Showing posts with label fourth grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fourth grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fourth grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fourth grade. Show all posts

Parts of Speech Activities for Middle School and Elementary

Parts of Speech Videos, Lessons, and Activities for Middle School

Grammar, grammar, grammar. I write everyday. I have novels waiting for completion. I'll be honest; I can't remember or didn't learn most of these terms. However, I'm able to speak and write clearly. These parts of speech activities are targeted toward middle school and elementary students, but many adults will also find them educational too. Scroll down for our online lesson. Enjoy!

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Parts of Speech Activities for Middle School and Elementary

We use these grammar activities in our daily homeschool classes. We don't focus on grade levels. We all (including mom) learn the same things at the same time. Everyone works at their own pace, so we try to find fun activities that all ages will appreciate. Writing an essay? Try this free grammar checker. 

What are the parts of speech?

Now, play this Parts of Speech Game to test your knowledge.

What is a Subject and Predicate?

Take this quiz about Subjects and Predicates.

Review the Parts of Speech with Tim and Moby. You must be a BrainPOP subscriber for this one.

Did you know Yoda speaks perfect English?

What is a participle? Watch this video to learn about participles and gerunds. More about participles.

VERBALS: What is the difference between an infinitive, gerund, and participle?

Now, play this Past Participle Game to test your knowledge.

Want to be an English Major? Here is a more in depth look on gerunds, participles, and infinitives.

What are coordinate conjunctions? You use them in nearly every sentence.

What is a subordinate conjunction? It isn't as complicated as it sounds!

Be careful, this one tries to trick you, Compound Sentence Game.

Master your Proofreading Skills with this game from

Why do you need to diagram sentences?

Diagramming Sentences (for BrainPOP subscribers only).

Online worksheet for review of types of sentences.

All done? Open a Google Document, and write a 5 paragraph story about your favorite animal. As always, tell me what you are going to tell me (first paragraph), tell me (detail each sentence from the first paragraph in the following 3 paragraphs), tell me again (summarize what you have written). While you are writing focus on the parts of speech. Include descriptive adjectives and adverbs, compound sentences, simple sentences, gerunds, infinitives, and participles. Share your paper with your homeschool educator or classroom teacher.


Using Adjectives and Adverbs in Poetry

Parts of Speech Grades 3-4 (Language Arts)

Schoolhouse Rock History Lesson

How to Use Parts of Speech, Grades 6-8

Cinquain Poetry: Fun Adjective and Adverb Video Lessons and Online Activities for Homeschooling

Cinquain Poem Examples for Students

In this online homeschooling lesson, we explore adjectives and adverbs and then use what we've learned to write a Cinquain poem. We found some fun videos and activities to help teach the difference between an adverb and an adjective. Scroll down for examples of Cinquain poetryEnjoy!

Cinquain Poetry: Fun Adjective and Adverb Video Lessons and Online Activities
Cinquain Poem Examples for Students.

What does an Adverb do?

An adverb modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs answer questions like: How? When? Where?

What does an Adjective do?

An adjective modifies nouns, pronouns, and phrases acting as nouns. Adjectives answer questions like: What kind? How many? Which one?

The adjective and adverb flash card video below is from Maple Leaf Learning. This video is best for preschool and early elementary, though it did help my third and fifth grader remember the difference between an adverb and an adjective.

Now that you are all caught up on adjectives, here is another fun video, which is more appropriate for second to sixth grade.

Here is another video from Grammaropolis. This one is my favorite!

Go old school and learn adverbs and adjectives with this Schoolhouse Rock grammar video.

Now, take what you have learned and use adjectives and adverbs to write a Cinquain. That's just a fancy word for a five line poem. Cinq means five in French.

Arts and Crafts Element

Supplies Needed:

Old Magazines
Construction Paper
Paste or Glue

Cut out adverbs and adjectives from old magazines.
Draw a line down your paper.
Label one side "Adjectives" and the other side "Adverbs".
Paste the words in the proper column.

Use the words to write a Cinquain poem.

Language Arts Element

How to Write a Cinquain

Line 1:  Use one word to describe the subject.
Line 2:  Choose two words to define the subject.
Line 3:  Pick three words to tell what the subject did.
Line 4:  List four words about how it happened.
Line: 5: Choose one word that restates or summarizes the action in your poem.

Math Element

Did you know there is math in poetry? It is better known as rhythm. If you completed all of the steps above, congratulations! You have written a simple Cinquain. Now, you are ready to plug in some more numbers and write a more complex Cinquain.

Rewrite your poem (or write a new one) using the following method. A true Cinquain is made up of a series of syllables.

Line 1: One word = two syllables.
Line 2: Two words = four syllables.
Line 3: Three words = six syllables.
Line 4: Four words = eight syllables.
Line 5: One Word and/or two syllables.

Once you've crafted the perfect poem, get some handwriting paper. Neatly, write your poem in Cinquain form. Decorate the paper to illustrate the actions and ideas in your poem.

Proudly display your poem for all to see!

Here are our examples of Cinquain poetry:

      Black and Festive.
They wanted Mosquitoes.
Finally, they ate Mosquitoes.

Is fishes a word? Yep.We used creative license to get two syllables in our first word. Jake wanted to write a poem about fish. So, he wrote a poem about various species of fish, or fishes to make the Cinquain work.

                 Tiny and Blue.
           Chasing Tiny Critters.
Catches the Fastest, Finest Chicken.
- Mayhem

Recommended Reading:

A Is for Angry: An Animal and Adjective Alphabet*

Poetry Patterns and Themes*

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Homeschooling Online: Cave Study Lesson

Cave Study Lesson for Homeschooling Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 and up.

Free Homeschooling Online: Cave Study Lesson.
Homeschooling Online: Cave Study Lesson.

Elementary Earth Science: Grades 3-6

Cave Study

Optional Group Activity:
Watch The Cave of Forgotten Dreams (Netflix) Documentary Movie on the oldest human painted images known to man. This is a full-length, artsy, feature film.

PBS Secrets of the Dead: Caveman Cold Case (53 minutes)

Educational Technology Component

Do an internet search for the following terms. Define in your own words.







Mathematics Component

Plot the following terms on the timeline:

Ice Age, Stone Age, Cretaceous, First Neanderthals

65,000,000 B.C. _____1,000,000 B.C. _____250,000 B.C. _____ 30,000 B.C. _____10,000 B.C. _____5000 B.C. _____2500 B.C. _____1000 A.D.  

Making Connections

When did the horse first appear in cave paintings?  What did the earliest ancestor of the horse resemble in size? When did this animal live? Plot it on the timeline.

Language Arts Component

Write (Draw) a simple story describing how you acquired breakfast. What did you eat? Was it a feast or were you still hungry after you ate? Use cave painting symbols and make a key so others can interpret your work.

Science Component

List five things that inhabit caves today.







Watch this Video:  Bats  (BrainPop Paid Subscribers)

Field Trip Op: Learn about the Endangered Bats in Indiana at Sodalis Park.

Art Component

Science Fair

Art History Just for Fun Online Games and Movies

Watch The Croods or Ice Age.

Recommended Reading:

Bats by Gail Gibbons *affiliate link

Science Project: Make a Cave Diorama 

Print this! Free Cave Lesson Printable

Copyright 2014 by Lora Langston, Kids Creative Chaos.

Simple Machines Homeschool Lesson Plan: Grades 3-5

Homeschooling Online Lesson Plan and Activities for Simple Machines

Homeschool Science Resources: Want to learn more about simple machines? This homeschool lesson plan shares online videos, games, activities, and questions will help homeschoolers learn and experiment with the science of simple machines.

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Simple Machines Homeschool Lessons online with free Printables.


Simple Machines Homeschool Lesson Plans

Target elementary grades 3-5.

If you have a Brain Pop Subscription go here: Simple Machines

(Tip: If you sign up as family vs. homeschool, you can pay monthly $10.95. They also offer a free educational video each day.)


Name this simple machine.
Name this simple machine.

Simple Machine Questions:

Which simple machine is used to split things apart or hold a door open?


Survey the room, list the simple machines you see:





How does an inclined plane make work easier?




Is a door knob a simple machine? Is so, which one?





Science Fair Experiment: Build a Robotic Arm from PBS Design Squad (includes Rubric).

Preschool/Early Elementary Connection:

Recommended Reading:

Lesson on Money for Homeschool: Budgeting and Online Games

Need an Online Lesson on Money and Minting for Homeschooling or Class Curriculum?

Do you homeschool or plan curriculum for afterschool programs? We've come up with some fun, online lessons that teach about money, budgeting, financing, and the U.S. Mint. The links lead to kid-friendly websites for online learning. We're also sharing the link to our original Google doc lesson so that you can make a free printable. Enjoy!

This post contains Amazon affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase, we get a small commission. This is how we provide free lesson plans and curriculum for homeschoolers. Thanks!

Money Lesson Plan Curriculum for Homeschooling.
Money Lesson Plan Curriculum for Homeschooling.

Money Lesson Online

Want access to the Google Doc? Click here and you can print out your own homeschool money lesson.


Grades 3-5

Watch How Money is Made by How Stuff  Works

Bennie's Pennies is also a good resource on spending for children ages 9-12.


Language Arts:  Story Starter -  If you made a million, would you share it with others?
Explain why or why not with details. How would you save it? List out the ways.

Watch Scholastics Video on Netflix - Amazing Americans - “If I made a Million.”

How Paper Money is Made Video - Field trip to money factory  

How Coins are Made
When you get there, click roll em to see.

Also watch, The Birth of a Coin (Cool activities here too.)


Math Activity:
Time Machine American Revolution: Fun with Fractions


Art Activity: 


Science Component:

Cat and Mouse Game from the US MINT.

Inspector Collector plays Cat and Mouse.

Place two coins of the same size, (quarters, nickels, whatever you have) on a flat, smooth surface.  Put a third coin of any size in front of them, making sure they all touch.  This is the "cat."  Place a fourth coin, the "mouse," about a foot away.  (You could even add a tail to this coin with a piece of dental floss and tape.)
Make your hand into a fist with the index and middle fingers pointing out.  Then tap down quickly on the first two coins with these fingers.  The kinetic force will propel the "cat" toward the "mouse."  Play with a friend, and see who can get the cat to the mouse with the fewest hits. 
Find more games and activities like this at the U.S Mint.

Recommended Reading:

Bennie's Pennies

Online Homeschooling Projects

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Money Lesson Plan Curriculum for Homeschooling Budgeting US MINT