Showing posts with label Christmas Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Games. Show all posts

7 Winter and Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Simple Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Winter is here! Oh, and Christmas is also just around the corner! Not only do kids love this time of year, but so adults do too! Even the most mature people in society can’t help but get a little giddy when it’s snowing outside and the bells are ringing! Christmas brings out everyone’s inner child. Of course, winter means it’s time for fun, family, holiday activities and lots of them! Read on for 7 simple winter and Christmas activities to do with your kids.

Simple Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Seven Simple Activities to do with Kids during Winter Season

There's no need to spend a lot of money or stress over making glorious holiday decorations and delectable cookies to achieve the perfect Christmas with kids. Simple winter and holiday activities make the best, long lasting memories. Why not start a new family Christmas tradition with these simple activities for family time with the kids.

  1. Decorate your whole house with fancy lights

Winter isn’t the holiday season without fancy lights. 

From the colorful to the vibrant, get creative and beautiful LED fairy lights to your favorite rooms. Make sure to get the kids involved by allowing them to have input on which lights go in which location. LED lights don't get hot like those old fashioned Christmas lights so go crazy this year!

To get some amazing Christmas lights, as well as other cool bulbs and lamps, go to Be a clever mom or dad by ordering your lights now before it’s too late! The more lights, the merrier the holiday season. Your kids will treasure this family tradition, so go make it a thing!

  1. Spend a day at your local slopes

Fingers crossed; it’s going to snow this winter! When it does, the entire family should wrap up nice and warm and head down to your local slopes. They’ll probably be lots of other families and kids there, too, which will make the occasion extra memorable. In Indiana, you can also do some stellar snow toboggan sledding at Pokagon State Park.

Don't Miss these Halloween activities!

  1. Create paper snowflakes

Kids love to get creative during winter and Christmas time. A great winter holiday activity idea is to create snowflakes out of paper. Follow this easy tutorial on how to make paper snowflakes from Martha Stewart. Make sure to carefully guide your kids through the steps, and don’t forget to be extra careful with sharp scissors! Once you’ve created your paper snowflakes, scatter them around your home for a special winter holiday decoration.

Here are some more fun snowflake activities from the Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos.

  1. Read Christmas stories

It's impossible to count the abundance of classic Christmas stories. So, this winter, give your kids freedom of choice when it comes to which stories they want to hear. Maybe it will be The Polar Express, or – wait for it - How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Click here for some great holiday books for kids that you may not of yet read!

Don't miss these Christmas activities!

  1. Go on a Netflix marathon with the family!

Usually, the weather is freezing cold during the winter months in Indiana. Of course, this means that a lot of time is spent indoors (preferably with marshmallow.)

When your family is relaxing around the house during the holiday, load up Netflix and go on a movie-watching marathon! Elf, anyone? If you need extra help, here are 37 of the best Christmas movies for kids available on Netflix. 

Don't miss these New Year activities!

  1. Have a cozy fire in your backyard

Bonfires don't have to be just for fall! If you have a nice spacious backyard, you should have a cozy (and safe) fire. You’ll even be able to toast some marshmallows, have some hot chocolate, and tell your best Christmas stories. While you're at it, make some savory s'mores!

Don't miss these holiday recipes!

  1. Build igloos and snow forts

When it snows, it’s only right that the entire family has a huge snowball fight! When you do, make sure to build some igloos and forts to make it extra exciting. You can even make indoor snowballs for an indoor snowball fight!


Elf on the Shelf Story: Game Ideas

What's the Story behind Elf on the Shelf?

By now, you've probably heard of Elf on the Shelf. You've probably watched a YouTube video, searched Pinterest for Elf on the Shelf ideas for moving, or shared funny Elf on the Shelf memes on Facebook. But, what's the real Elf on the Shelf story? How did it came to be so popular? We've got that and more fun games and ideas for Elf on the Shelf. Enjoy!

Oriental Trading donated the items for this post.* 
It may contain affiliate links for your convenience.*

Elf on the Shelf Story: Game Ideas

Designer Christmas Cards with Christmas Trees

Designer Christmas Tree Cards

What's our favorite holiday? Okay, you got me. It is Halloween! But, Christmas is a very close second. I prefer presents to candy. There is nothing more peaceful and pleasant than sitting by a fire with only the glow of the Christmas Tree to light the room. We stumbled upon these designer Christmas cards and found a bunch decorated with beautiful Christmas trees in snow. You can find even more Christmas Tree card designs at
Designer Christmas Cards with Christmas Trees
Designer Christmas Card: Bringing home the Christmas Tree.

Christmas Tree Card Made from Lyrics.
We wish you a Merry Christmas (We do!) Christmas Card.

Christmas Tree in Snow Christmas Card.
Christmas Tree in Snow Christmas Card: Let it Snow!

Cute gift tags for Christmas.
Cute gift tags for Christmas.

Personalized Traditional Christmas Cards.

Nostalgic Christmas cards.
Simple graphic, nostalgic Christmas cards.

Designer Photo Holiday Cards.
Designer Photo Holiday Cards.

May the Spirit of the Season shine upon you. Happy Holidays from all of us at KCC!

The last one is our favorite. It is so precious and reminds us of the reason for the season. We also like the Christmas Tree atop the old station wagon. It fills us full of holiday memories... oh wait, that wasn't us. That was Chevy Chase, but still it is a good, holiday memory! What's your favorite memory from holidays past?

Recommended Reading:

8 Best Christmas Holiday Games for Parties for Adults and Kids

8 Activities for Christmas Parties

Looking for Holiday or Christmas Party Games for your Office or School Event? These are some of the 8 BEST EVER holiday GAMES for Parties. Even Santas like to play holiday games and do fun Christmas activities when they get together... And eat. They also like to eat. Scroll down for more of the best holiday games. Enjoy!

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The Best Christmas Holiday Games for Parties for Adults and Kids

Here are some more of the best CHRISTMAS games ever! You can play them in a Banquet Hall, outside in warm weather, (or cold if you like) and in your living room.  

We were busy planning a fundraiser for Santa's Elves of Indy, when we partnered with Oriental Trading Company to help raise money to purchase Christmas gifts for local families. Chick-fil-a of Avon, Indiana was kind enough to donate a banquet tray to help feed our volunteers and the Santas. 

Before the big day, we practiced by playing many silly games like Elf Bowling and Soccer. We used some of the games on this list of Christmas party games to play with the kids .  

We like games that can translate to preschool, elementary, teens, and adults with little tweaks and variations. If you enjoyed our post "Have the best Christmas party ever," you'll like this one as well.

More of the Best Holiday and Christmas Games for Parties for Adults and Kids
Christmas and Holiday Games for Office Parties or Family Get-togethers.

Fun Games for Holiday Parties

  • Group Scavenger Hunt 

Divide into teams: Team Rudolph, Team Dasher, Team Frosty, Team Elf- you get the idea. 

Make a list of things to find and return to Santa (you) to win the game. Look for things around the office, school, house, where ever you hold you hunt and make a list, check it twice, and then print out a copy for each team. Teams can be of 2-6 players.

  • Christmas Ornament Bowling

Need a fun ice breaker or silly game to get great Instagram shots 

or You Tube videos? Try ornament bowling! To set up th 

game: Use rolls of wrapping paper. Unroll them to form each 

"bowling" lane.  Use miniature Christmas Trees or Decorative 

Santa Figures as the bowling pins. These Christmas decorations 

are the perfect theme for this holiday party game.

  • Icebreaker Game for a Party

How about this Sticky Note guessing game: Who am I?

Write one holiday thing or decoration word on each sticky note. Choose words like: Snowman, Christmas Tree, Santa Claus, Sleigh, Rudolph, Menorah, Danny Kaye, Elf on a Shelf, Bing Crosby, or Yukon Cornelius, even movie titles.

Players go from party guests and ask one question. The answer must be a yes or no answers. "Am I alive?" "Do I wear a red hat?"

Play continues until each player solves the mystery of "Who am I?"

Instead of sticky notes or paper taped to people's backs, try writing names on Dollar Store Santa Hats with Glitter Pens. Guest can keep them as party favors!

Dollar Store items for party games and favors
Fun hats make for silly games and fun pictures with kids and adults!

  • Santa Belly Limbo? Office Party

Add a Holiday or Christmas twist to a fun icebreaker game for the office. Have each player describe two of the worst Christmas gifts they ever received. Make sure one is true and one is a lie. Now, have another player guess which one is true! This is a fun way to get to know co-workers.

  • Candy Canes Game

Have you ever played the game spoons? Try using candy canes instead! The kids will like this game. Winner eats all!

How to Play Spoons

  • Fill the Stocking Race

Find the largest Christmas stockings you can (I found mine at Dollar Tree). Fill it with empty wrapped boxes. Have players race to unwrap them all. The first one done wins! 

Play the race to wrap game first, and then you won't have to do any upfront prep! See, what I did there? Yeah, my lazy meter is always on guard.

  • Hot Christmas Potato Game for Adults

Each guests bring one wrapped item from a Dollar Store. $1 limit! Play hot potato to Holiday Music. When the music stops everyone unwraps the gift, and shares what they got with the crowd.

  • Snowball Contest

You need baskets of new socks in all sizes. Each team rolls their basket of socks into "snow balls".  When all of the socks are rolled into balls let the snowball fight begin. 

Use a table or chair with a white table cloth to serve as each team's home base hideout. 

You can also make a snowman, and use his belly button as a bull's eye. The team with the most bull's eyes wins!

I sure hope you have the best Christmas office party ever with these fun holiday games!  Happy Holidays :)  from KCC

Recommended Reading:

Holiday Games and Recipes for Parties

Games for Youth

Melissa and Doug Christmas Box Of Questions Game

Christmas Games for Parties: Have the Best Party Ever with these Christmas Party Games for Adults (Tips to adapt for children's parties too)

Are You Ready for the Best Christmas Party Ever? 

Here are some fun games for your holiday party for kids or adults: For many years, I was a party planner. The office Christmas party got me started, and then I became a catering and special events manager. I had to come up with creative, innovative ideas for icebreakers and party mixers. We also have some fun ideas for New Year's Eve with the kids. Scroll to the bottom for Cotton Ball games that you can swap out for Marshmallow games. Enjoy!

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Christmas Games for Parties: Have the Best Party Ever with these Christmas Party Games for Adults (Tips to adapt for children's parties too)
Shh... I paparazzied Santa during a summer picnic. 
He was wearing this discreet disguise.

This skill came in handy when I later began teaching summer camp and afterschool enrichment activities for kids. What's cute for little ones is silly for adults and embarrassing for teens. Want to have the best party ever? Pick a few games for parties from the list below.

Click the link to find ideas for the best slumber party ever.

Games for Christmas Parties:

  • Gift Wrapping Game

Divide groups into pairs. Each pair of people stand around a table in front of a piece of wrapping paper, a roll of tape, scissors, ribbon, and shirt gift boxes. Each pair of players stands with one arm around the other person. Say "Go!' and the players must race to wrap their box with one person using only their right hand and the other person using only their left hand. (Keep the other hand wrapped around the partner's waist.) The first pair to wrap their gift box wins!

  • Toothpick Tower Marshmallow Game
Supplies: Toothpicks, mini-marshmallows, and adult supervision or use uncooked spaghetti noodles to make an edible game for preschoolers.  

Who can build the tallest marshmallow tower? It may sound simple, but you have to be super fast and some what creative to win. Suggested for ages 10 and up. Game details and instructions 

  • Shaving Cream Santas
Supplies: Shaving Cream, plastic spoons, and paper towels.

Divide into pairs. Each pair decides who will play Santa. The Santa covers his face with shaving cream. The other player is Santa's barber. Jingle a bell to start! The teams race to "shave" their Santas. The winning team is the first to have a clean shaven Santa and sit their spoon onto the table. To signify they are done, Santa lets out a loud "Ho ho ho"! 

Tip: Make this an edible game for kids with Non-dairy whipped cream.

  • Balloon Stomping Game
Grab a bag of Dollar Store balloons and give one to each player with some curling ribbon. The players blow up their balloon and tie them to their ankles. Now blow a horn or ring a holiday bell to start the stomping! Each party guest has to stomp the other player's balloons. The more you stomp, the better your chances of winning the game. The last person to have a balloon wins! Use masking or painter's tape to mark a circle of play area on the floor.

  • Little Known Secrets Game
Before the party collect little known surprising facts about 5-10 employees or party-goers. Collect photos of them as a toddler. On a colorful poster board, tape photocopies of the baby pictures and write the secret fact underneath the photo as a caption. Label the images from 1-10 (or how many co-workers you chose). Hand out paper and pens as guests arrive. Point them to your board and tell them to number the paper from 1-10.  Can they guess who is who?Winner is the one who gets most correct wins. If several get all the answers correct, place their papers (with their names) in a Santa hat and draw for a winner!

  • What’s in your Stocking
Before the party, fill several stockings with two or three non-breakable items. Tie the stocking closed with a ribbon. Divide party-goers into teams. Have them spread out into different corners of the room to work. Now, each team must guess (by touch alone) what is in their stocking. The winning team wins the contents of all stockings! 

  • The Amazing Maze Game

This is a fun party idea for a  child's party. Choose a variety of Christmas curling ribbon colors in a single roll or ball. One for each player. Tie a prize or party favor to one end of each ribbon. Hide the end with the gift on it somewhere in the house. Now, unwind the ribbon and wrap it all over the room, all around furniture, over tables, under doors, anywhere it will be a fun challenge. Tie a candy cane to the other end of the ribbon. Repeat for each player, tangling the ribbons if necessary. When the guests arrive, give each one a candy cane and have them follow the ribbon to untangle it (wrapping it around their candy cane as they go). Let them know it leads to a surprise! Then, let the chaos begin!

  • Christmas Wrapping Pin the Bow
Wrap three large boxes. Line players up single file behind each box. Give each player a giant sticky bow, spin them around and jingle a bell to start. They must walk around the box and then pin the bow on top, return to the opposite end and sit down before the next team member goes. The first team sitting down wins.

  • Find Santa's Reindeer

  • Buy some cute Dollar Store holiday plushies Reindeer, Angels, Santas, etc. Hide them around the house. The reindeers must be found to drive Santa's sleigh. Attach a clue to each stuffie of where the next one can be found. When they find a reindeer, they line it up next to the Santa stuffie. There are 9 reindeer to be found. When all reindeer are placed next to Santa you announce the winner. The winner is the one who 
    found Rudolph and/or placed him in the lead position next to Santa. They win the stuffie of their choice!

    Cotton Ball Games for Parties Fun Adult or Kid's Activity

    Cotton Ball Games for Parties fun Adult or Kid's Activity
    We have lots of games with cotton balls 
    which are a great sensory activity for kids.

    • Shoveling Snow – Cotton Ball Game
    Supplies: Vaseline, bowl, cotton balls, stop watch, camera

    How to play game: Everyone sits in a circle on their knees or around a table. Place a dab of Vaseline on the tip of each player’s nose. Place a bowl in front of each player with a pile of cotton balls next to the bowl or scattered in front of them on the table. 

    The object of the game is to have them use their noses to pick up a cotton ball and then somehow get the cotton ball off their nose and into the bowl without using hands. Hands should always be clasped behind their back. After 1 minute, the player with the most cotton balls in their bowl wins! The prize can be a wrapped surprise gift or a stocking full of goodies.

    • Sticky Cotton  - Another Cotton Ball Game Fun for all Parties

    Supplies: Bag of cotton balls, two large bowls, a blindfold, and a large wooden spoon or ladle. 

    Blindfold your guests and place them in front of two bowls, one empty bowl and one with cotton balls. Give the players a wooden spoon. They must move as many cotton balls as they can from one bowl to the other using only 3 spoonfuls. Tally the number of cotton balls per player. Have them go to the end of the line when done. Everyone gets two chances! The person with the most cotton balls in both turns wins! 

    • Cotton Ball Relay Races

    Supplies: Bag of cotton balls, two large bowls, a blindfold and a wooden spoon (Note: these are the same for another game above, you could play both at the same time.)

    Divide the co-workers, family members, or kids into groups. Place a bowl of 10 cotton balls at a starting line (Use painter's tape on the floor) and the other bowl 15 to 20 feet away. To begin the cotton ball relay game, player number one takes the spoon, selects a cotton ball, and walks it down to the bowl on the other end dropping it in. When the player drops the cotton ball into the bowl, they must race back to the start. When they touch the bowl, the next player takes their turn, and so on. If the cotton ball falls off the spoon, the player must return and start over. No hands allowed! The first team to empty their start bowl and fill their finish bowl wins. 

    • Cotton Ball Spoon Race

    Supplies:  Bag of cotton balls, bowls, wooden spoons

    This is similar to the game above, but in this one there are no teams just individual players. 

    Set your start line, halfway point, and finish line with painter's tape of chalk. Divide the players and put them on opposite ends of the halfway point. Give each player a cotton ball and a spoon. Ring a bell to start the race. Players must place the cotton ball onto their spoon, and race to the halfway point and return to the start without losing their cotton ball. They cannot touch the cotton ball after initially placing it on the spoon. If it falls they must return to the start line and begin again. The winner is the one who returns to the start line first.

    • Snowman Building Contest 
    Supplies: White trash bags, recycled items, plastic grocery bags, duct tape, etc.

    Get white trash bags and have the teams/players stuff them with recycled plastic grocery bags or old paper (shredded office paper). Get a basket to fill with office or recycled items (you choose what you have on hand). Ask a trivia question about the holiday, your boss, your company, or team members. The team who answers correctly first gets to choose an item from your basket. These items will then be placed onto the trash bag snowman with duct tape. When all of your items are gone the team with the best snowman wins! 

    • Cotton Ball Straw Race
    Supplies: Cotton balls, drinking straws, space 

    Use a long dinner table or the floor for this fun, competitive, sensory game for kids or adults. Hint: Teens love it!

    1. Set a Start and Finish line (10 to 15 feet apart.) 

    2. Give each player a drinking straw and a cotton ball.

    3. Let them know they must move their cotton ball from the Start to the Finish using only their Straw. (Keep hands clasped behind back)

    4. Tip - Do not demonstrate how to play. They can use it like a hockey stick, folded as chopsticks, or as a straw blowing air toward the cotton ball.

    5. The first one across the finish line Wins. You can make a dot on each cotton ball with a marker so you know who is what color. This will eliminate any confusion as to who won.

    *This cotton ball game can also be played as a relay race. 

    • Cotton Ball Target Drop - Easy and fun game for toddlers.

    Supplies: Cotton balls, bowl or jar 

    This is an easy games for the little ones. Toddlers and preschooler will enjoy this party game just as much as teens or adults!

    1. Player stands on a step stool.

    2. Give each player five cotton balls.

    3. They are to hold the cotton ball to their nose and let it drop into the bowl below. 

    4. Each player gets five tries. Give a party favor for each cotton ball that makes it into the bowl. If playing with adults or teens, the team with the most balls in the bowl wins.

    • Cotton Ball Snowball Scoop Up Game

    Supplies: 1 or 2 bags of cotton balls, bowl, spoon, blindfold 

    This is a simple game. Players form a circle. Blindfold the first player and sit them in the middle of the circle to scoop up as many cotton balls as they can within thirty seconds. The middle of the circle is filled with snowballs (cotton balls). Hand the bowl and spoon to the player once they are seated. Jingle a bell to signify the start. The player with the most snowballs in the bowl wins. 

    Recommended Reading:

    Look for more Christmas Party Games in our site. In the meantime, add some Christmas Stories to your kids' holiday party.

    ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

    *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

    How to Make a New Year's Activity Care Package for Midnight

    Make this New Year Care Package Kit for the Countdown

    What do you when the clock strikes twelve? When the ball drops? Here's a new Tradition for New Year's Eve. Make a Midnight Care Package for family and party guests to open in the New Year. Enjoy!

    Silver Surprise Package filled with... 

    How to Make New Year's Eve Activity Craft a care package for the countdown.
    Midnight New Year Care Package Kit for the Countdown.

    Grab those leftover gift boxes from Christmas or get busy recycling and wrap an empty box in shiny paper. We used a tiny jewelry box. Construction paper tag reads:

     "Do not open until Midnight - 12/31/16"

    How to make a New Year Countdown Care Package Kit

    Tie a ribbon around the package and insert sparkly pipe-cleaners. To make spirals, wrap the pipe-cleaner around your finger or a pencil. Wrap the end of the pipe-cleaner around the ribbon to attach.

    Loop another piece of ribbon through the end of package bow. Tie a knot to hang from mantle. Don't forget to curl all the loose ends with your scissors. Take strand of ribbon, stretch taut, and slide one scissor blade from end to end to curl. Hang from mantle on festive silver hooks.

    Fill box with fun gifts for the kiddos or make it a Midnight Care Package by filling it with a noise maker/kazoo and a pair of silly glasses, a special message, and a party hat. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!  Surprise.

    Tip:  For an Adult alternative, hang these from silver hooks over the mantle or from a fancy ribbon garland overhead in the doorway. Fill the tiny boxes with fortunes (think cookie) or use larger boxes and fill with noisemakers, and pen and paper to write down resolutions. Let guest open just before the ball drop on Times Square.  

    Tip:  Instead of resolutions, have guests write fun fortunes, toss them all in a hat, and pass the hat around to "reveal" your New Year's future.

    Recommended Reading:

    New Year's Quote for Facebook

    Games to play for New Year's Eve

    Have the Best New Year's Ever

    New Year's Eve Party Supplies *

    Cool New Year's Giant Decorating Kit *

    ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

    *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)