Rhythm Center Indianapolis: Things to do in Indiana

Field Trip Idea Downtown Indianapolis: Rhythm Discovery Center

The Rhythm Discovery Center in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana is an awesome thing to do with family or for a school field trip. If you are visiting Indiana on vacation or for the Indianapolis 500 Race, don't miss this gem. The rhythm museum is across from Circle Center Mall and next to Weber Grill. Relax and spend a few hours here.

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Rhythm Center Indianapolis: Things to do in Indiana
Rhythm Center Indianapolis Drum Circle: Things to do in Indiana.

We are members, so we've visited several times. You can practice your drum skills without buying drums! It's a great place to take out of town guests. Membership options include a plus two. This is a hands on museum! You can touch it! Above, is the drum circle, don't be shy, sit down and try your hand at tom toms or bongos. If you see others sitting there, it's okay- you're encouraged to join the circle.

Rhythm Music Quote

Be as loud as you want! They offer free earplugs at the ticket desk. There aren't usually tour guides. As you walk through the Rhythm Discovery Center, you'll see the history of drums and rhythm instruments. Be sure to play the gongs in the front entry, the electric drum synthesizers throughout the main space, and don't miss the sound proof drum rooms where you can play the snares and cymbals.

Field Trip Ideas Indianapolis: Rhythm Discovery Center

Rhythm Discovery Center Hours and Admission: The center is opened most days from 10-5, Sundays 12-5, and closed on Tuesdays. Check the website for special events and closings.

Tip:  Buy a membership. If you have a big family, it's cheaper than the individual ticket rate.


Baby Play, Sensory Music

Best Musical Instruments for Children

Indiana Field Trip Ideas

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Rhythm Center Indianapolis: Things to do in Indiana

Homeschooling Advice from Becky Hunt

Homeschooling Advice 

This guest post on homeschooling advice is by Becky Hunt from Experienced Mommy. Becky has homeschooled four kids (including one with special needs) for the past 20 years. Listen up!
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In case no one ever told you, homeschooling comes with making a lot of decisions.

Some moms are super-fast decision makers. They do a little research. They pick a book or a curriculum, or a study group, they buy stuff and BANG they are done.

No regret, no second guessing, no wringing the hands, no worry that they are going to ruin their kid forever.

Except I don’t actually know any of those moms.

I’m not saying every homeschooling mom friend of mine is a basket case, but let’s just say the vast majority of moms, especially those just getting started, do way too much stressing out.

My Story
I have a special needs daughter, Anna, who is 17 but operates at more of a one-and-a-half-year-old level. She is a category all her own and will always keep the nest full.

But I also have two boys and a girl, all three of which I homeschooled from kindergarten through 12th grade. My oldest son and daughter graduated from Purdue and my younger son is still studying there.

I assembled my own curriculum, didn’t do too much in the way of co-ops or groups, changed things up for each child, and generally made my own way.

The kids all got good scholarships, test scores, etc. and are doing just fine.

But it doesn’t matter how I did it.

The choices you end up making are a lot less important than the process you use to make them. And the key thing about the process is learning to RELAX!

The kids are going to be fine. You aren’t going to sabotage their futures and lives and jobs by choosing A instead of B or X instead of Y.

And that brings me to the first thing you need to relax about:

Relax About Curriculum
Yeah, you have to cover the three R’s, Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic, and yes, you need to work in whatever your state requires especially in high school.

But other than that, don’t sweat it!

Pick something that looks good, that fits with your direction and world view, and relax.

There is no magic prescription for the perfect education. How many expert educators would agree on a curriculum? Um, none.

Education is a long, long term process where we are exposing our kids to principles, ideas, facts and the world.

It is no simplification to say that all we are really trying to do is teach our kids to think. We are teaching them a process for learning.

That’s why the material itself isn’t that crucial. We are basically saying “here are some books and videos and projects: we are going to interact with this pile of stuff.”

We are going to:

  • Figure out what the books want us to do
  • Understand what the benefit of the content is
  • Learn how to get the important parts out of it
  • Learn how to skip over the stuff we don’t care about

And each time we go through a course or topic, our minds get better at learning, and that’s the whole point.

Which is also why the coverage isn’t the most important thing.

Relax About Coverage
Lots of text books have 50 chapters and I know so many moms who are stressed every week because their kid didn’t make through the 1.4 chapters necessary to get done by the end of the year.

But if education is about the process of learning, it just doesn’t matter whether you cover all 50 chapters.

What difference does it make if you plow through 10 extra chapters but the kid only remembers 5% of it and everybody is at each other’s throats the whole time?

If you are obsessed over getting a certain score on a standardized test, and the test has stuff on it your kid has never seen before, you have to have a plan for that. But you still relax and chill and be strategic at the same time.

Relax About Milestones
My kids didn’t start writing papers until they were in 5th or 6th grade. Turns out that was perfectly fine. It gave them a chance to have hundreds of really great books read out loud and discussed with them.

Kids don’t have know the alphabet, read, write or do algebra by a certain age. Relax. It will be fine. They will get it when they need to get it.

Not only will they eventually get it, they’ll learn better when they are ready for it.

Relax About the End Results
I wanted it all. I wanted my kids to excel academically, be well rounded individuals and get great jobs. But most importantly I wanted them to become men and women of character who love God and are kind, honest and unselfish.

Credentials flow from character.

And kids learn character from how you behave not from what you say.

So how do you relax about a big list of goals and dreams you have for your kids?

Well that’s a tough one, but you just have to realize that the end results will come from a steady, consistent relationship that you have with your children over a period of years.

You will sit with them, love them, fight and make up with them, learn with them, learn how to learn with them and persevere when you are tired and want to ship them off to school.

And it will all work out. The kids will be fine.

Just relax. - Becky Hunt - Learn more about Becky.

Homeschool Math Activities from Kids Creative Chaos

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Homeschooling Advice

Black and White Dessert Recipe Indy 500 Race

Easy Dessert Recipe for Indy 500 Race Day Parties

When May arrives in Indiana, we start thinking about the Indy 500 Race. Similar to the Kentucky Derby, people have race theme parties. The checkered flag is center stage. This Black and White Delight Cheesecake Dessert Recipe is perfect for those black and white race day theme parties. It's the Next Best Thing to any Andretti. Enjoy!!

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Black and White Dessert Recipe Indy 500 Race
Easy Black and White Dessert Recipe Indy 500 Race

Easy Black and White Dessert Recipe Indy 500 Race

To Make the Crust:

12 oz. Refrigerated Sugar Cookie Dough, 3 T Cocoa, 1 T Butter

Mix together above ingredients. Then, grease an 8 in. square baking pan. Pat the dough into the pan. Bake for approx. 15 minutes in a preheated 350 degree oven. Let the crust cool completely.

To Make the Cheesecake Layer:
8 oz. Cream Cheese, 1/2 C. Milk
Let 8 oz. cream cheese come to room temperature. Beat in 1/2 C. powdered sugar. Layer the cheesecake mixture on top of the cooled crust.

Easy Dessert Recipe for Indy 500 Race Day Parties

To Make the Chocolate Pudding Layer:
1 Package Dark Chocolate Pudding, 1/2 C. Milk
Whisk above ingredients together until thickened. Spread on top of the cheesecake layer.

To Make the White Pudding Layer:
1 Package White Chocolate or Vanilla Pudding, 1/2 C. Milk
Whisk together above ingredients until thickened. Spread on top of chocolate pudding layer.

Top with whipped cream and a strawberry. 

Tip: Chill for 1 hr.


More Cake Recipes from Kids Creative Chaos

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Black and White Dessert Recipe Indy 500 Race Party

Big Cats in Indiana: Exotic Feline Rescue Center

Things to do in Indiana: Visit the Big Cats at the EFRC

Are there big cats in Indiana? You bet! If you love animals, especially cats, you must visit the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in southern Indiana. It's not a zoo, there's no real parking, and it's in the middle of nowhere. No worries, they want you to come visit the amazing Indiana cats. This is a wonderful idea for a field trip or a one tank trip on a weekend get away.

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Tigers Big Cats in Indiana: Exotic Feline Rescue Center

What will you see there? Sure, there are native cats like the Bob Cat, but you'll also see Mountain Lions, Serval Cats, Leopards, Jaguars, Tigers, Tigers, and more Tigers! Most of the cats were raised as pets or used in animal shows and have been rescued from very difficult situations. They are finally free and live their lives loved in as natural an environment as possible.

Tiger Cub in Indiana at EFRC

EFRC Big Cats Lions in Indiana Field Trip Idea

Each ticket purchase helps feed and house the cats. You can also make donations to the EFRC or attend any of their special events, including a summer camp for kids! They also offer an overnight camp for adults. You read that right! Stay in a cabin on site with a view of the cats and then wake up and make the rounds with the caretakers. Sign me up!!

Jurassic Park in Indiana

As we toured the facility, we couldn't help but make note how if felt like Jurassic Park, right down to the dinosaur sounds (tigers talking back and forth across the center) and the atvs used for feeding. I'm guessing if a big cat escaped, there would be similar results. These cats are lovable but clearly wild animals.

The tigers like to play with the water bowls which also serve as swimming pools in hot weather.

The Exotic Feline Rescue Center is open from 10-5 daily. Rain, shine, or snow. They mentioned that the cats are especially lonely when no one visits during the winter months. So, go see some cats in the snow!


Field Trip Ideas: Things to do in Indiana

Tiger Books for Kids

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Big Cats in Indiana: Exotic Feline Rescue Center

Visit Telescope Indiana: IU Link Observatory

Homeschool Science Field Trip: Visit the Link Telescope

If you are looking for something different to do in Indiana, visit the IU Link Observatory Telescope between Mooresville and Martinsville, Indiana. It's a one tank trip from most places in Indiana, and it makes a great homeschool science field trip. Psst... It's not just for homeschoolers and science junkies. Architects, historians, and gardeners will love it too! Keep reading to find out why.

The Link Observatory is a magnificent piece of architecture in a beautiful setting. It sits atop a hill adjacent to a Daffodil garden. Completed in 1939, for Dr. Goethe Link, the domed structure is made of local wood from the property. The dome swivels for a panoramic view of the night sky. Until the 1980's the observatory was used for astronomical research. However, as the the city lights of Indianapolis grew, it made star viewing increasingly difficult.

The adjacent Daffodil garden is the perfect setting for a family picnic, to catch up on reading, to walk your dog, or to paint the gorgeous landscape. The day we visited, an artist was painting a lovely watercolor painting of the dome.

And this happened in 2018, Indiana native, David Wolf, electrical engineer, medical doctor, and astronaut, joined the Link Observatory Space Science Institute staff as Chief Science Officer. Dr. Wolf works with the Institute on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) educational programming, public engagement, and fundraising.

Link live events take place at area libraries. You can also invite them to do a program at your school, camp, or other event. Check the Link Telescope Event Calendar for activities at the observatory and within the surrounding communities. The Link Observatory is free to the public on the 1st Saturday of each month for night sky viewing and the 2nd Thursday of each month from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm for daytime tours of the telescope and facility.

We visited on a free Thursday. The docent was full of fun facts, science humor, and shared the interesting history of the observatory. It seems Mrs. Goethe planted and cultivated the Daffodils. There are several different species, still blooming after all of these years. 

Tips for your Visit:

Don't expect anyone to greet you at the door. Just walk in and head up the steps to see the telescope.

If you visit during the day, pack a picnic lunch. You can tour the facility in under 20 minutes, but be sure to let the guide share the telescope's history with you. We even got a demonstration of the dome pivoting around its track.

When you're done, head over to Martinsville to visit the Martinsville Candy Kitchen or the Martinsville Farmer's Market.


Indiana: Between Camby and Moorseville on State Rd. 67 visit the Dr. Who Store and Museum

For more one tank trips and family friendly vacation ideas follow us on Instagram or check out our  Things to Do on Vacation page.

Click here to find some cool kids telescopes.

Kalu Yala Problems

Kalu Yala Problems: School in the Rainforest?

Have you ever considered working in the Rainforest? You can study abroad a Kalu Yala. Learn to build a sustainable village in the jungle. Kalu Yala is on a mission to build and redesign places to be more socially and environmentally responsible. What a great opportunity to study abroad and learn in the trenches! Seems like the perfect gap year opportunity. You might have heard there are problems in Kalu Yala. Let's address those. #kaluyalaproblems #ad

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Kalu Yala Problems: School in the Rainforest?

So, Kalu Yala is building a sustainable town in a jungle. That's not a 5-star hotel. It's not even a comfortable dorm room, but who would expect the luxuries of home while building a town in a jungle? If you're expecting the conveniences found at a university, Kalu Yala isn't for you.

What are some Kalu Yala problems? It's a dorm, without walls. Ranchos are traditional open-air structures. It's in the jungle. Expect to sleep on hammocks, and if your're lucky, air mattresses. Expect bugs. Expect to smell your roommates. Expect their snoring to keep you awake. Expect to cherish these memories, and to miss your roommates when it's time to go home. And coming soon, as of Fall 2017, students will be moved to enlarged “Granchos” to provide for more space.

Want to Work in the Rainforest: Kalu Yala

Another Kalu Yala problem, you might think by wanting to help build a town in a jungle, that that desire would be enough. Though the offer is commendable, this is a study abroad program. You're attending school in the jungle. The things you'll learn are invaluable. So, like any study abroad program, there's a fee for that. College tuition, you know. Kalu Yala isn't free. Tuition covers instruction, (you're learning to build a town in a jungle) room, (those fabulous hammocks) and board, (all the structures on the property) plus three meals per day. 

Why, you ask? Kalu Yala is on a mission to make places more socially and environmentally responsible. At stake, how can real estate be socially and environmentally responsible? It's a testing ground. It’s starting in a lush mountain valley in the Panama rainforest.

Where, you ask? Kalu Yala is a 375-acre plot of jungle valley located 50 minutes from Panama City, Panama. 80% of the land is reserved for conservation. The remaining 20% of acreaage is poised for low-impact development including an academic institute, residential housing, and commercial facilities.

Off the grid? Town square boasts a solar powered charging station, retail markets, recreation areas, ranchos, and classrooms. What a great educational experience for the adventurous. So ,what do you think? Are you up for it?  


What to do at Purdue West Lafayette IN with Kids: 30 Things

Visiting Purdue: 30 Things to do Lafayette Area

If you're planning a road trip to West Lafayette, Indiana, you will find lots of family things to do with the kids. Visiting Lafayette, West Lafayette, and Purdue University is a great field trip idea and can get your kids excited about attending college. So, what's to do at Purdue in West Lafayette with the kids? If you haven't been to West Lafayette in awhile, you're in for a big surprise. The growth is incredible! My kids especially liked the bananas (once you visit, you'll know what I mean.) Keep reading for our 30 best things to do family activities and road trip ideas.

What to do at Purdue in West Lafayette with Kids: 30 Things

In Lafayette you can tour North America's only Subaru Factory. This factory tour takes 1-1.5 hrs. It is completely free and worth every penny. :) Even our Mayhem enjoyed the tour. Asthmatics may want to wear a mask or keep their inhalers handy. Some parts of the tour are smellier than others. Outside of the entrance the paint fumes are strong and inside the factory the die section had some fumes. Overall, it is an incredibly clean factory with an amazing safety record (just like their cars.) For homeschoolers, it is a great way to learn about all of the possible positions you can learn to do within the automotive industry. Purdue University even has a hub there. We toured on a Monday. Keep in mind, that while Monday is a great day for the tour, many other things to do in Lafayette our closed on Mondays. Plan accordingly. 5500 Indiana 38, Lafayette, IN 47905

Note: Cameras and Phones are not allowed on the tour.

Subaru Factory Tour: Micah Wright/Autos Cheat Sheet

Explore STEM at the Imagination Station hands-on science museum. (Closed Mondays, Open Tuesday- Sunday) Check the website for hours of operation, they are only open a few hours per day. Weekdays = 2-5 p.m. Tickets are only $5 per person. 600 N 4th St, Lafayette, IN 47901

McCord Candies offers an old-fashioned soda and sandwich shop. In November and December, you can tour the candy shop as they make candy canes. Be sure to try the chocolates! Closed on Sundays. 536 Main St. Lafayette, IN 47901

Triple XXX Family Restaurant or Route 66? Both restaurants are owned and operated by the same people. Which should you choose? It depends on what you want to accomplish. For nostalgia and atmosphere, Triple XXX is best! Don't let the name discourage you. Triple XXX is their specialty brand of root beer. They tout themselves as Indiana's first and oldest drive-in family restaurant. From what I can tell, it's no longer a drive-in. Even Guy Fieri stopped by, check it out on their website. Expect to be packed in like sardines (with lots of college students and retirees) and wait outside for a seat to become available. For the true diner experience, this one can't be beat. A super important note, as of 2018, they are CASH ONLY- yikes. They do have an ATM inside the restaurant. As for Route 66, they are off the beat and path, not nearly as busy, and have plenty of parking. Shakes are a little pricey, but hey everything is handmade. They even hand cut and grind the steakburgers. 2 N. Salisbury, West Lafayette, IN

Triple XXX Family Restaurant West Lafayette

Columbian Park Zoo Lafayette this cute little zoo is part of Columbian Park, where you'll also find play ground equipment, picnic areas, and a small water park. Tropicanoe Cove opens the end of May. The zoo opens mid to late April. The zoo includes a farm animal petting zoo. 1915 Scott Street Lafayette, IN 47904

Museums at Prophetstown Learn about 1920's farm life at Prophetstown. Prophetstown is named for Tecumseh's younger brother the prophet, Tenskwatawa. What was once a Shawnee Native American village is now a state park5545 Swisher Road West Lafayette, IN 47906

Just outside of Lafayette, don't miss Battle Ground, home of the Tippecanoe Battlefield Museum.  It marks the site of the November 7, 1811, Battle of Tippecanoe between the United States’ forces, led by William Henry Harrison, and representatives of Tecumseh’s Native American confederation. This one is closed on Wednesdays. 200 Battle Ground Avenue, Battle Ground IN 47920

Fort Ouiatenon Trading Post and the Feast of the Hunter's Moon, seasonal, fall. 
3129 South River Rd, West Lafayette, IN 47906 

Battle Ground Wolf Park  see a wide variety of wolves, coyotes, and foxes. Winter season through April 30, closed Sunday through Friday. Open season starts May 1, closed Mondays. Read our review Visit Wolf Park, Battle Ground. 4004 E 800 N Battle Ground, IN 47920

Relive the Battle of 1812 in Mississinewa. This is a great immersion history program. See battle reenactments, military encampments, rivertown, Indian village, food and more. Fun for the whole family. One weekend a year. Check the map for location. 6000 N. 300 W 27, LaFontaine, IN 46940

This one is in nearby Delphi, Indiana. Wabash and Erie Canal Museum includes canal boat rides. Closed Mondays, and winter months. 1030 W Washington St. Delphi, IN 46923

While on Campus, there are many things to do with kids (Triple XXX Restaurant is near campus.)

The Purdue Bug Bowl is in mid April. This is a fun event that offers tons of insect activities, like cricket spitting and an insect petting zoo. Bug Bowl is part of the Purdue Spring Fest.

Purdue Family Fun Day is in March in the Union Ballrooms.

Purdue Convocations are open to the public. Get tickets (some events are free) to a music concert, a musical, or a lecture. Not sure it is family friendly enough? You can catch shows like Curious George: The Golden Meatball. Click here to see the Purdue schedule of events

Got a future Boilermaker? Check out this list of Purdue Summer Camp opportunities. Warning: These are pricey! In July, they also offer a free one day engineering camp for girls.

Purdue Grand Prix go kart race. Click here to see the Grand Prix schedule of events.
West Lafayette, IN

There's always something cool going on at the West Lafayette Public Library: Kids Activities.

Get Air Trampoline Park 3540 State Road 38 East, Suite 400, Lafayette, IN

Elite Air Trampoline Park 3832 Fortune Dr Lafayette, IN 47905

Riverside Ice Sating Rink 100 Tapawingo Dr N West Lafayette, IN 47906

Mike Auby's Arrowhead Bowling includes Cosmic Bowling and an Arcade. Lafayette, IN

Market Square Lanes includes Cosmic Bowling Jerilee's Pub. Lafayette, IN (close to West Lafayette)

Landmark Lanes includes Cosmic Bowling and Roddy's Sports Bar. (closer to West Lafayette)

Puccini's Pizza and Pasta 300 Brown Street, West Lafayette, IN

Dog N' Suds Drive In 401 Sagamore Pkwy, West Lafayette, IN

Mary Lou's Donuts 1830 S 4th St, Lafayette, IN 47905 (Catch the food truck on campus.)