Showing posts with label online activities for kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online activities for kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online activities for kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online activities for kids. Show all posts

Free Online Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations

Curriculum Recommendations for Online Homeschooling

Whether you're new to homeschooling or you've been doing it for years, you're probably on the hunt for new, exciting, and engaging curriculum ideas. We get bored with the daily grind and change it up from year to year or even season to season. Here's a list of mostly free online homeschool curriculum recommendations that we've used and enjoyed. We've tried MANY other options, but these are our favorites.

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Free Online Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations
Free Online Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations.

Brainpop Jr. is my favorite program for younger elementary and preschool. The videos are fun to watch, and the kids always looked forward to using Brainpop Jr. for Homeschooling

Brainpop has a an online homeschool for middle school and high school, but we often found topics we wanted only on Brainpop Jr. The upper grade version is nice for supplementing classroom curriculum. If you use the paid version, you have access to more functions and all lessons.

MobyMax is a great online homeschool app to find out where your kids are in their homeschool learning experience. They can take placement tests in all subjects and then the program finds learning gaps and helps kids focus and build on the areas where they may be struggling. The content isn't as fun and engaging as Brainpop. It is a more definitive tool for classroom use, helping teachers to keep all students on track. MobyMax can be used as a supplement or as full homeschool curriculum up to eighth grade.

Khan Academy is (or should be) a household name for homeschoolers. In the beginning, Khan Academy targeted older students and even offered SAT prep. Now, they also offer more curriculum for elementary school. It keeps track of their lessons and lets you know when students are struggling or when they are ready to move to the next level.

The kids prefer Khan Academy math to any other online homeschool math program, but homeschool mom always liked to supplement with free Brainpop math videos to make sure the kids understood the talking points. Khan Academy can get monotonous for day to day homeschooling. Sal does a great job, but it can get a little boring after awhile. We also supplement our Khan Academy math with Life of Fred textbooks. These books are easy to read and tell a fun story while sneaking in practical math lessons.

Now, there are new instructors and new curriculum on KA. My daughter enjoys studying high school and college level psychology and art history through Khan Academy.

My son does well with virtual homeschool. So, for online high school homeschooling, we are sticking with Connections Academy. In Indiana, it is a free online public school. Connections Academy offers group gatherings and field trips. He gets through the assignments quickly (though, I'm told many homeschoolers struggle to get their lessons done on time) so we supplement with weekly enrichment including museum homeschool programs and educational YouTube videos like John and Hank Green's Crash Course in American History.

Sometimes, when he's struggling on a particular topic, (for high school all text books are online) we find a compatible Life of Fred homeschooling book to fll in any gaps. It's nice to have a good, old book that you can hold in your hand and flip through the pages. He enjoys reading them outside while enjoying his hammock.

Sure, Connections Academy has teachers and attendance to keep, but when it's all done, he'll have official transcripts for college. 

I prefer Connections High School to their Elementary program. The elementary program seemed a little too intense. Especially, when you want the freedom of homeschooling. They're still working out the bugs and it gets better every year, in the past, we had to have weekly check ups with the elementary teachers. For high school, signing in and doing your work suffices. As it should...

In 2017, this homeschool mom broke her leg. That made planning homeschool curriculum and doing enrichment activities difficult. So, my daughter was pretty much on her own. She did great with MobyMax (so I could keep up with her learning) and supplementing with YouTube videos of her choosing. But, homeschool mom felt like maybe she was failing her daughter by not being as involved. So, this fall, we are trying something new! Acellus. I stumbled upon Acellus last year when I was laid up in bed. Many other homeschoolers told me it was expensive, but I was sure I found a free or nearly free version. 

But whenever, I looked it up, I found the paid online homeschool version, which seems to be set up like Connections academy, but with a private school fee. That's not for us! I gave up for a while, and recently tried again. It seems they also have a homeschool app which is found on a separate website, PowerHomeschool. The homeschool app differs from the online homeschool version, because the videos are canned - meaning they are pre-recorded 

That's just what we wanted! We like working at our own pace. These videos are similar to videos my daughter finds on YouTube, but these organized by grade level. We'll choose math, science, language arts, foreign language, and music this year. At the time of this posting, the app is $9.99 per month, basically the same as the paid homeschool version of Brainpop. We're looking forward to starting her in the homeschool middle school program this fall. 

The PowerHomemschool website describe the homeschool curriculum like this: "Students proceed through the course in a step-by-step fashion watching a video lesson and then completing assessment problems. Students receive reviews and unit, mid-term, and final exams as they proceed through the course. Learning gaps are assessed and filled as students move through the course concept by concept."

Seems like a fair option to give it a test drive before you jump into their online school curriculum. 

We'll also supplement with Life of Fred fractions and beginning algebra. One thing I've missed the last few years, is doing hands-on science experiments. After previewing the Acellus app's science curriculum, I was excited to try it. With a Google search for online homeschool curriculum, the app is hard to find. They have moved it to a new website with a different name. Find it here: PowerHomeschool

Bottom line, don't break the bank to homeschool. We have SO many books, every year, I'd go out and buy new books. We never got through most of them. Find a free online homeschool curriculum, that works for you and stick with it. Then, supplement with fun enrichment activities and family outings.

We also involve the kids in day to day household concerns. We talk about finances, debt, and even recently including them in every step of the home buying process. That included going to a lender, saving for a down payment, creative ways to find extra money like garage sales, selling off items no longer needed, the highs and lows of Craigslist and eBay, getting a water and septic test at the state level, watching our credit scores, budgeting for groceries, finding ways to cut costs to save for the new house, and even going to a county courthouse to pick up documents needed to close. So many lessons here. At the courthouse, we all had to go through the security, empty our pockets, etc. The next steps, include renovating the new house. 

Family struggles and life lessons are often kept from kids. In my opinion, this tends to give the kids an unrealistic view of what it is like to be a grown up. They can't wait to get out of the house and start their own life, but reality gets in the way of their happiness. Keeping kids life lessons and keeping them in the know, helps them better prepare for the future. Isn't that what homeschooling is all about?

So, what do you think of this list of free online homeschool curriculum recommendations? Do you have something you really love? Tell us about it in the comments or find Kids Creative Chaos on Instagram and chat with us there!


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Free Online Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations

Moon Magic: Online YA Fiction Chapter Three

Chapter Three Young Adult Fiction Novel Moon Magic

Are you reading the YA Fiction NovelMoon Magic? If not, start here: Moon Magic starts here. This is Chapter Three of Moon Magic online. In Chapter Two, Aurora attended a football game. It wasn't a pleasant experience. That weird guy followed her to the band room. She thinks he's a weirdo, but there is something about him that she finds intriguing. What is it? Find out in Chapter Three of Moon MagicEnjoy!

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Moon Magic: Online YA Fiction Chapter Three

Educational Videos for Kids YouTube

Watch YouTube for School!

We like technology. Whenever possible, we use it to educate. One of our favorite sources for educational videos is YouTube! We also use Nextflix to find movies and documentaries, but YouTube has great educational videos for kids that are designed for classroom and homeschool use. We often share lesson plans with links to our favorite educational videos. So, here are the videos we make sure to include in our weekly curriculum. Enjoy!

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Educational Videos for Kids YouTube
Our favorite Educational Videos for Kids YouTube.

We stumbled through a lot of poorly animated and lame educational videos before finding a set group of YouTubers to subcribe to. The one that sold us on YouTube educational videos for kids was the SciShow.

Subscribe Here: SciShow YouTube

Hank Green is the creator of the SciShow. They talk fast, but it is entertaining. Some say the SciShow isn't designed for kids. You'll all learn something new, that's for sure. I suggest it for tweens, teens, and adults. If you're concerned, have younger kids watch SciShow Kids.

While we were watching the SciShow, we noticed another guy who sounded and looked familiar. It is John Green, wondering where you've seen him? He's a famous author! Find more about him here: John Green.

John Green wrote The Fault in our Stars* and Paper Towns*, both of which were made into movies.

Note: John Green was born in Indiana. At the time of this post, he had moved back to the Indy area. (We're in Indiana too.)

Why is that important? Hank and John created Crash Course! These are our very favorite educational videos on YouTube.

You can watch a Crash Course in U.S. History or a Crash Course in Word History or Crash Course in almost anything. They are a very entertaining way to learn about history... quickly. Subscribe Here: Crash Course YouTube for the series of all Crash Course videos.

Here is episode one, but you don't have to watch them in order.

You can  watch a Crash Course in just about anything. Here is a Crash Course in Physics. They also have psychology courses.

For younger kids, we really like Songs of Animaniacs.

We are also big fans of Khan Academy on YouTube, but if you use it to homeschool, you'll want to go to their website. You can keep track of what you've learned and what grade level you've completed. Pretty cool. Khan Academy Lessons.

Nova is awesome for older kids, but on YouTube, you'll have to pay for it. You can find older episodes on some YouTuber's channels. Best bet, search for it on Netflix.

Here's another YouTuber, that is always creating new educational videos:

If you are like us and don't get cable, you might not be able to tune into your local PBS station. Never fear, PBS YouTube is here!

If you subscribe to Education TV channel, you'll find many of the Magic Shool Bus videos on YouTube!

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Online History Lessons: Curriculm, Printables, and Videos

History Online for Homeschool and Classroom Curriculum

Looking for a History Learning  Site? These online history lessons include videos, printable worksheets, and free online educational games. When planning your classroom or homeschool curriculum, check here for all of your lesson plan needs. We're always adding new online lessons for students so check back often. Enjoy!

Online History Lessons:Curriculm, Printables, and Videos
Online History Lessons:Curriculm, Printables, and Videos.


Language Arts Lessons Online

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! 

Universe Lesson Plans: Solar System Activities

  • Solar System Lesson and Activities

  • So many Solar System Activities, so little time! In these universe lesson plans, we've rounded up the most unique solar system projects and shared them in this online Solar System Lesson with fun, free games. Scroll down for activities for each grade level. Enjoy!

Universe Lesson Plans: Solar System Activities
Universe Lesson Plans: Solar System Activities.

  • This Solar System activity is perfect for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Of course, even older kids will get a kick out of making a hat and parading around the classroom!

Find this Solar System Activity at

Younger children will enjoy Astronomy Ad Libs with Curious George.

NASA has many universe related lessons, but this one on how to estimate star size is pretty cool and targeted for kids in grades 6-9.

NASA comparison of Star Sizes chart.

Is there life on Mars? has a free video on Mars with quizzes, games, and activities. Subscribers can watch a video on the SOLAR SYSTEM and one on the OUTER SOLAR SYSTEM too! Be sure to read the FYI's for interesting solar system facts, and do the online activities.

Want to size up the universe? This free interactive universe game from Smithsonian is a fun way to learn through edutainment!

Universe Lesson Plans: Solar System Activities
Click the image for Sizing up the Universe from the Smithsonian.

Practice Solar System Grammar and Vocabulary with this Hangman Game from

Free online solar system games
Click the image to play Solar System Hangman.

For more solar system language arts, do these Space Libs.

Solar System Switcharoo is a fun game from NASA.

Interactive Science Space Game.


Solar System Activities from AIAA

Learning Resources Giant Magnetic Solar System*

Moon Lesson Plan

Solar System Planetarium*

Futuristic Craft for Kids

National Geographic Kids First Big Book of Space *

Genetics Activities for Elementary: Lessons and Games

Fun Lessons and Activities about Genetics

Science is fun with lessons and games! These genetics activities for elementary and middle school (suitable for high school too), will teach you about Punnet Squares, DNA, RNA, and more. Be sure to click all of the links, and do the activities. In our homeschool class, we start the lesson on Monday and work through the week doing the experiments and lessons. Don't miss the just for fun section at the end. Watch how Game Theory discovers the parents of Princess Peach. Enjoy!

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Genetics  Activities for Elementary: Lessons and Games
Genetics  Activities for Elementary: Lessons and Games.

First, learn about Probability:

Brainpop Subscribers can learn more here: Basic Probabilty for Elementary.

Print (or do the work online) this Probability Worksheet and this Names Probability Chart.

Preview what you know with these questions about genetics. When you get there, hover over each question to reveal the answer.

More about Gregor Mendel. What traits are dominant?

Start with this FREE Movie on Genetics and Heredity from Brainpop. Do the activities here: Traits Graphic Organizer. Be sure to click through the 3 tabs and do all activities. You can fill out the chart and vocabulary on the screen and then save it and send a copy to your teacher or homeschool instructor. (Mom?)

Take this quiz from BrainPop: Online Genetics Quiz.

Watch the video, and learn What is a Punnet Square.

Scholastics Video on Heredity.

Hand Clasping Experiment 
Have you ever folded your hands together by interlocking your fingers? Do it now without thinking about it. Which thumb is on top – left or your right? A study found that 55% place their left thumb on top, and 45% place their right thumb on top. The other 1% have no preference!

University of Utah shares this Downloadable PDF about dominant and recessive traits. This information is a solid background for a genetics lesson. You'll also find a fun game to learn about genetics.

Watch this Video, The Story of Fido, about DNA and then do the following lesson.

This is a fun lesson to learn about traits. The printable PDF to Make your own Dog Recipe (with DNA) is also form UU.

Play a Free Online Game about Dog breeding.

Science Lab: Genetics with Pasta (Free Printable PDF from University of Washington)

Tip: We're always looking for uses for our leftover Halloween or Easter Candy, so we used different candies in place of the colored pasta. It saves time, reuses, and you can eat it if you want.

What is DNA? Once on the page, click through at the bottom to learn about genetic engineering and more.

Watch this fun Video about DNA. Then do the FYI segment. At the top of the FYI, you'll see images; click each one to learn more. Now, do all the tabs of the DNA activities.

What is RNA?
Find out: What is RNA? at

Click over to What is RNA? to read about it. If you want to do the activities and watch the video, you'll have to subscribe. If you are a Brainpop subscriber, be sure to watch the video and take a quiz.

Can you answer these questions about RNA?

Review, All About Genetics. When you pop over click the speaker to hear the article.

Just for Fun

Game Theory: Rosalina and Mario Genetics. Peach is her mother, who is her father? Learn about DNA with Super Mario Bros. and Punnet Squares.


Elementary Social Studies Lesson on Fair Trade: Homeschooling Online

Fair Trade Chocolate Homeschool Lesson Online

Fair Trade Chocolate Homeschool Lesson Online
Fair Trade Chocolate Homeschool Lesson Online.
Think Fair Trade doesn't matter to you? You've heard something about Fairtrade Coffee, but you don't drink coffee so who cares- right? Wrong! I'm guessing you eat chocolate or know someone who does. Do you know who picked your chocolate? What is fair trade anyway? In this interactive online homeschool lesson, you'll learn all about fair trade practices and why you should buy fair trade whenever possible.

Suggested for Elementary Social Studies: Grades 3-6

Fair Trade Cocoa Unit

Teacher Resources:
Cocoa Curriculum and Lesson Plans from Global Exchange

Student Lesson:

What is Fair Trade? - Read this Free Printable PDF from BrainPop to find out.

Another example on What is Fair Trade from

Grab your daily journal (or a Google Doc.) and explain Fair Trade in your own words.

Read more with Ranger Rick: Comic on Cacao Trees in Ghana.

Name 3 Countries that benefit from Fair Trade practices.




Mathematics Component

Cool Bug Free Math Game on Probability from Brock University.

Language Arts Component

Imagine you were a child in Ghana working in the Cocoa Industry. Describe a typical day of work. Use the information above to help with your paper. Do a safe search with to research more about fair trade. Make sure your paper has a beginning (intro), middle (main body), and end (summary). We like to say, tell me what you are going to tell me, tell me, and tell me again! Open a Google Doc. or write in your daily journal.

Science Component


Social Studies Just for Fun Online Games

For BrainPop subscribers, try this Game about Supply and Demand.

Make a difference play this fun Fair Trade Chocolate Game and help spread the word.

Recommended Reading:

Math with M and M's Chocolate

The Chocolate Touch

Fair Trade: A Beginner's Guide

Copyright 2014 by Lora Langston, Kids Creative Chaos.

United States Capitals and Symbols: Free Homeschooling Online

Lesson Ideas for United States Capitals and Symbols

United States Capitals and Symbols: These activities will help you learn how the United States came to be united. Study the state capitals and symbols with fun online games and free printables. Each of our free online homeschooling lessons includes language arts, social studies, science, and art components. Whenever possible, we also include math and PE. Scroll down for online games and activities. Enjoy!

United States Capitals and Symbols:  Free Online Homeschooling Lessons.

Elementary and Middle School Social Studies: Grades 3-8

Teacher Resources:
Free Common Core Lesson Ideas for grades 3 - 12 from

Student Lesson:

Do this:  While you are studying the state capitals, make an index card for each state. On the front write the state’s name in the CENTER of the card in big, bold letters. 

On the back, write the name of the state’s capital. As you learn facts about each state, draw pictures on the card to represent them. For example, for Indiana decorate your card with the Cardinal (state bird) and Corn (state resource).

Watch this video about how it all began:

Schoolhouse Rock The United States Preamble to the Constitution


Cartoon: Sing the 50 state capitals with Wakko of Animaniacs.

Now, you're ready to practice what you've learned with this cool Capital Catch Game from Match Capitals with States Online Game.

Learn State Capitals Game Quiz.
State capital matching game and quiz from
Click the link above to play game.


When did Indiana become a State? ______________________
(Write out the question, and answer it in your daily journal.)
Find out here: Statehood Dates

Fun Videos that teach how we became the United States of America:

Video on Boston Tea Party by Schoolhouse Rock: No More Kings

Schoolhouse Rock: The Shot Heard Round the World

Why do we have fireworks on the Fourth of July?
Answer this in your daily journal.

Schoolhouse Rocks: Fireworks

Read How did the American Revolution happen?  If you subscribe to Brainpop, watch the video here.

Grab a piece of paper (or use a Google Doc) and tell how the American revolution happened? Why did it happen?  

Start with this Printable Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer

Because of all of that, America became a melting pot.

How are you doing? Test your knowledge with a State Capitals Quiz.

More about the U.S. Constitution from (subscribers only).

Art Component
Let’s get messy! Make your own 3D map of the United States activity. You will need tempera paint, flour, salt, water, and some cardboard. Remember: Baking and Making is science too!

See how to do it at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

How to make a 3D United States map with salt dough.
How to make a 3D United States map with salt dough.
Visit Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

Language Arts Component

Grammar Monster explains the difference between capital and capitol.  Be sure to scroll past the quick answer to learn more about capital vs. capitol.

Science Component

What is the state bird for __________________? (fill in your state and bird). Optional: Research why your state bird was chosen.

Become a bird watcher in your state and Research Birds of the United States. Follow the link to learn about typical and rare birds found in each state. Find out how you can help report rare bird sightings.

Print this: Printable Worksheets for State Birds from

Did you know the state bird for Delaware is a Rooster, okay a chicken but still… :)

State Bird Coloring Sheets for Children from
State Bird Coloring Sheets for Children from

Early Elementary Component Pre-K - 3, but suitable for older kids too!

Free Online Quiz and Video on U.S. symbols from
Free online matching game: Match the United States symbols.

Name 3 United States symbols. On a separate sheet of paper, draw the symbols with crayons or markers.




Social Studies Just for Fun Online Games

Play this fun game from Where is that?

From State Snap match the states shape game.

Fun Activity: Collect United States State Quarters. Each quarter has special information about the state it represents.

The U.S. Mint has lots of online games and videos. We've got an online lesson on how to make money - okay, it is really about how they make money at the mint, but how to make money sounds more exciting!

Recommended Reading:

United Tweets of America: 50 State Birds Their Stories, Their Glories

Learn about Presidents of the United States

Fireworks, Picnics, and Flags: The Story of the Fourth of July Symbols

The Story of America's Birthday

Soaring with the Wind: The Bald Eagle

A Picnic in October - A story about the Statue of Liberty.