Showing posts with label thanksgiving crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving crafts. Show all posts

Turkey Apple Treats After-School Snack Activities for Preschool

Turkey Apple Treats After-School Snack Activities for Preschool

Purchase candy and food items for snack activities for preschool at the Dollar Tree for this easy, preschool Thanksgiving Turkey apple craft for kids. Find more theme snack recipes in our Summer Camp Handbook.

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Turkey Apple Treats After-School Snack Activities for Preschool

Use lots of cookies in various shapes and sizes, candy corn, goldfish crackers, candy sprinkles, and icing. I suggest graham crackers to make it a little less like junk food. Chocolate covered fudge stripe cookies became the turkey's base and orange Halloween icing bought on clearance became the 'glue.'

Apple Edible Arts & Crafts activities for Preschoolers

We have lots of activities for preschool. We teach messy and creative play classes. Here is a fun paper, turkey hat using your foot as a pattern.

Recommended Reading:

After-School Snack Cookbook

Edie's Best After School Snacks: Healthy snacks for kids like me!

Candy Corn Turkeys Recipes and Ideas for Thanksgiving

Check out these Candy Corn Turkey Ideas

What do all of these Thanksgiving turkeys have in common? Candy Corn! These cute little turkeys are fun for kids to make. Wouldn't they make cute Thanksgiving Placeholders? Just add a name card. This is an old post, if these are your images and I haven't added a link or attribution, please send me a note so I can remedy the situation.

Candy Corn Turkey Cupcakes
Turkey Cupcakes with Candy Corn.

turkey cookie
Turkey Cookies.

Turkey Cookies with Candy Corn
Turkey Cookie and Candy Edible Craft.

Oreo and Candy Corn Turkeys.
These look perfect for an after-school project!

Recommended Reading:

Thanksgiving Family Get Together Activity

Paper Turkey Craft

Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thanks (Reading Railroad)

Turkey Craft for Preschool Cardboard Tubes

Recycle Cardboard Tubes into a Turkey for this Preschool Craft

This cute turkey craft is made from a cardboard tube. We used found recycled objects from a nature hike. These turkeys use Christmas bulb ornaments, cardboard toilet tubes, twigs, and fall leaves. Each one is unique, and your kids will enjoy the family time spent making them at home. Togetherness :)  Enjoy!

Preschool Turkey Craft: Amanda, age 2.
She added the feet all by herself!
 make turkey craft for preschool
Supplies needed to make turkey craft for preschool.

You will need:

Collect leaves from your yard.
Save cardboard toilet paper tubes.
Tacky Glue or Hot Glue.
Modge Podge.
Sunflower Seeds
Walnuts w/ Green Outercoating, Apples, or anything from nature that is rounded
IPO of walnuts we used plastic Christmas ornaments that I purchased at the dollar tree!
15 for $1 - the perfect fit into the cardboard tube.

How to make a 'Green' Turkey Craft:

Cover cardboard tube with glue.

Glue fall leaves on tube to cover entirely.

Turkey craft for preschool from recycled items.
Turkey craft for preschool from recycled items.

I love this leaf! Isn't it a thing of true beauty? Squeeze a line of glue inside the top of the tube, and insert the turkey's head. Glue a leaf on the back to serve as his tail-feathers.

Draw on preserved fall leaves with a Permanent Marker.

Draw on leaves with permanent marker to make a gobbler, then cut it out and glue it onto your turkey. Also, use the marker to write your name.

Recycled Turkey toilet paper roll, old ornament, and fall leaves.
Mommy's turkey place setting name card, age unknown.

Cute turkey craft from leaves and twigs.
Cute turkey craft from leaves and twigs.
These still look cute after 4 days in a heated house. You might want to coat your leaves with Modge Podge to make them last longer or click here how to preserve fall leaves.

Happy Turkey Crafts! I'll be adding a turkey-themed craft each week until Thanksgiving so check back often. Please share your favorite ideas or ways to improve mine.

Recommended Reading:

Cardboard Tube Christmas Tree

175 Easy-to-Do Thanksgiving Crafts (Creative Uses for Recyclables)

Crafts for Kids: A Month by Month Idea Book

Turkey Snack Cup Kids Craft: Easy Thanksgiving Craft

Make a Snack Cup placeholder Kids Craft for your Thanksgiving Table. 

This easy turkey craft is fun for kids, and they can reuse the cup at snack time. These make fun placeholders for Thanksgiving when you write their name on the "feathers".

Turkey Snack Cup Easy Kids Thanksgiving Turkey Craft
Turkey Placeholder Cup for Thanksgiving Kids' Snacks.

I saw this on the Disney Family Fun Page using feathers. I thought we'd give it a try with Popsicle sticks from the dollar store. We went on a shopping spree with only a few dollars to spend to get supplies. When I saw the sticks, I decided that they would have to do. That's the best advice I give, 'Go with the flow'. We'll recycle and use the sticks in other projects


Leaves or Construction Paper

Hot Glue
Paper Cups
Craft Sticks

Glue sticks to front of the cup in a fan or tail pattern. Hot Glue works best.

Draw a face and gobbler on the construction paper.


Glue to the front of the cup itself or onto another stick.

Amanda, age 2, drew this face by herself!
She told me where to glue each stick.

turkey snack craft idea for kids thanksgiving celebration
Turkey Snack Craft for place setting.

Sam's, 'girl turkey', a thing of beauty.

Make a Turkey Snack Cap for Afterschool.

Fill with popcorn and serve pre-turkey to keep tiny tummys occupied!

Recommended Reading:

Easy-To-Do Holiday Crafts From Everyday Household Items!: Including Crafts for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and Every Day of the Year!*

Turkey Cup Craft

T is for Turkey: A True Thanksgiving Story*

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