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What are the Best Ideas to get Kids to Exercise

 How to Get Your Kids Interested in Exercise

Nowadays, with all of the video games and gadgets available, it’s difficult to get kids to put away their screens and try something active. This has led to a huge rise in childhood obesity and health problems related to sedentary behavior. As a parent, you want your child to be as happy and healthy as possible, so how can you encourage them to become more interested in exercise rather than playing video games or watching TV? Here are some of the best ideas to get kids to exercise to give you inspiration.

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how to get your child to exercise

Ways to get Children to Exercise:

Try out a sport

If your child finds exercise ‘boring,’ then maybe they just haven’t found a sport they like yet. Sports are both lots of fun and a great way to burn extra calories, and team sports can also teach your child vital life skills like teamwork and cooperation. 

Volleyball is a fantastic, fast-paced sport that your kids will love. If you buy volleyball equipment to play this sport at home, then you’ll need to make sure you look after it so it doesn’t get damaged. In particular, volleyball ball pumps are essential for keeping the ball in perfect condition.

Go to after-school clubs

If you don’t have the space or equipment for your kids to play sports at home, then you can sign them up for after-school sports clubs instead. These clubs will have much better facilities and will be able to teach your child more about the sport, helping them reach their full potential. Additionally, your child will participate with other children at these clubs, which will help them make new friends and learn how to collaborate.

Walk to school

A small change you could make to your child’s routine is walking them to school instead of driving them there (or letting them walk alone if they’re old enough). This will get them used to moving more and will reduce their total amount of sedentary behavior. 

Try sports and dance games

A fun family activity that’ll get you all moving is sports or dance games. Although video games often reduce your child’s activity levels, these games actually make them get up and move around in order to win. Games like Just Dance are also extremely fun and competitive - you’ll be having as much fun and getting as much exercise as the kids!

Just Dance Nintendo Switch

Ask them what activities they like

Most importantly, you can’t get your kids interested in exercise if you don’t listen to what they’d like to do. Forcing them to take part in sports and activities they hate will only make them resent exercise. For example, you may find out that your child prefers competitive team sports, solitary sports like running, or simply going for long walks. You may also find that your child isn’t very interested in sports but loves creative activities like dance. Try out a variety of activities to see what works for them.

Once you’ve found a form of exercise that your child enjoys, it’ll be so much easier to establish healthy habits and avoid harmful sedentary behaviors. Whatever you choose, make sure you enjoy the ride!


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Crafting Builds Confidence and Self Esteem in Children

 Essential Crafting Skills That Every Child Should Learn

Art and crafting activities have positive mental and physical benefits. Studies show that when children work together on craft projects, they build language skills as they create together, and more easily understand the perspective of others. Crafting also helps cultivate a child’s sense of achievement, building confidence and self-esteem through creation and experimentation.

In addition to learning important skills, supporting your child with creative outlets for free expression is good for their overall well being and health. Crafting is a wonderful way to relieve stress and offer space to learn to experiment and create. With a few simple supplies and an open mind, children will have a lot of fun while learning to enjoy crafting, all while developing a wide range of important skills. Here are some recommendations for teaching essential crafting skills to your children.

Junk Modeling

Open-ended art projects encourage the development of critical thinking skills. As a child makes a mental plan for what they want to make, they are building visual-spatial skills and exercising both right and left brain function. Designing models and sculpture helps children learn to evaluate shapes. An assortment of containers, wires, plastic, and random bits of household junk can be transformed into robots, toys, or mobiles. Provide glue and tape to help secure the pieces together, and paint and decorations for embellishing the model.

Help them turn a box into a pretend stove.


Hand sewing tasks, like threading a needle or tying a knot, help improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. As noted by the Philly Art Center, the small muscles in a child’s fingers, wrists, and hands are strengthened through arts and crafts activities, which helps to make learning to write easier. Older children may enjoy designing costumes or simple bags. Providing a sewing machine for children is a creative and fulfilling way to encourage artistic expression. Math skills, including spatial reasoning, measurement taking, and shapes are skills that can be learned through pattern making and design. Offer to host a fashion show for children to share and reflect on their creations.

What are the Cognitive Benefits of Crafts?

Making A Collage

Teaching crafting skills like cutting with scissors and drawing encourages the development of fine motor muscles. Suggest a collage theme and set a table with an assortment of papers, magazines, fabrics, leftover crafting supplies, and glue. Children will also learn about dimension and composition, gaining concentration skills as they assemble materials to create their art. Encourage children as they create unstructured work, focusing on the process and exploring the creation of art rather than the end product.

String Art

Children who engage with creative activities exercise and develop a creative mindset, learning there can be many ways to complete a task. With yarn, flat top nails or pins, and a bit of scrap wood or cardboard, kids will build skills like measuring and the steps involved in creating geometric and linear art. Patience and imagination will be stretched as they figure out how to transfer their ideas to the surface. Older children can be challenged to make elaborate templates or intricate designs with parabolic curves and repeating patterns. Dr. Kerry Freeman (Head of Art & Design Education, Northern Illinois University) adds that when kids engage in crafting and art for expression and are given the ability to take risks, they are developing lifelong innovation skills that will contribute to their success academically and as adults.

Learning essential crafting skills has so many benefits for your child, contributing to both their physical and emotional development as they grow. Plan to engage your child with age-appropriate creative activities every week. Enjoy spending family time together to teach these essential crafting skills to your child, it’s a wonderful opportunity to bond and create memories.


Pick a Collage Project from this list

Benefits of Extra Curriculars for Kids with Disabilities ad Special Needs

How Does too much Screen Time Affect Health

Is too much Screen Time Dangerous?

No matter how much you may try to avoid it, screens are an integral part of everyone’s lives and they are inescapable. With the increased use of electronics also comes increased concerns about how they affect us and our children. Many of us grew up with the old adage of “getting square eyes” or "you'll go blind" when we sat too close to the TV, but what are the real-life effects of too much screen time? Read on to see how too much screen time affects our eye health.

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How Does too much Screen Time Affect Health 
Samsung curved screen monitor available on Amazon.

Screen Effects on your vision

The rise in popularity of blue light filtering glasses has made us all think about how brightly lit screens might negatively impact our vision. If you work on a computer all day then you have probably felt some of these effects of too much screen time such as headaches and dry eyes, but you can also start to suffer from eye strain and even blurred vision. To combat these problems, you can use the aforementioned blue light filtering glasses, always work in good light, and avoid sitting in the dark staring at a screen. The number one rule for fighting computer vision syndrome is the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes you should take a break and stare at an object that is about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This helps give your eyes a break, and if you keep it up, you should notice a significant difference in your level of eye comfort.

Cut Down Screen Time

Eye Strain Sleeping problems

We are all guilty of scrolling through our phones right before bed but when we do this the light emitted from the device can interfere with your brain's sleep cycle and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. The bright blue light that comes from phones and tablets disrupts your natural production of melatonin (the hormone that makes you sleepy.) To keep this disruption to a minimum, you should ban phones from the bedroom and avoid screens for at least an hour before you plan on getting into bed.

Is your Child Cyber-Bullied

Chronic pain

Aside from the effect of the brightly lit screens, we can also see electronic devices affecting our posture and causing neck, shoulder, and back pain. If you are sitting at a computer or laptop for long periods of time, then you will often find yourself hunching over or gradually starting to slump. Take regular breaks from sitting down to walk around the room, stand up or stretch your body, and make sure your chair has sufficient back support. Check out the correct seating posture for office work and make sure you follow the guide on how to sit.

Limit screen time

Set an example – remember that you are an example for your children, so avoid that absentminded scrolling on your phone when your children are around.

Set aside time to unplug – choose a time when the whole family has to unplug from their electronic device and spend quality time together without phones, tablets, or TVs.

Use parental controls – not only can parental controls block unwanted content, but you can also set daily screen time limits that lock your children out of apps once they have reached a set amount of time.

If you follow these simple tips, you can reduce the effects of too much screen time. Your eyes will thank you!


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The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities for Children with Disabilities

Special Needs Children Need to Participate in Extra Curricular Activities too!

A recent report suggests that pediatricians should encourage more children with disabilities to take part in physical activities. It is common for both doctors and parents to be cautious about allowing children with physical impairments to join after school clubs or participate in sports and team games. Children with disabilities and special needs aren't always given the opportunity or encouraged to participate and enjoy the benefits of extra curricular activities.

However, a number of studies show that increased physical activity in children with disabilities can significantly improve general health as well as help to develop mobility, balance, and coordination. At the same time, involvement in team sports and other organized recreational activities offer great opportunities to build social skills, make new friends and boost self-confidence. With the right support, children with physical or learning disabilities are able to enjoy a range of recreational activities, from fun party games at a sleepover to residential camps during the summer.

Photo by Danny Nee on Unsplash.

Taking Part in Accessible Activities

Although it may sometimes be more challenging, many children with disabilities are able to safely take part in physical activities. With more accessible facilities, specialized equipment and personal recommendations, children with a range of different needs and abilities can find an activity that they enjoy. In addition, increased levels of exercise can help them to maintain a healthy weight and improve their cardiovascular fitness. 

While children with spastic cerebral palsy may experience difficulties with balance and movement, they can still enjoy activities such as horse riding or swimming that can allow them to experience greater mobility and independence. Even less physical activities such as drawing or photography are still very useful for refining motor skills and are also calmer activities for children with sensory issues. 


Joining After-School Programs

While parents are often more focused on academic achievement or medical therapies, after-school programs for children with special needs offer a great opportunity to try out a range of different activities. Each child has different abilities and requirements so it is important to find a hobby or sport that suits that builds on their strengths and allows them to develop and grow.  As well as having the chance to master a new skill, being part of a club allows children to make new friends and learn essential life skills.


Attending Inclusive Summer Camps

Summer camps are also a great place to develop life skills such as team working, resilience and decision-making.  As well as being able to choose a specialist camp designed to support particular conditions such as autism or cerebral palsy, children with additional needs can also take their pick from any camp in the country. The Americans with Disabilities Act ensures that all camps are inclusive to children with disabilities. This means that accommodations such as wheelchair-accessible ramps or additional therapeutic programs, are made to allow children of all abilities to access a range of activities suited to their particular interests and needs. 

With the provision of accessible after school programs and summer camps, children with disabilities and additional special needs can enjoy the physical and social benefits of extracurricular activities.


Summer Camp Activities from Kids Creative Chaos

Special Needs Articles from Kids Creative Chaos

How To Get Fit While Watching TV

Sit in Front of the TV and Get Fit!

Kids – and plenty of adults – love to watch TV, and in a lot of respects, this is a positive thing. TV is an ideal way to take some time out and relax, and it can be highly educational too. However, the problem comes when we are sitting too much, and the modern lifestyle that many of us follow involves a lot of sitting during the day. If you add more sitting thanks to TV, you could be making yourself very sick. 

How To Get Fit While Watching TV

Studies have shown that for every hour of TV you watch, you’ll shorten your life by as much as 22 minutes. Not only that but there appears to be an increase in those developing cancer (especially lung and colon cancer) when you sit for long periods of time. Add to this the circulation issues you can experience, and suddenly TV doesn’t seem like such a great idea anymore. 

However, it can be okay as long as you are fit and active during the day or if you’re not if you can combine your TV watching with exercise. More self-care tips

Use Commercial Breaks 

What do you do when the commercials come in during your favorite shows? If you’re like a lot of people, you’ll either watch them, or you’ll reach for your cellphone and scroll through social media until they’re finished. Perhaps you’ll go and make a drink or grab a snack. 

However, it would be far better to use this time to exercise. It might only be for two or three minutes, but if you’re watching two or three hours of TV and you exercise during every commercial break, this will soon add up. Even a small amount of exercise is better than none at all, and therefore using this time effectively is a great idea. 

Of course, if you’re using a streaming service, there won’t be any ad breaks, but you can create your own. Every twenty minutes, pause the show and do some exercise for two minutes before restarting it. You’ll soon get into the rhythm. The great thing about this is that you can do this no matter what kind of health you are in; you can even do this before cataract surgery, as there is no evidence to suggest that TV watching permanently damages the eyes. 

Do Circuits 

If you want to know what kind of exercises you might benefit most from while you fit them in to your TV watching, circuits are a great choice. You don’t even have to wait until the ad breaks to get started. 

Begin by looking at the length of the show you want to watch. Once you know that, you can create a circuit routine that matches. So, it could be 30 minutes, an hour, or something else. Spend five minutes doing each exercise and then move on to something else, and all of the actions can be done while still watching the TV. Or perhaps you don’t want to time things. In that case, you can have a list of different exercises and switch from one to another after each scene ends, for example. 


If you practice yoga, you’ll already know how good it can be for you. It’s relaxing, improves your overall strength, and will build your balance and flexibility too. Some people like to practice yoga in silence, but if you don’t mind a little noise while you’re doing each exercise, having the TV on at the same time could work out well. 

You’ll simply need to clear some space in your living room or bedroom (perhaps adding a yoga mat for comfort and safety), and then carry out a routine while your show plays. You should find that your yoga routine feels easier and that you can reduce a lot of stress because you’re focusing on the screen and letting your other troubles drift away. 


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What is Hoarding Disorder?


What can you do when someone suffers from hoarding disorder?

Have you ever joked about a friend being a hoarder because their desk is covered in papers, or their home is cluttered? Hoarding is a real issue for some people, and it is very distressing. At first, a lot of hoarders don't notice the issue and they probably can't see how it’s affecting their lifestyle or worrying their loved ones. If they do recognize the problem, hoarders might feel embarrassed and isolated from friends and family. So, what is hoarding disorder, and how can you help someone who suffers from it?

What is hoarding disorder? Are you a hoarder?

Hoarding Disorder and Causes

Hoarding disorder is when an individual keeps a lot of things, no matter what the value of these items.They could have anything from broken appliances to old newspapers stored away in their homes leaving their home untidy, dirty, and a generally unpleasant space to be in.

A person with hoarding disorder feels upset or anxious about getting rid of the clutter because they've often formed a strong emotional attachment to these objects, particularly if the hoarded item represents something sentimental to them. Several mental health issues can be connected to hoarding disorder: severe depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and psychosis. If the person with hoarding disorder has recently gone through a difficult period in life, such as the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship, or another traumatic event, this may serve as a catalyst for developing the disorder.

Hoarders often find comfort in collecting and saving items for future use. Of course, hoarding disorder can happen to anyone, but it isn’t uncommon for hoarding to develop in people who live alone or grew up in an untidy environment.

What Can You Do About It?

Hoarding disorder is when an individual keeps a lot of things, no matter what the value of these items.They could have anything from broken appliances to old newspapers stored away in their homes leaving their home untidy, dirty, and a generally unpleasant space to be in. 

A person with hoarding disorder feels upset or anxious about getting rid of the clutter because they've often formed a strong emotional attachment to these objects, particularly if the hoarded item represents something sentimental to them.

Several mental health issues can be connected to hoarding disorder: severe depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and psychosis. If the person with hoarding disorder has recently gone through a difficult period in life, such as the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship, or another traumatic event, this may serve as a catalyst for developing the disorder. Hoarders often find comfort in collecting and saving items for future use. Of course, hoarding disorder can happen to anyone, but it isn’t uncommon for hoarding to develop in people who live alone or grew up in an untidy environment.

Since hoarding is linked to mental health, typical treatments include CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and counseling to identify the root cause of the hoarding. If the hoarding is associated with depression, antidepressant medication might be prescribed and allow for some relief.

If you're concerned that a loved one has a hoarding disorder, gently suggest that they visit the GP with you. Remember, a lot of people with this disorder don't recognize that there's a problem. Others may feel embarrassed, so be patient with them. Let them know that you care and that you are there for them whenever they feel overwhelmed or when they're ready to talk about their circumstances.

When a hoarder is ready to deal with the issue and start organizing their home, you might also need professional services to help. Hoarder clean up services are specialists in dealing with these situations and understand how emotional and difficult it can be for the individuals who suffer with the disorder. A clean up service will also be able to deep-clean the property to make it a safe, healthy living environment for your loved one. While people might joke about being a hoarder, for many people, this is a serious issue that impacts their daily lives. If you're concerned that you or someone you love has developed a hoarding disorder, speak to mental health professionals for further advice on what steps you need to take.


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Healthy Eating Tips for Busy College Student

You can Eat Healthy in College

Hectic schedules are inevitable for a college student. But studying hard doesn’t mean you forget to eat. Remember, your brain needs fuel. It is extremely easy and tempting to grab a cup of ramen or a pizza with a sprite and call it a day. However, this is neither feasible nor healthy. Great news!  It isn’t an impossible task to incorporate healthy meals into your busy routine.

Healthy Eating Tips for Busy College Student

Basic Nutrition

The basic food groups are something everyone is aware of. This will help you determine the amount and types of food you should consume to stay healthy. Eating healthy can be challenging, however, the consequences of unhealthy eating may be slow to occur but devastating in the long run. 

With issues like fatigue, depression, menstrual irregularities, gastrointestinal issues, and low immunity, “you truly become what you eat”. 

Most people are familiar with the classical food pyramid, however, in 2014 this was replaced with the plate. This showcased not only the recommended nutritive foods you should consume but also gives an idea about portion size.

However, keep in mind that the portion sizes vary greatly depending on your age, gender, and physical activity. For example, a college athlete will need far more calories compared to a chemistry undergrad spending their days in the lab. 

Recommended Daily Intake

Typically, a college student needs about 4-8 servings (3-5 for females) of carbs of which at least half should be whole grains. Protein intake of 45-55g per day is enough whereas curbing your dairy cravings to no more than three cups a day. 

Vitamin and fiber-rich fruits and veggies, thankfully have no strict restrictions, but the recommended minimum for 2-3 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruits daily. Always keep various types of brightly colored fruits and veggies in your routine, because all of these are packed with all the correct vitamins. Some of these include but are not limited to broccoli, carrots, spinach, oranges, kiwi, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, etc. (via HealthCanal.)

How Unhealthy Food choices Affects Us

College and caffeine are a tale as old as time. Deadlines, gruesome assignments, early morning lectures, or warm nights surrounded by friends, caffeine is a constant companion. However, constant caffeine intake is linked to insomnia, anxiety, poor concentration, and performance. 

Instead, try to sleep at least 7 hours (get off your social media past midnight!). Limit those caffeine cups to 1-2 per day and try to keep those all-nighters, only occasionally in emergencies and spaced apart.

Even though this is akin to beating a dead horse, fats are deadly when eaten excessively, it is a major culprit for cardiac diseases and stroke. Nonetheless, cheat days are allowed and moderate intakes are encouraged.

Whole grains are the better choice when it comes to carbs. Excess sugar is converted to fat leading to weight gain and is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Low-fiber refined sugar doesn’t trigger insulin which stores away the excess sugar, the pancreas is unable to deal with the sugar rush, hence you crave sugars only hours after that delicious pasta.


Salt and preservatives, rich processed meats, canned food, and packed meals are at risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and some cancers.

Dining Hall Tips to 

Planning is the best way to avoid giving in to your sugary urges. Browse through the dining halls menu online and decide your breakfast before going to bed, so you don’t buy meals with your craving eyes. Some college dining halls provide calorie counts for their meals. 

Keep an apple or some granola bars to your snack on your midday cravings and avoid the vending machine. Many healthy lifestyle snack options, like nut butter, crunchy seaweed snacks, and protein bars.

Try to keep a protein source on your plate as well as a fresh item. Salads are a great option and mind you, there is way more to salads than just lettuce. Choose grilled instead of fried chicken. Replenish your plate with veggies and choose brown rice over white rice.

Desserts can be fruit instead of sweetened yogurt. Replace your sodas with freshly pressed juices and water. Try different items on the menu regularly instead of sticking to a single item. Avoid lingering in the dining hall for long, don’t use the hall for group studying and projects. This will distract you and tempt you to eat more than you need.

There are many ways to make small changes to your diet which will make a world of difference only if you put your mind to it.

Dorm Room Cooking

Many dorms may not have adequate facilities for cooking meals regularly. In such cases, stock up your pantry with items like fruits, dried fruits, bagged salad greens, can tuna, whole grains (oats), yogurt, and popcorn. 

However, there are many ways to whip up easy meals for college students on the budget and drowning in deadlines. From baked salmon to chicken avocado, many easy weeknight dinners are great and take little time to make.

Microwave Meal

Microwave meals can also be healthy and quick to make. Scrambled eggs, lean cuisine, potatoes, can soup, single-serve quinoa, or brown rice cups can make simple, quick, and delicious meals. Top with seasoning and wash down with some freshly blended smoothies to keep you full for the day.

Eating Well on a Budget

Money is always tight for college students. The stress of college work can be so overwhelming that budgeting meals while keeping them healthy is the last thing on your mind. To help you here are some tricks to save your money and your health:

  • Make a shopping list for each meal during weekends and only stick to that.

  • Avoid buying expensive snacks like chocolates, chips, and packaged frozen meals too often.

  • Shop for fresh produce and meats on sale. Not expired.

  • Buy one or two expensive items like dressings and spices one at a time during each shopping trip to stock up.

  • Always keep cheese and salads, greens on hand to whip up a quick salad with any leftover meat or fish.

  • Stock your pantry with items that have long shelf lives to keep eating healthy. 

Establish an Eating Habit 

Two to three solid meals are a must, daily. Eat while you are slightly hungry and at specified times if possible with small intervals between snacks and meals. 

You are likely to eat more while starving, but frequent small meals will keep you full and functioning. Even if you can’t sit to eat because of classes or sleep, keep a snack to munch on the go.

Portion Control

Easier said than done. We all know that all college students are perpetually hungry. However, try to eat slowly and wait 10-15 minutes before the next round. Drink plenty of water and eat on a small plate these are just some tips that can help you understand and implement portion control into a healthy diet plan.

Furthermore, keep in mind that you can always have seconds later, so don’t pile your plate with everything in the dining hall or give in to that discount buffet.

A balanced meal of carbs, lean proteins, and heart-healthy fats with a rainbow of fruits and veggies is ideal. Try to incorporate this as much as you can, at least daily if not every meal.

Smart Foods for Quick Nutrition

Adding a healthy item or two to your meal will not only improve the nutritive quality of your meal but also elevate its taste. Here are some smart foods to add to your meals or to snack on throughout the day.

  • Beans

  • Blueberries

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Dark green vegetables

  • Oats

  • Salmon

  • Walnuts 

These tasty items also happen to be brain foods. So fuel your brain and get your gears working for that organic chemistry assignment.

Eat breakfast, even if you wake up at lunchtime

Running late for classes or oversleeping, we have all been there. Nevertheless, skipping breakfast for that isn’t the answer. Numerous studies have reiterated the importance of a healthy breakfast on classroom performance. 

On-the-go breakfasts like single-serve oatmeals, greek yogurt, hummus, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, and fruits are highly packed with nutrients.

Make sure you take exercise 101

Yes, we have all heard this advice and we hate it. But this advice is repeatedly drilled into people’s minds for a reason: it works. Incorporate exercise into your routine, like your classes you shouldn’t miss. 

Set up a workout corner in your room, walk to class, join a gym or join the college sports team or local fitness centers, the options are endless once you put your mind into it. Improved mood, sleep, and good memory will help you gain better results. 


Limit alcohol intake

The one beverage with absolutely no nutritional benefits and is detrimental to your health is alcohol. The occasional light drink during parties is acceptable but indulgence is a recipe for disaster.

Loss weight sensibly 

Starvation is never the answer to losing weight. You run the risk of developing eating disorders with fad diets and diet pills. Studies found no link between certain food combinations with weight loss. Instead balanced meals with exercise are the surest way to maintain a healthy weight. Remember health is not measured by the models and celebrities on social media and magazines.

Enjoy your pizza with half the cheese, baked potato, a regular size roast beef sandwich, or green salad. Forego the tasty trio: French fries, fried chicken, and fish sandwiches which are loaded with fat. This way you can enjoy fried food guilt-free.


The best advice for healthy eating is to take things easy. Keep your bones healthy with calcium-rich foods, stay hydrated and please try to sleep. All of these steps work in tandem to keep your mind and body healthy. Enjoy weekends thoroughly.

Gauge how your body reacts to different foods and adjust accordingly. Armed with the correct knowledge, tackle your next semester with a healthy body, sharp mind, and less stress. Remember, you can consistently score high as long as you are healthy.


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