enjoy your cats!

Lora's Law: Cat Throw Up Quote #2 for Facebook
Cat quotes for Facebook: Lora's Laws.

Lora's Law Number Two

"The minute you clean the carpet, a cat will throw up on it... to keep things fur real."

Do you have pets? Dogs like to vomit too, just not as much as cats. Am I right? As soon as I clean up any cat mess, they make a new one. Hmm... kids are like that too.


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DIY Home Repairs, You can do it!

Solutions to these 3 Common Home Issues

While there is plenty of joy involved in becoming a homeowner, maintaining your home can prove a costly affair in many ways – especially if you have pets or children. Luckily, remedying any persistent home repair issue is easy when you know where to start. Here are some DIY solutions to the most common home issues that could pop up at any time. DIY home repairs? Yes, you can do it!

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DIY Home Repairs, You can do it! Common home issues you can fix on your own.

Damage to the roof 
If you're to prevent any lasting damage occurring on your roof, it's important to keep your roof shingles and your gutters in tip-top condition. Old and flimsy shingles can lead to nasty leaks, which can result in irreparable damage to your ceiling and the foundation of your home, while clogged, or broken gutters will not aid the water in flowing off the of the roof efficiently. The accumulation of water is certain to lead to the erosion of your roofing and, in time, significant leaking too. It can also lead to leaks in the walls and foundation, depending on your structure. The solution to this problem is to rope in the professionals to conduct repairs and to strive to call them back at least once a year to maintain the roof. That's how you can easily do it. If you want to do it yourself, check out the roof shingle repair video below. 

Don’t have the money necessary to get the job done and stuck with a bad credit history in your name? It may be time to consider loans for bad credit.  Sometimes, you just need a little extra help, right?

Clogged toilet
A clogged toilet can often mean the need to call on plumbers for assistance – which can tug at the purse strings. You'll probably be relieved to discover that there are a variety of other options available to you if you're trying to save your cash for other necessities. Of course, the first step is always to try your luck with a plunger. However, if that doesn't work, the next best thing is to try using some baking soda and vinegar. Yes, it really could be that simple!
Throw a cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl and leave for a minute or two. You can follow the baking soda with two cups of white vinegar. The vinegar naturally reacts with the baking soda, causing it to bubble – so add it bit by bit to avoid overflowing. Leave to sit once again for a few minutes before flushing the toilet. In many cases, the baking soda and vinegar concoction will be enough to loosen the clog and allow the water to move along smoothly. Bet you didn't know that! You can always try some Liquid Drano, but it's got a hefty price tag.

Need some extra help? Watch this video on how to unclog a toilet with a snake. You might not want, but you CAN do it!

Stains on your carpet
Whether your dog is the one responsible for the mud stains on your cozy woolen rug, or your youngest kid spilled juice all over the freshly vacuumed carpet, nothing can cause a homeowner stress quite like a bad stain on the carpet or upholstery! It feels so permanent. According to Wellness Mama, aside from using nasty chemicals to get rid of it, there are several natural stain removal solutions that you can try. For instance, you may choose to make a paste using warm water and baking soda. Apply it to the stain and leave to dry. Once thoroughly dry, you can vacuum up the residue, and the stain should lift along with it. If that doesn't work, watch the video on carpet stain removal below.

Now that you know how best to tackle the most common home repairs, there's no need to stress about these common home issues any longer, be confident that you can do anything you set your mind to do. Remember, you just need a positive attitude and some great YouTube videos on DIY home repairs!


Tips for Settling into your NEW HOME

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