Showing posts with label letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label letters. Show all posts

7 Sight Word Games for Preschool and Elementary

Fun Sight Word Activities

Learning sight words can be fun. These 7 sight word games for preschool and elementary incorporate sensory elements and make the letters tangible whenever possible. We rounded up all of our fun sight word activities and letter lessons to help you plan curriculum for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Enjoy!

Sight Word Games for Preschool and Elementary
Sight Word Games for Preschool and Elementary.

Recommended Reading:

Duck and Goose Colors*

Meet the Sight Words *

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Repurpose Anything into Handmade Magnetic Chalkboards even Pumpkins

Is that a chalkboard pumpkin? 

Why yes it is a chalkboard pumpkin, why do you ask?

That's Right, anything can make a chalkboard. It started with a kitchen wall for my pre-schoolers. I hadn't discovered magnetic paint yet. I bought a black can of chalkboard paint (green didn't go with my decor) and painted an entire wall. It made a fun, new place to teach spelling and math for our homeschoolers.  Enjoy!

Make a Plastic Pumpkin Painted with Chalkboard Paint.
Make a Plastic Pumpkin Painted with Chalkboard Paint.

That's our chalkboard on the wall behind Jake.
It's Kitschy ~ I signed into Etsy and saw someone selling horse statues they had painted with chalkboard paint. Well, a light went off in my head. I love to create 'stuff' from junk. I repurpose everything I can to help make the world a better place. :) 

how to make a magnetic chalkboard pumpkin for fun fall homeschool lesson
How to make a magnetic chalkboard pumpkin 
for fun fall homeschool lessons.

Well, hello there, proud, magnetic pumpkin!

Start with a plastic pumpkin. You can find them at Michael's and JoAnn's. Sand the pumpkin lightly so the paint will take hold.  Then add 2-3 layers of magnetic paint. It is imperative that you let it dry 24 hours between coats. When magnets stick to it you're done.

Paint a chalkboard on your wall
Paint a chalkboard on your wall like this one behind Mayhem.

You can eve make your own magnets from re-purposed puzzle pieces painted with a silly character. I have so many advertiser's magnets (flat ones from doctor's offices). I cut them up and hot glue them to the backs of things. Here are some cool magnets from the NURTURE STORE.

Originally, I used a can of chalkboard paint and a brush. Then, I discovered chalkboard spray paint...  Awesome!  I had concerns that it would run, but it was excellent and left no messy brush strokes! Again, you must wait 24 hours between coats. Patience is a virtue for a reason. I used two coats allowing it to dry for 24 hours before prepping for chalk. To prep, color the entire item with chalk and let it set overnight. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.

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Recommended Reading:

The Runaway Pumpkin *ad

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