New Year's Eve Printables, Crafts, and Fun Activities for Kids
Happy New Year! If you are ringing in the New Year with Kids, you'll want some fun balloon activities. Lucky you! We have balloon printables, games, and activities for New Year's Eve celebrations. Enjoy!
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Start out with a fun New Year's Story...
New Year Activities for Kids. |
Happy New Year! |
Make some kid-friendly crafts.
Countdown Clocks from
Clock Craft for Kids. |
And at the end of the night...
Cartoon Balloons Floating Up, Up, and Away... |
Celebrate with a balloon popping contest.
Fill a trash bag with Balloons*, dump them out at midnight, and have the kids sit and pop them. Give a prize to the kid who pops the most.
Tip: Try this with Adults who've been drinking. Tee-hee.
As an alternative, purchase rocket or inflatable pumpers, and see who can inflate and pop the balloon first.
Recommended Reading:
New Year's Giant Decorating Kit*
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