Showing posts with label kids sayings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids sayings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids sayings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids sayings. Show all posts

5 Facebook Quotes about Life

5 Life Quotes for Facebook Posts

Life is a challenge. Each day we face new hurdles. We learn new lessons. Posting quotes and sayings to Facebook or other social media not only helps us to stay positive, but it also reminds others to stay positive and keep on keeping on. Here are 5 quotes about life to share on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Enjoy!

This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience.

5 Facebook Quotes about Life: Come this far
You didn't come this far to only come this far!

Learning Quote: Allow Yourself to be a Beginner

No one Starts out an Expert Quote

Learning quotes apply to all of us, not just to children. We are all students of life. So many adults stop and consider themselves a failure before they've even give themselves a chance to succeed. "Allow yourself to be a beginner, no one starts out an expert." It's true. Be patient with yourself. Practice makes perfect. Enjoy!

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.*

Learning Quote: Allow Yourself to be a Beginner
Learning Quote: Allow Yourself to be a Beginner.

Shut Up is a Bad Word: Funny Parenting Quote

Funny Parenting Cartoon Memes: Shut Up!

La, la, la, la, la! Sometimes, you just need to take a nap, right Mom? With kids in the house, that isn't an easy task. You warn, you prep, you let them know you are, very, very tired and in a mean mood. If only they would just be quiet for fifteen minutes... in a row. It never fails, Mommy, you always come out looking like the bad guy. Remember, shut up is a bad word... You said so. Yesterday.

Enjoy our funny parenting quote cartoon!

Empty Gas Tank Quotes: Lora's Law #15

Out of Gas Quote

It never fails, just as the debit clears my bank statement, the car gauge goes empty. It might be a week, it might be a weekend, but the best way to know when the gas will clear is to see the needle pointing to "E" in the car. So, Lora's Law #15 is all about that. We're sharing more empty gas tank quotes too. Just keep scrolling. Enjoy!

Password Quotes: Lora's Law #4 for Facebook

Facebook Quotes about Life: Lora's Law #4, Password Pets

We love our pets. We want to remember them. Do you ever make a password to honor a pet that has passed away? Maybe you use your current pet. Lora's Law #4 is all about forgetting which pet is your current favorite and your current password. If you are guilty, please share this meme on Facebook. Enjoy!

Forget Password Quote: Lora's Law #4
Lora's Law #4: Forgetting favorite pet passwords.

Lora's Law Number Four:

"If you make a password your favorite pet's name, chances are, you'll forget which pet you picked as your favorite."

All the time. This is a common password security question. I always have to think. I start in order from my first favorite pet to whichever is my current favorite pet or my favorite pet of all time. Sigh. I have had more pets than most! I need a new password technique.


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Lora's Law #2: Cat Throw Up Quote

Cat Quotes to Share on Facebook: Lora's Law #2

Cats vomit. A lot. It is a thing. Why is it a thing? Anyway, if you have cats, you have throw up on the carpets, on the couch, on the tables. Throw up is everywhere. Lora's Law #2 is all about that. Beware when you clean the carpet. In the meantime, share this quote with your Facebook friends. Enjoy your cats!

Lora's Law: Cat Throw Up Quote #2 for Facebook
Cat quotes for Facebook: Lora's Laws.

Lora's Law Number Two

"The minute you clean the carpet, a cat will throw up on it... to keep things fur real."

Do you have pets? Dogs like to vomit too, just not as much as cats. Am I right? As soon as I clean up any cat mess, they make a new one. Hmm... kids are like that too.


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Inspirational Sayings for Preschool: A Child with a Smile will go the Extra Mile

Inspirational Quotes for Preschool and Early Elementary

Everyone needs a little positive sayings pick me up now and then. As an elementary or preschool parent, teacher, or caregiver, it is important to keep the little things in perspective. Keeping the little ones smiling is often a difficult task when times get troublesome.  

Here's a fun, inspirational quote to remind you of what's really important in the long run. 

Inspirational Sayings for Preschool: A Child with a Smile will go the Extra Mile
Inspirational Sayings for Preschool: 
A Child with a Smile will go the Extra Mile.

Recommended Reading:

The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers

Quotes for Kids

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Baby Book: Cute Baby Words and Sayings with Vernacular

Our Baby's Vernacular and Sayings Cute Words and Quotes

Mayhem's baby book memories: Mayhem's Dad was born and raised on the East Coast. Boston, Massachusetts. By the time we met he had very little accent left.  He finds my Hoosier, small-town vernacular amusing and often asks me to repeat things in "English, please".  For example, he and I both ride bi-sickles but while I also ride a motor-sickle, he rides a motor-cycle. The teasing of my 'country bumpkin' accent is endless.  Really? 

How many people do you know who ride a bi-cycle

Maybe in England.

Anywho....  Mayhem seems to have been born with a Bostonian Gene.

"Mommy, Good Mawning."   
Baby words and cute saying quotes.

Mayhem's Baby Word List:

Can you guess what these words represent?








Big Tortoise
Big Tortoise.
Colorful Fall gourds.
Colorful Fall gourds.
And, my favorite...

"Awweo, you know, Mommy,  AWWEO.  I don't know, Jada's puppy's name.  That Cookie!  I can't say it Mommy...  I just can't.  Aww-EEE-O!"      
Recommended Reading:

Beginning Reading
