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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query holiday recipes. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query holiday recipes. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query holiday recipes. Sort by date Show all posts

FREE Preview of Kids Creative Chaos Cooks: Holiday Treats Cookbook

Fun Seasonal Games and Edible Holiday Craft Activities 

Our new kid's cookbook, "Kids Creative Chaos Cooks ~ Holiday Treats" offers holiday recipes and edible crafts for kids to make and mix. The easy instructions allow kids to surprise Mom and Dad with special treats from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. Celebrate family get-togethers with cute group games that get everyone moving. 

COOKBOOK for KIDS ~ Kitchen Kids ~ RECIPES
Holiday Treats is a collection of easy mixing and making recipes made up of simple ingredients. Kids of all ages can follow the directions and make tasty holiday treats. In this issue enjoy Mini Snowball Treats, Peanut Butter Turkey Treats, Christmas Cranberry Muffins, indoor holiday games to get your family moving, and more.

Cookbook for Kids Edible Crafts for Kids to Make: Kids Creative Chaos
Edible Crafts for kids to make.

Recommended Reading:

Kids in the Holiday Kitchen: Making, Baking, Giving

Kids Creative Chaos Cooks: Kitchen Kids Series: Holiday Recipes

9 Easy Edible Winter Holiday Crafts for Kids

Here are 9 creative, fun ways to make edible, winter holiday crafts. 

These 9 Edible Holiday Crafts are perfect for a New Year Celebration. We just adore the Hot Chocolate Ornament idea below. These winter holiday crafts are fun ways to play with your food. Holiday creativity abounds in the blogosphere. Which one is your favorite? Enjoy!

 9 Easy Edible Winter Holiday Crafts for Kids
 9 Easy Edible Winter Holiday Crafts for Kids. 

Edible Party Hat Craft for New Year's Eve Celebrations

Here are 9 creative, fun ways to make edible, winter holiday crafts.
Ice Cream Party Hats from One Charming Party.

Edible New Year Clock Craft
From Party Frosting

Hot Chocolate Ornament Gift

Edible Craft: Hot Chocolate Ornament for Christmas Tree.
Hot Chocolate Ornament from Craft Berry Bush.

Star of David Cookies

Star of David Cookies from

Piped Icing Snowflake Ornaments

Edible Piped Icing Snowflake Ornament Craft.
Edible Piped Icing Snowflake Ornament Craft.

Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments

From JimmieWriter on HubPages.

Holiday Treats for Animals: Bird Seed Ornaments

Bird Seed Ornaments from

Edible Marshmallow Dreidel Craft 

Edible Marshmallow Dreidel Craft
Edible Marshmallow Dreidel from

Edible Marshmallow Snowmen Pop Pals

Marshmallow Snowman from

Recommended Reading:

More Edible Christmas Crafts

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

8 Best Christmas Holiday Games for Parties for Adults and Kids

8 Activities for Christmas Parties

Looking for Holiday or Christmas Party Games for your Office or School Event? These are some of the 8 BEST EVER holiday GAMES for Parties. Even Santas like to play holiday games and do fun Christmas activities when they get together... And eat. They also like to eat. Scroll down for more of the best holiday games. Enjoy!

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.

The Best Christmas Holiday Games for Parties for Adults and Kids

Here are some more of the best CHRISTMAS games ever! You can play them in a Banquet Hall, outside in warm weather, (or cold if you like) and in your living room.  

We were busy planning a fundraiser for Santa's Elves of Indy, when we partnered with Oriental Trading Company to help raise money to purchase Christmas gifts for local families. Chick-fil-a of Avon, Indiana was kind enough to donate a banquet tray to help feed our volunteers and the Santas. 

Before the big day, we practiced by playing many silly games like Elf Bowling and Soccer. We used some of the games on this list of Christmas party games to play with the kids .  

We like games that can translate to preschool, elementary, teens, and adults with little tweaks and variations. If you enjoyed our post "Have the best Christmas party ever," you'll like this one as well.

More of the Best Holiday and Christmas Games for Parties for Adults and Kids
Christmas and Holiday Games for Office Parties or Family Get-togethers.

Fun Games for Holiday Parties

  • Group Scavenger Hunt 

Divide into teams: Team Rudolph, Team Dasher, Team Frosty, Team Elf- you get the idea. 

Make a list of things to find and return to Santa (you) to win the game. Look for things around the office, school, house, where ever you hold you hunt and make a list, check it twice, and then print out a copy for each team. Teams can be of 2-6 players.

  • Christmas Ornament Bowling

Need a fun ice breaker or silly game to get great Instagram shots 

or You Tube videos? Try ornament bowling! To set up th 

game: Use rolls of wrapping paper. Unroll them to form each 

"bowling" lane.  Use miniature Christmas Trees or Decorative 

Santa Figures as the bowling pins. These Christmas decorations 

are the perfect theme for this holiday party game.

  • Icebreaker Game for a Party

How about this Sticky Note guessing game: Who am I?

Write one holiday thing or decoration word on each sticky note. Choose words like: Snowman, Christmas Tree, Santa Claus, Sleigh, Rudolph, Menorah, Danny Kaye, Elf on a Shelf, Bing Crosby, or Yukon Cornelius, even movie titles.

Players go from party guests and ask one question. The answer must be a yes or no answers. "Am I alive?" "Do I wear a red hat?"

Play continues until each player solves the mystery of "Who am I?"

Instead of sticky notes or paper taped to people's backs, try writing names on Dollar Store Santa Hats with Glitter Pens. Guest can keep them as party favors!

Dollar Store items for party games and favors
Fun hats make for silly games and fun pictures with kids and adults!

  • Santa Belly Limbo? Office Party

Add a Holiday or Christmas twist to a fun icebreaker game for the office. Have each player describe two of the worst Christmas gifts they ever received. Make sure one is true and one is a lie. Now, have another player guess which one is true! This is a fun way to get to know co-workers.

  • Candy Canes Game

Have you ever played the game spoons? Try using candy canes instead! The kids will like this game. Winner eats all!

How to Play Spoons

  • Fill the Stocking Race

Find the largest Christmas stockings you can (I found mine at Dollar Tree). Fill it with empty wrapped boxes. Have players race to unwrap them all. The first one done wins! 

Play the race to wrap game first, and then you won't have to do any upfront prep! See, what I did there? Yeah, my lazy meter is always on guard.

  • Hot Christmas Potato Game for Adults

Each guests bring one wrapped item from a Dollar Store. $1 limit! Play hot potato to Holiday Music. When the music stops everyone unwraps the gift, and shares what they got with the crowd.

  • Snowball Contest

You need baskets of new socks in all sizes. Each team rolls their basket of socks into "snow balls".  When all of the socks are rolled into balls let the snowball fight begin. 

Use a table or chair with a white table cloth to serve as each team's home base hideout. 

You can also make a snowman, and use his belly button as a bull's eye. The team with the most bull's eyes wins!

I sure hope you have the best Christmas office party ever with these fun holiday games!  Happy Holidays :)  from KCC

Recommended Reading:

Holiday Games and Recipes for Parties

Games for Youth

Melissa and Doug Christmas Box Of Questions Game

7 Winter and Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Simple Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Winter is here! Oh, and Christmas is also just around the corner! Not only do kids love this time of year, but so adults do too! Even the most mature people in society can’t help but get a little giddy when it’s snowing outside and the bells are ringing! Christmas brings out everyone’s inner child. Of course, winter means it’s time for fun, family, holiday activities and lots of them! Read on for 7 simple winter and Christmas activities to do with your kids.

Simple Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Seven Simple Activities to do with Kids during Winter Season

There's no need to spend a lot of money or stress over making glorious holiday decorations and delectable cookies to achieve the perfect Christmas with kids. Simple winter and holiday activities make the best, long lasting memories. Why not start a new family Christmas tradition with these simple activities for family time with the kids.

  1. Decorate your whole house with fancy lights

Winter isn’t the holiday season without fancy lights. 

From the colorful to the vibrant, get creative and beautiful LED fairy lights to your favorite rooms. Make sure to get the kids involved by allowing them to have input on which lights go in which location. LED lights don't get hot like those old fashioned Christmas lights so go crazy this year!

To get some amazing Christmas lights, as well as other cool bulbs and lamps, go to Be a clever mom or dad by ordering your lights now before it’s too late! The more lights, the merrier the holiday season. Your kids will treasure this family tradition, so go make it a thing!

  1. Spend a day at your local slopes

Fingers crossed; it’s going to snow this winter! When it does, the entire family should wrap up nice and warm and head down to your local slopes. They’ll probably be lots of other families and kids there, too, which will make the occasion extra memorable. In Indiana, you can also do some stellar snow toboggan sledding at Pokagon State Park.

Don't Miss these Halloween activities!

  1. Create paper snowflakes

Kids love to get creative during winter and Christmas time. A great winter holiday activity idea is to create snowflakes out of paper. Follow this easy tutorial on how to make paper snowflakes from Martha Stewart. Make sure to carefully guide your kids through the steps, and don’t forget to be extra careful with sharp scissors! Once you’ve created your paper snowflakes, scatter them around your home for a special winter holiday decoration.

Here are some more fun snowflake activities from the Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos.

  1. Read Christmas stories

It's impossible to count the abundance of classic Christmas stories. So, this winter, give your kids freedom of choice when it comes to which stories they want to hear. Maybe it will be The Polar Express, or – wait for it - How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Click here for some great holiday books for kids that you may not of yet read!

Don't miss these Christmas activities!

  1. Go on a Netflix marathon with the family!

Usually, the weather is freezing cold during the winter months in Indiana. Of course, this means that a lot of time is spent indoors (preferably with marshmallow.)

When your family is relaxing around the house during the holiday, load up Netflix and go on a movie-watching marathon! Elf, anyone? If you need extra help, here are 37 of the best Christmas movies for kids available on Netflix. 

Don't miss these New Year activities!

  1. Have a cozy fire in your backyard

Bonfires don't have to be just for fall! If you have a nice spacious backyard, you should have a cozy (and safe) fire. You’ll even be able to toast some marshmallows, have some hot chocolate, and tell your best Christmas stories. While you're at it, make some savory s'mores!

Don't miss these holiday recipes!

  1. Build igloos and snow forts

When it snows, it’s only right that the entire family has a huge snowball fight! When you do, make sure to build some igloos and forts to make it extra exciting. You can even make indoor snowballs for an indoor snowball fight!


Dr Pepper® Fried Zucchinni Recipe with Flour

Looking for Fried Zucchinni Recipes with Flour

We had fun with Dr Pepper®! While making easy breaded chicken tenders, we had enough batter leftover to make fried zucchinni. The results were awesome, and it required very little effort. Scroll down to see how to make fried zucchinni with flour and Dr Pepper®. Enjoy!

Fried Zucchinni Recipe with Flour
Use a potato peeler to stripe your zucchinni.
They say all of the nutritional value of a zucchinni is in the peeling (think fiber). We aren't fans of the peeling, so we cut some off and leave some on. It makes an attractive presentation piece.

How to make fried Zucchinni with flour.
Slice zucchinni into bite sized pieces.

Slice your zucchinni into small, bite sized pieces.

Dr Pepper® Fried Zucchinni Recipe with Flour
Place them into a mixture of Dr Pepper® and egg. I know, ew, but it works!
So, that is 1 beaten egg and 1/2 C. Dr Pepper®. We're missing a photo, but the next step is to lightly flour your zucchinni pieces. We mixed 1/2 C. flour with a dash of Sea Salt, a dash of pepper, and a teaspoon of Dr Pepper®. Use a fork to break up the flour mixture. Tongs are great for flipping the zucchinni.

Looking for Fried Zucchinni Recipes with Flour
Fry in butter and a splash of Dr Pepper®.
Fry the zucchinni over medium heat in a pan of butter and Dr Pepper® as mentioned above. Flip after 1-2 minutes, flip again if not golden. Be sure not to let the pan grease get too hot. You don't want to burn the breading.

Looking for Fried Zucchinni Recipes with Flour
Easy Fried Zucchinni Recipe with Flour. These are so tasty!

Lay on a paper towel to dry and soak off excess butter mixture.
We made these as an after thought when we were making baked chicken tenders, but they are so good, we'll be making them again... and again! Let us know what you think in the comments.


More Recipes from Kids Creative Chaos

Holiday Recipes for Kids to Make*

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ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Easy Tofu Parmigiana Vegan Recipe with Fire Roasted Tomatoes

Vegan Parmigiana with Tofu Recipe

Here's an easy Vegan Recipe for Tofu Parmigiana with fire roasted tomatoes from Angie's Recipes. Enjoy!

Vegan Parmigiana with Tofu Recipe
                                   Vegan Tofu Parmigiana.

How to Make Vegan Tofu Parmigiana at Home

Tofu Parmigiana Vegan Recipe
Tofu after sliced, excess moisture removed.

What it looked like during the finishing stage. Sorry; I can't show the plated version after it went over the tomatoes, my family dug in immediately before I could get a picture.

Here is what I made for dinner over the weekend at the request of my 9 yr. old daughter. I truly believe, as she flipped through the cookbook and saw this, she thought it was cheese. lol.

Either way, this turned out to be a HUGE hit with the entire family even with my meat loving husband who already had a local pizza place on speed dial as a Plan B back up if he didn't like it. :D

Tofu Parmigiana with Fire Roasted Tomatoes Recipes

I doubled this recipe as the original just made 4 servings.  

1 pkg of extra firm tofu (14oz), drained
3/4 tsp salt divided
1/2 tsp ground black pepper, divided
1 small onion
1 can (14.5 oz) Fire Roasted Tomatoes ( I used chipotle style tomatoes instead)
2 garlic cloves, pressed
2 Tbsp parmesan cheese
1/2 C. Panko bread crumbs (I used italian style bread crumbs because that is what I had on hand)
1tsp Italian seasoning
1 egg
2 Tbsp olive oil, divided
1/4 C. mozzarella cheese
1/4 C lightly packed fresh basil leaves (I omitted this because the family doesn't care for it)

Extract Moisture from Tofu: Pat tofu dry with paper towels, removing as moisture as possible. Slice tofu horizontally into eight (1/2 inch thick) slices. Season tofu with 1/2 tsp of the salt and 1/4 tsp of the pepper.

Heat Sauce and Coat Tofu:  Finely chop onion.  Combine onion, tomatoes, pressed garlic, remaining salt and pepper in Small Micro-Cooker.  Microwave for 6 min or til heated through. Combine parmesan cheese, bread crumbs and seasoning on a plate, lightly beat egg and put that on a plate, dip each slice of tofu into egg mixture and then into breadcrumbs, coating generously.

Cook Tofu and serve:  Add 1 tbsp of olive oil to 12 in skillet; heat over medium heat 1-3 min or until shimmering. Add 4 slices of tofu to pan and cook 1-2 min or until golden brown. Turn tofu over; top with half of the mozzarella cheese and cook for 1-2 min or until golden brown; remove from pan; repeat with remaining oil, tofu and mozzarella cheese. Thinly slice basil. Serve tofu on top of the sauce and basil sprinkled on tofu.

Recommended Reading:

Vegan Appetizers and Desserts

Easy Recipes

Holiday Recipes and Games for Kids*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Cinnamon Christmas Cobbler Recipe for Christmas Morning: Kitchen Kids

Get Cooking with your Kids with this Christmas Cobbler

This Cinnamon Christmas Cobbler is a fun, easy recipe you can make at home or in the classroom with preschoolers. Made with refrigerator biscuits and pie filling, you won't believe how delicious it is. Enjoy!

Great for building a CAN-DO attitude.

Cinnamon Christmas Cobbler Recipe
Cinnamon Christmas Cobbler Recipe.

This recipe is so simple. The biscuits are good with only the Cinnamon mixture, but add the pie filling and it tastes like real cobbler- maybe better!

Cinnamon Christmas Cobbler Recipe
Cinnamon Christmas Cobbler Recipe.

You will need:

1 roll of refrigerator biscuits
2 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon red sprinkles
1 can cherry or strawberry pie filling

To Make Biscuit Cinnamon Cobbler:

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Separate biscuits and place on ungreased baking sheet or place them in a muffin pan.

Arrange biscuits in a baking pan.
Arrange biscuits in a baking pan.

Brush melted butter over biscuits.
Brush melted butter over biscuits.

Melt butter and brush over biscuits.

Cinnamon, sugar, and red sprinkles.
Cinnamon, sugar, and red sprinkles.

Mix Sprinkles, Cinnamon, and Sugar, then sprinkle on biscuits.
Bake in oven for 12-15 minutes.

Place biscuits in the oven.
Place biscuits in the oven.

Heat pie filling in sauce pan over low heat until warm.

Biscuit out of the oven tastes like a Cinnamon Roll.
Biscuit out of the oven tastes like a Cinnamon Roll.

Place biscuit in dessert dish, spoon filling over biscuit, top with whip cream.

Biscuit with strawberry pie filling- just add whip cream.

Makes 8 servings, perfect for Christmas morning.

Recommended Reading:

 Cinnamon Crescent Rolls

Holiday Recipes*

Kids Creative Chaos Cooks Holiday Recipes for Kids to Make*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Make a Baked Ring or Wreath Tuna Salad Recipes

Make Your Favorite Salad a Breaded Party Ring Recipe

Interesting Tuna Salad Recipes are hard to come by. This Tuna Salad Ring or Wreath is the perfect Recipe for a Super Bowl Party or Football Tailgating Party. Angie often contributes recipes to our blog, click the recipes tab above for more great party recipes. Enjoy!

Make a Ring or Wreath with this Tuna Salad Recipe.

Make a Ring or Wreath with this Tuna Salad Recipe.

How to Make Tuna Salad Wreath Recipe

2 large cans tuna (drained)
2 celery stalks chopped
onion chopped to taste
1 cup mayo
Dill seasoning to taste
2 cans Crescent rolls
1 egg white

Preheat oven to 375. In a Lg. Round Stone or Pizza Pan lay separated crescent rolls in a circle with point end going towards center of pan.  Seal sides of triangles together using a Pastry Roller or use fingers.  Mix all ingredients for the tuna salad in the Large Batter Bowl and then evenly scoop mixture 1 in from wide side, then fold the point ends back towards the wide side.  Brush on egg white and bake for 25-30 min.

Recommended Reading:

Holiday Treats: Kids Creative Chaos Cooks

Easy Microwave Potato Chips

Tuna Recipes